Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hell's Kitchen-Goodbye Sharon

Nothing like being woken up at 5:45 am to go garbage hunting. Ramsay has the chefs hunt through the previous evening's garbage to see how much they wasted from the dinner service, enough to feed a small nation. The reward challenge was to fillet a halibut. I have never seen such a big halibut. Ramsay shows the crew how simple it is to fillet it into 56 equal 6 oz pieces. Yeah easy for him! The guys make quick work of it and finish before the 30 minutes are up. The girls on the other hand methodically slice through their fish with precision. Ramsay inspects the girls portion and comes up with 41 slices and lo and behold, the guys also come up with 41 perfect slices. Ramsay then decides to break the tie by picking one guy, Ben and one girl, Corey to pick the fillet closest to 6oz. Ben's pick is 5.9 oz, can you get any closer? Corey thinks her slice is perfect, wrong! Not even close, 4.8. So for their loss, the girls have to fillet fish and make fish stock, stinky, while the guys enjoy a lobster lunch cruise with Chef Ramsay, how cozy, all guys.
For the dinner service, Ramsay chooses Craig and Roseann for the wait person duties. Ramsay quizzes Petrozza on the menu items, to which Petrozza fails miserably. Ramsay calls out Petrozza, Petrozza, Petrozza! I think he just likes to say his name. Petrozza is ready to throw in the towel because he's had it with Ramsay when Bobby comes to Petrozza's rescue. I must say for all of Bobby's arrogance, he did support Petrozza and coaxed him back on the floor. Once again the dinner service is another miserable failure, with Sharon messing up with her tongue hanging out, to which Ramsay says put that tongue back in your mouth you look like Hannibal Lecter, and that, ladies and gentlemen, was a prelude to the girls losing the dinner service. Ramsay asks Corey to nominate two for firing. In the apartment, Corey is wondering why none of the girls are pleading their cause, all the girls scurry like frighten mice. Back in the restaurant, Ramsay ask Corey what decision has she come to. She truthfully tells him that the two choices she has made are for selfish reason as she nominates Christina and Jen for no apparent reason other than she wants them gone, because they are her biggest competition. Obviously, Ramsay knows this and instead does a total 180 and takes the girls by surprise and fires Sharon. Hey, it's my show and I'll fire who I damn well please, so there! The look on Sharon's face priceless as she heads to the coat room and removes her chef's coat and hangs it on the hall of shame. For some reason, Ramsay has it out for her, maybe it was her jutting tongue, maybe it was her girlie, girlie persona. Oh well Sharon, it's back to cooking for room service.-Single D

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