Thursday, February 28, 2008

Big Brother-More Sickness than Health

This has got to be the most contentious Big Brother ever. Who knew that pairing the couples up would lead to all this drama. Alex was pissed at Amanda for getting them nominated, Matt was pissed at James for nominating them. Sheila was pissed at Allison for her tossing their friendship out the window. What else? Natalie is about the only one in the house that has yet to lose her cool, maybe because she's from the beaver state, and we know how beavers are, slow and steady. Sheila could take a lesson from Natalie in beaver traits. I think Sheila must have left her hormonal pills at home, she's gives menopausal women everywhere a bad rap. I swear if there were a broom in the house she would be riding it. Sheila get over it! I know you feel rebuffed after all you did for her, but Allison is an air head and wants to hang out with her air head friends and besides, and there is a twenty year age gap (don't be jealous Sheila), what can you expect from someone who has little regard for anyone else but herself? I really was secretly hoping that Alex and Amanda would win the veto competition, because I like Alex, but unfortunately, Sharon and Joshuah win it. And what was up with that bikini Sharon was wearing? It looked like she was totally nude, the bathing suit an odd flesh color. When they flashed the neon news on the screen, leave it to Joshuah to say that he follows the news about Britany Spears-gee go figure. While running around the backyard like it was a track field, Allison makes haste for the Diary Room, rings the bell and tell the voice that she needs help because she is having an allergic reaction and her throat is closing up. Good maybe she'll stop talking now-just kidding! Apparently it was serious enough for her to be whisked out of there. Almost simultaneously Amanda is collapsing due to a hypoglycemic attack where she falls face first in the rug. What a sight! (Sorry no pictures of any of that-darn!). James took control of the situation until the paramedics arrived, ready to give her mouth to mouth if needed. Everyone else were running around in circles, like the keystone cops. In the end, both Allison and Amanda make a full recovery and return to the house. Darn it, I really wanted to see Allison's face all puffy and red! When they came back, everyone in the house became friends again, hugging and crying, life's more important, blah, blah, blah.....let's see how long that last, now let's roast marshmellows and sing around the fire pit. I loved how Alex said he was so concerned about Amanda, but in reality he was afraid he was going to lose his partner, what a guy! In the end, it was Alex and Amanda that were evicted, no surprise there, no bueno! The HOH challenge involved identifing all the love quotes that are posted in the house. You knew that would be one of the challenges eventually and Sharon and Joshuah did their homework. Who knows what is going to happen with Joshuah as HOH. He such a loose cannon, house guests watch your backs!-Single D
Once again Amanda, bueno, has someone mad at her and she can't stand it. This time Alex is on the receiving end of Amanda's "let's make up" speech. While Amanda tries to smooth Alex's ruffled feathers, speaking of feathers-did you see Christian's feather pants on Project Runway?!, OK, I'm back. Shiela is getting all paranoid because Allison is not spending time with her. Shiela honey, that story about you two being a couple was just a story, you really aren't a couple, get over it!
Adam is selected as being host for the veto challenge and I know I heard him say it was a puzzle. I guess Alex wasn't listening because you almost see the light bulb go off when he says, "this is like a puzzle". You think? Joshuah & Sharon win the challenge and part of the reward is news from the outside world. A ticker-tape feed starts the news with election coverage and Amanda starts cheering for Hillary and then Obama. Does she even know they are the same party?
Shiela must be off her meds. If she's not going off about Adam, she's going off about Allison. In her head she is playing out that Allison has backstabbed her and lied about her and trashed her. Don't they give reality show participants psych tests before they are chosen?
While Allison is blowing off steam running around the back yard, she ends up having some kind of allergic reaction and runs into the house for an Epi-pen. At the same time Amanda says she needs some sugar and falls face first onto the floor. Natalie, who is with her at the time, bends over and tells her to "hold on" and yells for help (Nat, I don't think Amanda was going anywhere). It's James to the rescue and the medics are called to take the girls away.
The girls recover and return to the house, bueno!, and there are I love you's all around. Even Matt says how proud he is of "his friend" James for stepping up. Gee wasn't Matt planning a revenge plot on "his friend" James about an hour ago? Well, I blame all of this on the slop and drinking out of bowls. Did anyone notice how everyone put their names on the bowls? How cute, they really are drinking like dogs. Bueno!
James is still going through with Operation Condor (insert screech here). I have lost track, is anyone still in an alliance? Now James has come up with Operation Bro-down. While he is "operating", James' friends say he is the most honest person they know. I refer you back to Operations Condor & Bro-down as an argument against that honesty thing. Everyone, and James, keeps bringing up how he is bicycling around the world, he hasn't left the USA yet. I can't wait to see how he bicycles across the pond. I guess he'll cross that ocean when he gets there, hee hee.
Now we are up to the "why should you stay" speeches. I love how Alex & Matt both say how they love each and every person in the house. Liars! They both have a hate on for James and want revenge. Amanda & Alex get the boot and the plot thickens, just like that slop.
Double D

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