Thursday, January 24, 2008

Project Runway 4- Iconic Denim

Well the cast of talent is rapidly dwindling and it seems that Victorya can't get it through her head that Kit is gone because she keeps calling Sweet Pea Kit. "Kit would you like a peanut butter sandwich?" Sweet Pea "I'm not Kit"
Victorya "Kit do you want more coffee?"
Sweet Pea "I'm not Kit"
For their next challenge, everyone met in a warehouse on the docks to which Chris said are we going to make designer cement galoshes as he gazes at the East River. Here we go again, another design by definition-make an iconic denim outfit with Levi jeans. Hmm, let me look up iconic-executing according to convention or tradition and/ or pertaining to an icon. On your mark, get set, GO-another mad dash for the icons-jeans-poor Chris, I bet when he signed up, he didn't know challenges would involve physical fitness sprints. And next time Sweet Pea wear better shoes, her flip flop went flying off in the mad dash but all she could do was focus on getting the jeans and material. I loved that parting shot where she shows the camera how dirty it was in the warehouse by showing the bottom of her very black foot, trust me, we believe you Kit, er I mean Sweet Pea.
Back at the studio, we hear the constant chatter of our poodle, Christian, ah where would this season be without him, certainly much, much duller. When the designers were told that they could use all the accessories, snaps, zippers etc they wanted, all I could think of is where's Tana (of Apprentice fame) and her Bedazzler? Jeans definitely need the Bedazzler.
When Tim makes his visit, he tells Sweet Pea that her outfit is looking like a scary granny, which sets Sweet Pea on the course of design editing again! And the Oscar for best costume editing goes to Sweet Pea! Why is it that she always has to change her design when she's almost done with it? I think Jillian was practicing self flagellation, by stabbing her fingers with the sewing machine needle and then crying out that she was bleeding all over the place. Me personally, I didn't see any blood, I think all that stress was causing hallucinations! And as Chris said, can't it wait 10 minutes-we have 10 minutes left on the clock.
On the runway, I thought most of the designs looked good. I didn't quite understand Chris's outfit and that denim handle on his dress. For once Rami didn't do any draping-can denim be draped? Ricky was an emotional wreck saying something about first you suck then you don't suck wah, wah, wah!
Somehow Sweet Pea always comes through in the squeeze, the judges saying that her pared down dress had that voodoo slimming quality to it. Hey, any outfit that has a voodoo slimming effect, I want 10 pleeze! Hey Sweet Pea great dress, but what were you wearing during the runway show? Polka Dotted Bloomers-I think somewhere, some little clown from Barnum and Bailey is missing his pants. Hey Bello, I know where your pants are!
In the end, Victorya's outfit was auf! It really did look like she pasted the skirt onto the jean jacket-and she didn't even make that jacket-at least Jillian's jacket dress was entirely made by her. I personally loved Jillian's and would buy it. Bye Victorya, it was the right choice by the judges, you just didn't have any bedazzling designs in the end. And Ricky, wake up, yes the judges said you won-your outfit was smart and sassy. Now stop crying!-Single D
I love Levi's!! So I was really excited about this challenge. Poor Fred, I mean Chris having to run again. It was kind of sad to watch him waddling his way into the warehouse, but waddle he did and got the goods. Sweat P was actually behind him after losing her shoe.
Back in the design room as everyone is going through their treasures, Christian starts whining about everything which prompts Chris to say, "give him a bottle and put him to bed!" Just how many times can Christian say, "I'm going to die" before someone actually commits homicide? Someone put him out of our misery!
Paranoia sets in on Jillian as she thinks Victorya stole her coat idea. I'd say the claws will come out but Jillian is too tame for that. And speaking of Jillian, can someone give that girl a watch? She has no sense of time management. She does seem to pull it out every week and finishes.
I do hope Heidi went to a cocktail party after the judging, that dress was way too cute to waste on a runway judging! Ricky again turned on the water works when the judges said they liked his dress. If he ends up winning this, he will cry for a month! Get a grip Ricky! Thank goodness Sweat P shortened her dress. It made a world of difference and makes me want to lose 20lbs so I could wear it! I liked Chris' dress except for the unfinished edges and Ricky's was just adorable which won him the challenge. Jillian ended up on the bottom for once but was saved win Victorya was auffed. Cute outfits for most in this episode, I would like to see several of them in the Levi's store. Chances are we wouldn't be able to afford them! Double D

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