Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ghost Hunters - Clapp Memorial Library

We are back in the USA with Jason, Grant and team. This week, Clapp Memorial Library in Belchertown, MA. Kind of makes you wonder how they came up with that name. The library which was build in 1879 has been the scene of full body apparitions, books sliding out and in shelves and other such noises mostly experienced by the night custodian. Tango & Kris start out in the basement asking the spirits to lower the temperature by 5 degrees. The spirits comply and the temp drops in seconds. They also hear a sound which turns out to be a child's book that has buttons to push to hear sounds. After pressing a few buttons, Tango comes across the sound they heard. No one else was in the basement at the time. Nothing showed up on audio or video but Jason & Grant feel that this could be a residual haunting possibly by Lidia, the first librarian. On to Attleboro House in Bristol Co., MA a 300 year old that has been turned into a duplex that houses two generations of the same family. Four generations of the same family have reported activity in the home. The children of the families say an apparition of a little boy comes to visit them and adults report seeing a child watching them. Jason & Grant, in the living room, ask the child to make a noise and bells hanging from the entertainment center start to chime. They set up a camera aimed at the bells to see if anything else happens while they are gone. Nothing shows on audio but video caught the moment when the bells on the entertainment center rang showing that there was no one or thing in the room to cause the bells to ring. Research finds that a little girl was found dead on the property in the 1700's and a civil war journal was found in the wall of the house back in the early 1900's. Sounds like the stuff a haunting is made of! Double D

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