Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogging Bourdain-Egypt

Let me start off by saying that I don't usually blog on Anthony Bourdain, fact being is that I never know when he's on, maybe I don't watch the Travel Channel enough. This I do know is when I do watch him it's for a marathon length of time, usually on Sundays when I am cooking Sunday dinner. There are only two things I watch on the Travel Channel and that is Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain. I sometimes watch that Andrew Zimmern character, who reminds me of a boil that needs to be popped. How much bbq goat rectum can one eat? I would like to utter here and this maybe my dreams of grandeur talking, but I did noticed that on the first post ever of Anthony Bourdain, we got a hit from Distrito Federale, Mexico searching "Bourdain". A day later a direct hit on our blog and then another day later another direct hit from the same place. While reading on Anthony Bourdain's own blog, I read his latest entry which said that he was in Mexico City getting ready to leave the next day and guess what...? Distrito Federale is Mexico City! Could the Gods have possibly been so kind? Do I dare hope that he could have possibly stumbled on our blog! Is it possible in a world of weird coincidences that we are somehow all connected by the Internet? Could actually the Anthony Bourdain, read my own words? (Wistful sigh!)....Nah, the odds are about the same as winning the Megabucks! Now on to Egypt, where we find Anthony Bourdain, who always introduces himself as Tony (do I dare call him that?), strolling around Cairo in a crisp white shirt and jeans, he really is a tall drink of water. Anthony Bourdain makes Egypt look inviting (well the market place that is where they sell those knick knacky tacky things). I'm wondering where were the women in this vast oasis? Seems like the Egyptians might consider them second class citizens, best left in the kitchen cooking and tending the goats and kids. While there as irreverent as can be, Anthony Bourdain, disses a visit to one of the wonders of the world, the Pyramids viewed only from a dusty cab ride whose driver's name is Abdul (are all cab drivers named Abdul?). Can one be so bold as not to travel thousands of miles and not make a visit to the Pyramids? I think only Anthony Bourdain could get away with this, instead opting for a lunch of roasted pigeon neck on skewers, cooked to a perfect golden brown, with the crisp skin crackling with every bite he took, fingers and lips glistening with fat. Next it was on to a 1000 year old dish of Korsheria, which looked a little suspicious to me. A totally uncohesive mixture of beans, lentils, rice and spices, topped with tomato cumin and doused with spoonfuls of vinegar and garlic. I'd be sick for days after a meal like that. While there, I did notice that if Anthony Bourdain were to walk among the Egyptians, he would fit right in, a less swarthier version of Omar Sharif (is he still alive? Love him!). Although he tells us that he quit smoking 11 months ago, he does partakes smoking the water pipe which to me looked more lethal than cigarettes. He started out not liking the taste but in the end all that smoke sucked him, like Egypt itself, in all it's rapture of the balmy desert air, the vast emptiness of it all, leaving him with the feeling of peacefulness in an "ocean of sand". -Single D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess you could call him anything except a human with taste buds...wouldn't want him at my cookout...the world is smaller than we think, and remember what that tall drink of water's digestive system might be like.