In what has got to be the stupidest move of all time and surely will go into the annuals of the most buffoonish moves ever, JT gives over his precious immunity idol over to the idol magnet and puppet master himself, on the other team no less, Russell. Unless there was some clever editing cutting, why didn't anyone one the heroes tribe slap JT silly and try to stop him? Instead, even Rupert (and not surprising there, he doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the block) didn't stand up to JT and say Cheese and Crackers man, that is so damn stupid! Amanda tried in her own weak way (weak as water!) and what about Colby? It's no wonder everyone on the villains tribe were having a good laugh at the expense of JT and his little love note. Heroes tribe is so dumb they deserve to lose. At this point I'm not caring who wins this thing, and if diabolical Russell goes to the end, then surely he deserves to win this whole thing and if he does go to the end, let's hope he makes the right decision on who to go up against. Can't wait for the tribes to merge and then maybe Sandra, who in my book is earning points for being smart and knowing just what kind of game Russell is playing, will spill on her tribe to the heroes, which will and should throw JT onto the chopping block for that dumb move.
Taking a look back at all the previous winners of Survivor, the ones I can remember winning, were either the really good guys, like Tom and Ethan or the really bad ones, like Hatch and Parvati. The ones that made it to end by not really doing anything much are soon forgotten, like Chris Daughtry (Vanuatu), whose he? or Danni Boatwright (Guatamala) whose she? or Aras of Exile whose he?
Oh well, we now know how really stupid these people are and that playing Survivor for either a second or third time really doesn't make you a better player.
Goodbye to Courtney whose skinny torch was extinguished, now go home and eat some fried chicken for heavens sake!-Single D