Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's Make a Deal Finally Airs Our Show 1011

Well, it was almost a year that we were contestants on Let's Make a Deal and all I can say to CBS is, what was the big deal in holding up the earlier shows? After our taping on Sept 25, 2009, we were so excited that we were picked and won prizes, we told our friends and family to watch for the taping. After checking the airdates, we were so disappointed that our show was not listed. We were told that the early tapings were not as good and therefore were probably going to air at the end of the season which was August. At first they gave us the run around saying they weren't going to air during sweeps, then it was something else, then it was the move to L.A. and by then I was so fed up, I had given up all hope. Finally someone said that it would probably (operative word there, probably) air in August (she could have added when no one is watching). Well, it did air last week and after watching it, I'm like thinking it was no big deal. It was the same as all the other shows. Maybe the prizes weren't that great, heck I didn't win the $6,000 trip to Puerto Vallerta, but hey, I won a TV, Sony Playstation and other goodies. And maybe the camera added the 10lbs and 10 years to my look which I was willing to expose on national TV without pause, and maybe I came off as some Krazy Kooky Asian lady, and maybe in trying to get my co-worker (the other Donna) on the stage with me so she could get some air time, Wayne took it as she was my "life partner" (which there is nothing wrong with that) but we're friends, co-workers and not "partners". So in essence, old, fat and lesbian, I was willingly to have this all out there on TV, so CBS, what was the big deal? You disappointed a lot of contestants that participated in good faith during the first months of taping here in Las Vegas at the Tropicana, and yes, we are still waiting for our prizes. I just got stuff but Pocahontas on our show won the car. I guess she must be relieved that she will soon get it.
Watching our show, we were tickled, we giggled every time we saw ourselves and I was mortified to hear that my relatives taped it so that they could watch my royal kooky oldness over and over. Am I happy that we did it, yes but still disappointed that it didn't air sooner. Well, I guess that's Hollywood baby. I'm glad that it's over and now I can't wait to get the prizes-stay tuned!-Single D

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