Wednesday, February 27, 2008

American Idol-Songs from the 70's

And then there are 20, ten guys and ten girls. I get alittle squeamish when I watch the Idoltestants singing their heart out. I keep forgetting the fact that they are amatures although some do have experience singing before an audience. Luke for example, sings acapella in a group. I love acapella, you hear only the voice and not all the fluff around it. Luke sang a Queen song which was very much like Mr. Broadway. He would be perfect in Joseph and the Technicolor Coat. This seasons idoltestants are a study in hair designs. The guys and girls are really having problems with their hairstyles. There is the dueling Flipino styles of Danny and Ramiele, both sporting the Flipino side flip, although she definitely has the better voice but I hated her song this week. Then there's Dreadlock Jason, has dreads that look so dead and heavy it would be like pinching all the dead leaves off a house plant. Jason, word of advice, lose the guitar and dreads then maybe you'll sing better without all that weight. Even Paula gave you that advice. The public doesn't even know what you look like hiding behind that guitar, plus his voice is way too soft, reminds me of Cat Stevens and not idol material. Go buy a tie dye tee shirt and put some flowers in your hair. Jason Yaegar (Mr. one streak in the hair) should team up with rocker biker chick Amanda, can you say Bride of Frankenstein? You two would have little skunk haired little children together and live happily ever after. Jason reminds me of what Tom Cruise would look like if he were a singer. He is just too earnest when he sings, I just want to slap him and Amanda's songs all sound the same. Does she actually sing different songs? It's such a shame that she looks so hard with her streaked hair and that hard rocker chick persona. Her video showed a younger softer side, it's unfortunate her hair and makeup age her by 10 years or more. I think she must have skipped her kitten years for the cougar years. And Robbie, if you take that bandana off at least wash your hair.
The Idoltestant that should be crowned right NOW is David Archuleta. Let's just end the agony right now and sign him up. No one from the guys or girls can give him a run for the title, well maybe Ramiele if she can get that hair away from her face. David's rendition of Imagine made me want to weep, although Paula did that for all of us. Oh by the way did anyone notice that Paula was wearing a shoe horn around her neck on the guy's night? Bueno! It doesn't matter who gets eliminated remember these words-David Archuleta the next American Idol, now where can I buy his CD? -Single D

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