Teams leave Bangkok Thailand-first out Margie and Luke at 9:36am, heading for Guilan, China through Guangzhou. I yell to my daughter, they're going to Guangzhou, China! Not that she would know that from Kalamazoo MI, but that was our last stop in the process of adopting her from China. I was hoping we'd get a glimpse of the city or at least the White Swan Hotel. Midget stunt guys, Mark and Michael haven't a chance to catch up with their four hour penalty from their last leg. Ouch! That's pretty stiff and I think so unfair. Tammi and Victor are in ethnic heaven, what with being Chinese and all. They think they have an advantage over the other te
ams being able to speak the language. Victor take a breath please! He just bugs me. The rush to the first clue box, Jen bumps Luke and Luke swats her like the pesky fly that she is. Jen and Luke get in a bi!ch fight where Luke signs the word. My daughter is like, gee now I know how to say that word in sign! Madison go to your room right NOW! The road block is the fishing cormorants. I saw this on the travel channel and was either slightly appalled or slightly awed. I couldn't decide. Poor birds all they want to do is eat the damn fish! Luke gets bit by the bird and acts like a girl. Tammi and Victor's birds must not have understood Chinese as they were the worst of the bunch.

Mark and Michael perform their speed bump, to wash two old Chinese ladies hair. They pile on the shampoo without even wetting the hair first. Mark is even giving his lady the massage treatment.
The detour is either choreography or calligraphy. I thought the calligraphy would be harder and everyone except Jamie and Cara do the dance routine, they are after all cheerleaders. They learn the dance but are frustrated that they are denied each time. What are we doing wrong Jamie whines! Finally after the
20th time, they realized that they had to do the routine twice. All the other teams meet at the calligraphy stations and mostly let Victor and Tammi lead the way since they know how to read Chinese characters, that was smart. With all teams finishing they race to the pit stop, where once again Luke and Jen get into a deaf-verbal shouting match. Margie really gets upset when Kisha starts to laugh like a 12 year old. By then I was getting mad at her too. I'd like to sign the B word to her too!

Of course we knew the midgets would get eliminated, no suspense there. Well, at least they made it this far. As for the race, well it's any one's game!-Single D