Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Top Chef - Copy Cat

Eric Ripert, Chef/owner of LeBernardin is back as quest judge. The quick fire is a 3 round fish filleting tournament. Round 1 is to fillet sardines. Can a sardine even be filleted? The cheftestants have 5 minutes to clean & butterfly the sardines following Chef Eric's example. I bet he had more than 5 minutes. Leah & Fabio win round 1 while Jamie is eliminated. Round 2 is Atlantic Char with Josea & Stefan winning this round. Round 3 is to fillet live eels EEWW! Turns out they weren't really alive but freshly killed. It seems eels don't realize they are dead and keep wiggling around. It is between Stefan & Josea. Stefan uses a nail to hold down the eel's head and Stefan follows suit but can't keep up and Stefan wins the challenge. The chefs are treated to lunch at LeBernardin. Now we all know that no treat is an actual treat on Top Chef, there is always a challenge tied to it and this is no different. The elimination challenge is to recreate one of the dishes served at lunch. Everything was seafood and Jamie didn't enjoy any of it. Stefan, having won the quick fire, gets to chose his dish. He picks the easiest, lobster. Wussy! Chef Eric visits each station and gives pointers to everyone except Jamie because she didn't have time. Look girl, if a famous chef wants to give you pointers, you make time! Chef Eric was so gracious with everyone, telling them what was right and what they could do better. Fabio fared well, Leah's fish was over cooked. Stefan was as close to the original dish as he could get. Carla nailed her dish while Josea missed the mark. Jamie's celery came out way to salty but the fish was good. Stefan edges out Carla and Fabio for the win. Leah defends herself saying she wants to be there even after giving up. She SO doesn't act like she wants to be there. Josea & Jamie admit that they know the mistakes they made but it's Jamie who is told to pack her knives and go. Double D Can I just say that I want to sleep with Eric Ripert! What a cutie!-Single D

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