Friday, January 25, 2008

Celebrity Apprentice-There's No Business Like Show Business

One of the reasons why this season's Celebrity Apprentice is so successful are the tender moments shared between the celebrity and their chosen cause, no less in this case, Tito's chosen charity, St Jude's Children's Hospital and the little girl he met with. Was there a dry eye anywhere?
This episode's challenge was to sell the most Broadway show tickets, with Vinny Pastore chosen, and his reluctant acceptance of the guys PM, and Marilu as the women's PM. I think Marilu did some reverse psychology when they were choosing what shows they wanted to sell when they met with Vinny and Lennox. Omorosa remarking to Vinny that she's never seen him move so fast. Marilu did her homework by calling her connections to find out which one was the hottest show tickets in town, something with the word Curtains in the title-never heard of it, then again, I'm not up on the hottest show in town. The closest thing to a Broadway show is my daughter's Christmas school play.
The guys ego's surface from time to time in jocking for the power positions for each challenge, especially between Baldwin and Piers, a love hate relationship. I have to laugh at their verbal barbs, they are like an old married couple and that scene where they are showed laughing their heads off, cracked me up. Baldwin's laughing sounding like some kind of deranged Chihuahua. I love him! He reminds me a hedgehog with beady little eyes.
The girls as usual are good at setting up their house neatly, displaying memorabilia and show ads prominently, and Marilu calling in her friend, my favorite Niles Crane, David Hyde Pierce. I love him but he was not utilized properly as Vince McMahon said. He should have been their come-hither showpiece. The guys on the on hand relied to Pier's Knight in Shining Chain Mail-(Spamalot) as the crowd getter. And no Piers, Ivank does not find you attractive! It was a race to the finish on whose connection would bring in the most money and Pier's friend Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic came through. Our rabid pit bull Nely calls in some of her high power friends to buy tickets and some of them come through, but in the end, her Latina girls couldn't find a place to make a cashier's check and the girls come up short again.
The best statement in the boardroom was made by Ivank saying that Marilu is one of the stronger players and that she needs to be kept. The girls otherwise polite surface is beginning to crack as Carol and Jennie tried to defend themselves against the A type personalities of Nely and Omorosa. In the end, Jennie, the Olympic softball champ did not come out swinging and struck out at the plate and was sent packing. Jennie, you just don't have the killer instinct in the world of corporate players, stick to hitting softballs!-Single D
Apprentice starts out with a tear jerker moment with Tito and Elizabeth from St. Jude's Hospital. I'm sure he will frame the picture that she drew for him.
Selling Broadway show tickets is right up Marilu's alley and she didn't waste any time becoming the PM and getting down to business. There must have been a lot of editing during the negotiations because all you see is Omarosa whispering to Marilu and then they all make their decisions which took all of 2 minutes. It must have been boring. The rest of the episode was not boring with Piers and Stephen arguing about anything and everything. They eventually kiss and make up and all is right with the dream team, Hydra.
Nely sure does think alot of herself considering she would have been fired on the last challenge. She kept calling herself a star and that she has a little black book that is as big as Gene Simmons. I highly doubt that! Back at the ticket booth, the girls do make everything look nice and Marilu calls in a few favors and gets some of the cast to come out to help sell tickets. Marilu must have caught David Hyde Pierce during a nap, he definitely did not look star like in his sweat shirt and baseball cap. I'm not even sure if anyone recognized him. Carol and Jennie were taking money and handing out tickets, Marilu was running around looking uncharacteristically unorganized (that was a mouthful), Nely was jumping up and down and screeching every time someone bought a ticket and Omarosa was no where to be seen, again with the editing. I'm sure she was working harder than anyone there!
The guys again start out at the ticket booth looking decidedly untidy with boxes everywhere. Stephen acquired a megaphone and starts shouting to the streets of NYC for everyone to buy show tickets for charity and letting the crowd know just who is doing the selling. Trace in the city - sounds like a good name for a sit com. This guy looks so out of place in the big city! He seemed genuinely surprised that there are people in NYC who don't speak English. Like Vinnie said, it is like walking around with the midnight cowboy. Loved Piers in the King Arthur get up calling the people "heartless bastards" for not buying tickets for charity. You go Piers, shame those people into donations!
Back in the boardroom, with the women thinking they had won big, Omarosa puts in her 25 cents worth telling the guys she thought it wasn't smart to have Piers dressed as a clown. This earned her a well deserved tongue lashing from Vinnie who told her is was King Arthur and that it shows his team would do anything to win and also threw in a bit about how his father wore a sandwich board to sell sandwiches. Take that Omarosa!
Well the women lost again but not by much this time and Omarosa came out with both guns blazing attacking Carol Alt. This shark doesn't take anything lying down and fired back at Omarosa saying she exploits everyone's weak points and does nothing to support anyone. The Donald again, pretty much tells Marilu to bring back Omarosa but she does not saying that she, Nely and Omarosa work well together. In the waiting room, Carol tries to make Marilu see sense by telling her that Omarosa is a cancer eating the team. In the end, Jennie tells the Donald that it is hard working with the group and that it is just mean and nasty with Omarosa and she didn't want to get used to that. The Donald said he didn't want her getting used to that and did her a favor by firing her. Double D

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