Friday, April 30, 2010

Survivor-Heroes vs Villains-Swimming in Yeah!

One word about this episode, weak as water, ok three words! And Amanda deserved to go home if she couldn't play dirty. What is it about that girl, she always looks like she was just scolded by her mother. The only expression her face knows is pouting. Sure, now she finally plays the game, when she, Danielle and Colby win the challenge and go off to Robert Louis Stevenson's house. Forget that they were in the presence of history, forget that they got to see what most of the world will never see, forget that he was one of the greatest writers, let's look for the idol clue and let's be obvious about it. Amanda was not too sly when she was looking for it. I know if I were there, I so would have found it, because I would have been hogging the popcorn bowl. I don't know why Danielle didn't excuse herself to use the potty when she found the clue, or stick it in those sewn together boobs of hers but instead drops it under the bed. And that whole move by Amanda positioning herself next to Danielle, they must have edited some parts, because first she's on the right side of Colby, (almost looked like some squeaky clean porn scene) and the next thing you know she's slithering around on the floor next to Danielle. Come on, let's be obvious! First of all if I were Amanda, I would have never given over the clue, who cares if Colby didn't back her, no guts no million! Colby should have acted like King Solomon in this situation and ripped the clue in half, or at least read it and then it would have been every man for themselves. Danielle got her just desserts however, when the idol magnet, Russell, beats her in finding it. It's amazing how stupid Danielle is, why would she tell anyone? I could see her telling Par, but Russell? Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I was liking Candace up to this point, but when she flipped and spilled the beans on her tribe, Russell lived to see another day. Who could blame Sandra with voting with the villains, she did her best in trying to reason with deaf heroes to vote out Russell, but Candace who hasn't had any game decides to start playing, why?
Looks like maybe the villains will be turning on their king (Russell) and the ladies in waiting will strike next week to get him out. How he's last this long is beyond me, oh yeah, because everyone is so stupid! One word about Jerri, who this entire season has not uttered one memorable word until last night, when doing her cat ate a rat smile (she has the smallest little teeth) after winning the immunity challenge, said that she is "swimming in Yeah". I'm adopting that sentence, without the arm movements, thanks Jerri!-Single D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Amazing Race-Shanghai and He Pingping

All teams board a flight to Shanghai, China, with Brent exclaiming that all those charming waterways reminded him of Sicily, er don't you mean Venice? Shanghai, the Venice of China, looks absolutely beautiful and clean... put on bucket list. I've been to Hong Kong and the Hunan Provence, but never to Shanghai. Isn't that where Tom Cruise runs though the alleyways in Mission Impossible? The roadblock is to make China's famed noodles by hand, where they are greeted by a impossibly small Chinese Mini Mee, He Pingping, who sadly the episode was in tribute to because he passed away in March of this year from heart complications. Probably from all that smoking as he sucked cigarettes after cigarettes, he was a chain smoker. As the cowboys said, smoking does stunt your growth. He Pingping was entered into Guinness World Book of Records as the world smallest man (tell me that shoe is a size 12?) and he was certainly a cutie. Louie bragged that he's Italian and could make pasta, which turned out to be an utter disaster. Jordan kept complaining about his frozen fingers, woosie, and Brent kept yelling at Caite to go faster. Shut your pie hole! Jet plowed on in quite diligence like they usually do and managed to finish first and run to the next roadblock, making a large stadium puzzle sign. I was so hoping that Brent and Caite would mess this challenge up especially when a big gust of wind swept Brent's puzzle pieces away, but it would be the detectives, who had a pretty good run of doing mostly everything without a hiccup, couldn't master puzzle making. Come on, it's a puzzle, you should be good at solving it. Fortunately for them, this was a non-elimination leg and they live to see another day of racing. This will probably be a show down with the four teams running to the finish. Still hoping for oh my gravy to win first!-Single D

Monday, April 26, 2010

Survivor-Heroes vs Villains-See Ya JT

I spent the entire episode throwing pillows at my TV and screaming stupid, stupid stupid. Has JT been living in a cave this past year? He is so dumb he makes Forrest Gump look like Albert Einstein. Shoot, he even said that Russell could be the leader of the villains, but then shook his head like a dummy, uh I don't think so. A People interview had him saying that the whole note thing made it look like it was only his idea, but that it was everyone trying to put their "two cents" in it as well. Well, I'm just wondering whose bright idea it was in the first place to even write a note and give the idol, since it was JT's in the beginning. Humm? In a breaking news flash, the Chicago Sun Times has reported that Russell has been charged for simple battery for knocking down a woman in Louisiana. He was probably grabbing an hidden immunity idol!
When the tribes merge, I'm finally thinking maybe Sandra will tell the heroes just what is going on and who is really pulling the strings. She manages to tell Rupert who then tells the others. But do they listen to him? NO. Come on, as told by the mouth of a villain and no one believes her. Yeah I know, she doesn't exactly look trusting, she does have that cunning hungry look about her, but anyone with two brain cells should have given that some thought. Only Rupert who runs around like some Nostradamus tries to persuade the others, but it only falls on dumb ears. JT sways the camp to vote out Sandra. Come on, Sandra, really? That's what you get when you give vital information that could save your ass, a thanks and a vote out! The heroes don't have any idea that the self proclaimed queen, Paravati holds the other idol, much to Russell's ignorance. JT's thinking that he'll ask Russell to vote out Paravati to show his trust, yeah right. Russell hasn't done anything trustworthy or has he? when in a surprising turn of what, stupidity? trustworthiness? (why are the men so stupid?) gives Paravati his idol so now queen bee has in her possession, two hidden immunity idols as she laughs her evil grin all the way to the bank. At tribal, the heroes think they have this sewn up, but right before the votes are read, we are thinking, will Par give over her idol? Instead she does a double whammy and gives one to Sandra and one to Jerri (who grins like a Cheshire cat who swallowed a rat). She in this one fell swoop out plays Russell by giving away two immunity idols. Whoever does that? Give away two idols? She's like a female Russell! Cheese and crackers didn't see that one coming and neither did JT as his torch is put out and his tail is between his legs! Just goes to show you can't make a pact with the devil and live to tell about it. -Single D