Thursday, February 7, 2008

Project Runway-Smackdown

Standing outside the door to their next challenge with Tim Gunn, everyone could hear grunting and screaming noises coming from within-yes pets, be afraid, be very afraid! Jillian had the look of shear terror as she heard noises that were violent and scary to her. Chris on the other hand was hoping he was going to dress drag queens-well, close enough honey, -Women Wrestlers from the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. For their next challenge, they are to create an outfit suitable to their persona in the wrestling rink, how drag queenie can you get? Christian was in heaven as he chose Kristal. She was all about the leather and lace, right up his alley and I knew Ricki was going to pick, I want to live in America, Layla. Then it was off to the spandex store-gee, I didn't know there was a store that just specialized in Spandex!
Unfortunately this episode lacked drama and intrigue, but did provide some comic relief when Sweet Pea challenged our poodle dog Christian to an arm wrestle. I thought for sure a slam dunk, as she weighs twice as much as he, but that sinewy little arm decieved us all and surprised her even more, to which he then pirouetted and pronounced "I'm a beast you guys!" And oh, Christian stop using the hair spray and leave some for the models.
And once again we find Sweet Pea in edit mode as Tim pronounces that her outfit looks like something out of the WWE hospital. Poor thing, I think she always chooses the wrong color and the wrong material, this time some shimmering white thing that looked like stripper underwear and Candace Michelle was not happy. She is all about coming out into the rink and ripping off her cape to display that which lies beneath. I think Sweet Pea should have made a cape with rhinestones-heavens, would it hurt that much?
Rami's wrestler looked like a man, especially in that hideous pink foo foo thing he made. He tried to fem her up when he should have made her edgy and more dominatrix like. Her physique was too manly for the feminine swish of that hot pink skirt. These wrestlers I'm sure for their first course eat men alive with a little salt and pepper.
On the catwalk I was surprised that most of the wrestlers could really walk the walk with the exception of Rami's wrestler Torrie-she walked like some Amazonia women-me Jane. I hate to admit it, but I liked Christians outfit of leather chaps and lacy top and Chris's animal print outfit-he was also wearing an animal print shirt-coincidence? I'm seeing spots!
When the judges proclaimed Chris as the winner, I know Christian was spitting nails, he thought he was going to win, sorry Christian, now go back and spray your hair some more.
In the end it was about rink wear, not swim wear and Ricki was auf with his one piece orange bathing suit. Great for Ipanema and wrestling in the sand not in the rink.-Single D
Tim Gunn promises a field trip. Some field trip, it was a few floors away in the same building. When they got there, the sounds eminating from behind the door had Jillian so freaked out I thought sure it would take a week to pry her off Rami's arm! Leave it to Christian to say it sounded like sex moans. I don't even want to know what he is into! It was revealed that the Divas of the WWE were behind that door and making those sounds and Chris Flintstone was really digging it!
As last week's winner (much to Christian's distain as he kept rolling his eyes), Ricky got to choose his wrestler first. He chose the girl who likes, let's say it together, lingerie.
This was a pretty slow episode with Rami back to draping again with some hideous pink cheerleader like outfit, Sweet P making the wrong choices (listen to your client girl, she wanted embelishments) and Jillian behind the clock.
Ricky wasn't making anything resembling lingerie. Hello, who are you and what did you do with Ricky? This should have been a no brainer for him, afterall, the girl did come out wearing a garter. Instead, he was making nothing more than an orange bathing suit.
Christian's outfit was cute, for a wrestler. Does he make anything he wouldn't wear himself? I'm sure somewhere out there, Christian is wearing that jacket with the feather boa, or maybe just the feather boa.
I loved the color of Jillian's outfit. It looked like something from Victoria's Secret or in this case Jillian's Secret. No secret she was still fighting against the clock. How can someone take something so skimpy and still not get finished on time?
In the end Chris Flintstone wins, as he says, the tackiest challenge yet. Ricky gets auf'd for his not so inspired bathing suit. I kept waiting for the water works to start and was impressed that he stayed calm. Again I have to ask who is this? It certainly isn't our little weeper Ricky! Hopefully next week will be more interesting. Double D

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