Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ghost Hunters - Live!

It was another Halloween spent with the TAPS team at Fort Delaware. If you have been reading my blog on this, Fort Delaware was where the team saw the figure on thermal cam walk into a hallway, turn around and walk back. Real creepy stuff! This episode was live (on the east coast anyway) on Halloween. I was handing out candy while watching the TV and what self respecting Ghost Hunters fan would I be if I wasn't watching along on the computer as well! The team had a command central set up where fans could send in email questions as well as a "panic button" to press if fans saw something on the cameras via computer. One person emailed that she had seen a pair of disembodied legs crossing the courtyard. Not that it can't happen, but I'm thinking she may have had a bit too much witches brew while watching the show. I only say that because if there was something of that sort caught on tape, J&G usually show it. Speaking of the dynamic duo, they start off the investigation in the tunnels where they saw the figure from before. As they are walking around, you can clearly hear someone say, "you're not supposed to be here", maybe the spirits thought they should be home trick or treating. Next they go to the officer's quarters and hear footsteps and also get responses when Grant makes knocking sounds. They then go to the dungeon where Grant's jacket is clearly seen getting tugged by unseen hands. That was pretty wild when they played it back you could so see it! Just when you get over that, it happens a second time! Grant has the willies now and I can't say that I blame him since it gave me a chill, especially that second time. Steve and Tango go in the dungeon and end up playing with a bat which is kind of strange since Steve is afraid of anything except ghosts. They start getting high EMF readings but debunk them after finding bad wiring. Joe & Kris G along with special guest The Miz of ECW (whoever he is and whatever that is) are in the kitchen where The Miz (couldn't he use his real name for this?) gets bored and starts to provoke the spirits. It doesn't look like it works until Kris gets her jacket pulled (turned out she brushed up against something). There was not a lot of evidence this time, except Grant's jacket and the voice, but still a pretty good show. Jason does pronounce Fort Delaware haunted. Double D

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