Friday, November 9, 2007
Kid Nation
I know we are a little late with this one, but better late than never. The last episode had the kids putting on a talent show. My man Jared decided to do Shakespeare. I watched that show just to see this kid! Some of the things he says has me cracking up! The poor kid was rehearsing his Shakespeare and second quessing himself but he pulled it off. Way to go Jared! I'm so glad that Kennedy received the gold star. Olivia is ok but I think she could do a little more than cook potatoes and make people laugh. Kennedy actually made a difference to Savanah and convinced her to stay. I hope Alex wins the gold star soon so he can get that tooth fixed (love you buddy!).
Double D
All I can say is, was that Jared peeing in the Saloon when Greg was doing Juliette on the stairs? Now I know the pot-a-potties stink, but take it outside! The funniest moment was the reaction of the kids when they found out that they would have to chew bubble gum for the challenge-yipee, but in the end, they said it was like chewing on Marbles, they were so hard! Kudos to the most talented kid there, Laurel, who knew she could sing? Somebody-sign her up quick!
Single D
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Survivor - Ego Goeth Before a Fall
Jean-Robert please!! Your mouth stood between you and a million bucks, NOT James! I did have a brief moment when I felt sorry for him when everyone knew about the not-so-hidden immunity (American Immunization) idols but I got over it when he said that James should have known that he would figure out who had them. Ego goeth before a fall! Now that JR is gone I wonder who Courtney (#2 pencil) is going to complain about. I just knew she would win that challange, it was like a fly sitting on the barrel. James looked pretty unhappy when his name showed up on some of the ballots, can't wait for next week to see his reaction. Alot of good facial expressions at this tribal especially Todd and Jamie. I guess Jamie doesn't have the jury thing down yet since Jeff had to remind her no interaction with the survivors. I'm only giving this episode 3 coconuts just because JR was so annoying.

My pick for next week's cast off is Peih Gee. - Double D

When James went fishing-boy oh boy, he definitely could do some Hanes modeling-boy would I like to get my Hanes on him! Why am I surprised-#2 pencil wins the immunity, she’s weighs the same as a butterfly! She felt like she had won a pageant contest and did manage to say the sentence of the episode “that Jean Robert is the Susan Lucci of tribal counsel”-(always the nominee, never the winner, or in this case the castoff)! I think that Todd is related to some of the monkeys in the forest -his expressions during tribal counsel are Priceless! I know that James had an aw shit moment thinking, I should have played the immunity, when his name came up three times! Goodbye Jean Robert, when you get back home-get another job-poker face is not your suit!
Watching the three faces of Jean Robert, James and Todd at Tribal Counsel, garners this episode three coconuts!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Goodbye Jaime and Amazing Race Donkeys Last Stand
Survivor at the Merge:
One sentence describes that episode “Boo Challenges, YEA feast” as spoken by # 2 pencil herself! After that episode-I did have a secret desire to become a Chinese Plate Spinner-they are so graceful. James should have hid the immunity idol in the woods or something-because isn’t everyone looking in each other’s backpack for the hidden idol? And James-it’s Immunity Idol not immunization idol! The biggest BOO YAH was when Jaime played the fake idol-I was laughing so hard I almost fell off my couch potato! That was by far the best elimination round EVER, if I would have had a DVR, I could have watched James face over and over!!
That was a 4 co
conut episode-my pick on the next survivor castoff-PEI WEE!

-Single D

YEA feast is right! If anyone on that show needs to eat…..and what was up with that squeaky voice? I hope John-Robert is a better poker player than he is a survivor player he couldn’t even answer the first question of the challenge. Naturally, I would have won the challenge even though I think Frosti was sandbagging with all that whining about how he has a bad memory, yeah right! Is Todd giving away his game or what?! He has pretty much told everyone how he is going to vote, me thinks he should think before he speaks. I love how when Jeff was coming to the camp, everyone is like, someone’s coming, who is it? Who else would it be?! James is hysterical! Immunization idol, does that mean if you have it you won’t get sick? And as for Jaime, she looked totally stupid presenting the “idol”, “Jeff, I have a question”. I would have been right next to James laughing my rear off also!
I agree with the 4 coconut episode and my pick for the next castoff is Todd.

-Double D

Amazing Race Premier:
I found that all the pairings very odd this time and is Kynt a boy or boy? They look like MIME gone bad! Karma came to bite Ari and Staella displaying just donkey desserts for stealing that cab-didn’t they learn that playing dirty suffer stubborn donkeys along the way!
That was a 5 backpack episode (only because I love donkeys!)-my pick on the next team eliminated-the look a like ministers (which one is the butch one?)

-Single D
As always, the Amazing Race got off to an exciting start! I think Kynt just likes to wear makeup! I don’t think those dating couples will be dating after this (with the exception of the Goth couple)! You got a love an Asian who can sing Danny Boy while riding a bike 200 feet over the ocean! And, how do you move a donkey? Apparently, screaming at each other renders a donkey immobile and never tell a donkey you are going to cut him up and eat him! Play nice people, karma has a way of sneaking up on you! I must say I was not sad to see Ari come in last, I could see him as being the annoying one. “Who me”?!
I also gave that one 5 backpacks for all of the fast paced action. I am picking Nathan and Jennifer as the next team eliminated because I don’t think they will stop yelling at each other long enough to get anywhere.

-Double D

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