Thursday, April 3, 2008

UFO Hunters

May & June 2007 - pictures of an unusual flying craft show up on the internet. Someone named Isaac claiming to have worked for a secret government program called CARET, Commericial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology, says he posted the pictures. He claims the government was trying to come up with a use for the extraterrestrial artifacts they had in their possession. Great, let's build something out of something else that may have crashed and see if it works! Sounds like the government might have a space chop shop somewhere. Anyway, the team talks to an engineer who worked at NASA during the Gemini flights. The astronaughts of the time reported seeing UFOs but never filed reports. Apparently doing so would make them seem less than sane. The engineer spilled a lot of information except for who has the technology and what it is being used for. Just the stuff we want to know! He did make comparisons to the Roswell crash and the sudden advancement in the technology of aircraft. In 1964 the SR71 was unvieled. Some thought the design was linked to the engineers' seeing a UFO. He made sketches and took detailed notes of what he saw and his aircraft looked similar to those sketches. Other aircraft have had questionable origins. The B2 Stealth bomber and F117 Stealth fighters with their lack of radar detection have also raised eyebrows. A lot of people claim the craft that crashed in Roswell was a flying "cresent", not a saucer. Mmmmm. Another crash in Kecksburg, PA in 1965 suggests the military retrieved an intact craft (UFO), told the public it was a meteor and used the craft to create a flying drone using parts from the downed craft. There's that chop shop in action again. This episode was very interesting and raised more questions than it answered. Is the government making aircraft based on captured UFOs? Could be..........Double D

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