Friday, September 5, 2008

Project Runway-Diane Von Furstenberg-Need I Say More?

Again I miss the first fifteen minutes of this episode, I really need to brush my teeth earlier! I came into the episode where Stella is saying that can she make something Diane would like? Now's the time to do something pretty Stella, not during the car challenge! When she said Diane, I knew it was Von Furstenberg, who else? Everyone was saying something about a Shanghai to Berlin story which to me sounded like a sound bite from some Indy movie or like some catalog description out of that Peterman catalog, you know the one where there is great intrigue surrounding a trench coat, which always made me want to buy it. Joe is inspired by Shanghai and is doing something of a Shanghai top with an open back. I was wondering why just a top, couldn't he done a full on Mandarin dress like that? Korto is loving her yellow fabric peeking through her dress which Tim says, it looks like bra straps. Me, I'm loving the yellow to with that striped material which screams Von Furstenberg! Meanwhile, Stella gets the story wrong and ends up in a wrong country, probably a country where they all wear leather. The winner of this challenge will get to sell their design to American Express cardholders online under the Diane label. This perplexes me, why only American Express? Doesn't sound like a wide audience. Kenley is so excited, like I've only sold to Walmart and Kmart, duh. And what was Kenley wearing during the runway show, purple ostrich shoulder pads?
Joe was so loving his outfit, if he could have kiss his ass he would have. I guess love is blind, because that outfit was auful! Blayne did knickers again and identifies with Diane, she's into tanning too! The judges hated Stella's Dracula Cape and Michael Kors said her crotch on the pants looked like there was something missing. Hey Michael, it's a girl for heaven's sake!
I just didn't get Suede's Berlin inspired outfit. What was Berlin about it, the vest made of tweed? Isn't that more British? Michael Kors said it looked like the model got dressed in the dark-ouch! Leanne wins this challenge with her midnight blue evening dress and that I stole my grammie bed jacket. I'm wondering how many orders she'll get for that? Poor Stella was aufed by the judges because she really can't do pretty. Best left designing rocker outfits and biker chics. -Single D
When the designers are told they will be designing for a fashion icon Blayne hopefully asks Mary Kate Olsen (?!) I think the tanning booth has fried a few too many of his brain cells. No Blayne, it's Diane Von Furstenberg and we're going to Shanghai! I was starting to wonder if Kenley was ever going to stop crying. Apparently Ms. VF is her idol and she couldn't believe she was going to meet her let alone design for the woman. Then they are told they get to chose their fabrics from Diane's own fabric room and that started Kenley bawling all over again. Get a grip girl!
I'm having terrible writer's block this week so I'll suffice by saying Joe's outfit was God awful, Stella tried but apparently didn't get the whole Shanghai thing. My fave was Kenley's dress and I really think she would have won if she had paired it with a jacket. I wasn't digging Blayne's knickers or Jarell's whatever you want to call it. I really liked LeAnn's dress but not the jacket. That said, Stella gets auf'ed and congrats go to LeAnn! Hopefully I'll find my muse, or at least an idol, and be better next week! Double D

Big Brother-POV and Eviction of Renny

I had to crack up when Jerry fell in the pool trying to read the sky writing. Oophs there's a pool there Jerry! That's probably the only time he went swimming! At least he didn't break a hip or something and we never did find out what it was that sky writing was about.
I'm thinking Memphis is getting cocky by playing all sides. He has a pact with Jerry, a pact with Dan the original Renegades, and a pact with Keesha. Dan says that if he uses the POV on him, he should show a signal like throwing out a bandanna or something. What are ya in a gang? Can Memphis be trusted? The POV was the morphing competition where they blend the faces of two house guest together. I always love this challenge, it's funny to see what kind of babies the house guest would make. Renny thought her baby picture was the cutest, her morphed with Jesse. She must have spent five minutes just gazing at her lovely countenance, but she had the hardest time recognizing Jerry-hey who else has a bald head in the house? The ugliest babies by far were Keesha and Steven, as well as Memphis and Libra. Memphis has the fastest time and wins the POV and keeps his word to Dan and takes him off the block. Poor Renny has to go up in his stead. We all know the outcome to this so the next episode they could have fast forward to Renny's eviction, no surprises there. Jerry in his own sly way is trying to stir up the pot in the house by saying that Memphis has a pact with everyone, which is true. Poor Jerry, he's never going to find a true partner to take him to the end. How he's gotten this far is beyond me.
It was a sweet moment when Keesha and Renny were having their last meal together and had a mother-daughter bonding moment. Doesn't Renny look like she always completely drunk on every episode? Entering the Big Brother house must be like going into rehab. This episode there was a lot of laying on the beds. Did ya notice Memphis was still wearing his mic in bed? What a good little house guest!
Big Brother gives us a peek in the Big Brother jury house, not much happening there.
April still hates Keesha
April gets teary eyed seeing Ollie suffer on the swing vine
April still loves Ollie
April says yes to being Ollie's girl-say it with me, awww
Michelle still hates Dan
Renny's exit was gracious as a grand southern dame can be. Was she ever in that Ya Ya Sisterhood movie? -Single D

Monday, September 1, 2008

Blogging Bourdain-Marathon Labor Day

I decided to cook a turkey on Labor Day, which my daughter quizzically says, it isn't Thanksgiving. I promptly tell her that turkey can be eaten any day, any month and any time one needs lots of leftovers for the week. This being only the second week of school and the lunch lines being extremely long for the hot lunch, my daughter is forced to bring her lunch or not eat. So turkey sandwiches sounded good and easy for her lunches, hence roasting a turkey on Labor Day. Therefore, a marathon of No Reservations were in order, since there wasn't much of anything. It was either that or the MDA telethon. How long can one watch people answer phones and an amature talent lineup?
Anthony Bourdain starts out on a road trip where the criteria for a road trip is lots of eating, drinking and of course puking, I would think that's his criteria for traveling abroad. He makes a stop at the Salton Sea where he recites an interesting history, of forgone popularity and of abandonment, of too much salt and lots of dead fish, of government purchase with no government benefits. It is here he makes a lunch stop at the community of Bombay Beach, currently home to 270 residents or in this case die hards living on the edge of the salty sea. He enters probably the only eating establishment where he orders the patty melt which he says he's never had one. Never had a patty melt? Pigeon necks yes, patty melts no. Do these people in there even know who he is? I think not, when one of them says can you eat and drink on the job? To which Anthony Bourdain says that's what I do. Well heck, where do I sign up? Next it's on to some redneck outpost. It is here that I am furiously surfing since this stretch of the road trip is a napper. Here they stop somewhere to eat a 72 oz steak, the sounds of Deliverance banjos in the background and somewhere there's a redneck wedding going on.
Next it's on to Cartagena, romanticized in the "Romancing the Stone", eating ceviche and strolling through the local market for a lunch at Cecilia's. Cecilia herself is cooking seafood rice in black kettles on an open flame which looked absolutely delicious, where Anthony Bourdain and his guide, Jorge are lunching on endangered turtle stew. Poor turtles, what did they ever do to you? Slow cooked and perfect. Next a precariously rough boat ride from Columbia's shore to an island time forgot, for some freshly caught lobsters for lunch. I imagine if you have steady sea legs one might be able to enjoy the fresh catch, me, I'd be seasick for 3 days. Anthony Bourdain ask a local if he prefers to live on the island or live there as he points out to Colombia with it's skyscrapers and big city life. The guy says he rather live there on the island. Who wouldn't? No jobs, no responsibilities, just dive for your supper.
Next it's on to San Antonia for the deep fried lower intestines of the pig, could that be pig rectum? I'm not too hot on that even if it's deep fried, but the cornmeal cake with fresca cheese and sweetened condense milk looked awesome, although as a child, I remember I threw up on sweetened condense milk. I ate so much poor man's pudding I puked. Poor man's pudding recipe to follow. The next day Anthony Bourdain ate a breakfast of rice and beans and fried eggs and fried plantains which made my mouth water with hunger. It is those moments I live for, because, Columbia for all it's fighting back against the drug cartels makes my bucket list as one of the last places on earth I plan to visit. -Single D
Poor Man's pudding-one can of sweetened condensed milk. Put can unopened in a sauce pan, add water and boil for 40 to 50 minutes. Let cool, open can and eat.

Big Brother-OMG! Jerry Wins HOH

After the hasty departure of Michelle and Ollie, poor Jerry is a man without an island. He's telling his fellow house guest talk to me which Renny promptly ignores. She claims she has nothing to say to him because in the world according to Renny, it doesn't involve in the insane, the absurd or the kooky. She can't even make superficial chit chat, but she does go round and round with Dan about how it's two hours behind California time. What planet is she from? Oh yeah, planet Renny.
I knew things would be going too smooth if one of the four would win HOH and of course, Murphy's law prevailed or in this case Jerry's law. We all knew Renny's answers would be in left field, but come on Memphis, he can't remember dates or aim straight! If Keesha would have played I'm thinking she would have won. Dan tried his hardest to make the correct slot but he over shot one answer which to his detriment ended up making him lose to Jerry. This game was right up Jerry's alley, I guess all that shuffleboard practice came in handy! I hate to admit it because our side lost, but it was a good game. Up in his HOH room, his fellow house guest has to listen to the story of Hissy the toy snake, which of course seemed to go on and on and on, thank God for fast forward. Funny how once Jerry won HOH, Renny is all smiles up in his HOH room. Renny why don't you tie that feather boa a little tighter? After Memphis seals his deal with Jerry not to go on the block, the question would be who would sit next to my bofriend Dan. This episode was boring in that there was little drama, now that all the drama queens have left the building. His choice for nomination, Dan and Keesha which proved good strategy on Jerry's part, dividing the house votes and since he wants my bofriend gone, he would cast the deciding vote if tied. Poor Dan, now I have to hope that Dan will win the POV and Jerry to replace it with Renny. Question is will Dan win and will Jerry do that?-Single D