Again in this episode, we find Natalie was on a mission to become one with Matt. Did she make it? More on that later. There is no doubt that Joshuah is a hot head, and in his own words, people think that he's an "atomic bomb" ready to go off. Gee I wonder what gave them that idea? Joshuah doesn't make much waves this episode, as his target is finally on the block. Allison and Ryan, are all but packed and out the door. Natalie'"Matty will you give me a massage later?" Sheila and Adam are amused that they haven't been on the block for three weeks. Watch it guys, the minute those words leaves your mouth you can guarantee you'll be up. Seems everyone has gotten over Sheila and her indiscretion with Allison. Natalie-"Matty, will you give me a massage?" Matt says he hasn't had a good night sleep in eight days, gee I wonder why? He's trying to keep the family jewels under lock and key, but Natalie is in hot pursuit. Can you say stalker?
Adam and Sheila have laid low for awhile, but all is not well in cougarville. I can't even remember what they were arguing about, when Adam calls Sheila a man-hater. That's ok, because Joshuah is the woman-hater so it's even in the house. 
The veto challenge is to put together the pieces of a cupid's puzzle, with the girls on a pulley device attached to their partner while the guys run to give them puzzle pieces. I loved it how some of the guys just threw the puzzles on the stage area and then ran back for more pieces. Hey guys, the girls can't reach the pieces when you run back like that, because th
ey go flying in the air. It took some coordination and definitely some communication. This winning was all about who could be the most vocal. Again, I was secretly hoping Ryan and Allison would win, and they almost did, except Ryan could not pull out the last piece. Come on Ryan, how hard could that be?
When Natalie and Matt won, Natalie was so excited, not because they won, but because now, maybe Matt would give her the attention she deserved and that massage. Now maybe Matt would really, really like her for what she did. But alas, that victory feeling was short lived as Matt quickly ducks into the HOH room with Sharon and hides from Natalie. Matt now is so full of himself, as he tells the camera, that he is going to work all the angles and be a friend to everyone and if that includes seducing Sharon so be it. It's just a game to him. Just when you think, oh no, Sharon, don't fall for that, she tells the camera, she's just going to play him along too. I bet they secretly l
ike each other though. Matt is still trying to fend off the affections of Natalie even in bed and tells her, I don't want to get involved, I'm not interested. Natalie tells us in the diary room that Matty really likes her, he just trying to play the game. Duh, didn't you hear what he said? He's not interested in someone that shows her booty and has fake boobs, wow, chalk one up for the men!
As Matt and Natalie pull themselves off the block, Joshuah and Sharon nominate Sheila and Adam to replace them. Just then Voice tells the house when they hear this siren sound everyone should run to the living room immediately. Everyone is surprised at this, what could it mean? More house guest? Someone from the past? That was my guess. But we'll have to wait till later for that. Meanwhile, it seems Matty is holding court and acting like the "Don" of the house as everyone tries to curry his favor. James however is not having any of it and he calls Matt out in front of Adam and Ryan. Matt squirmed and stuttered, but it seem like Adam and Ryan were more embarrassed than upset.
The peek at the personal lives of Matt and Natalie were fun, especially Natalie. We got to see where the bikini barista works and her bikini barista co-workers. I'm wondering if she will work there when she's fifty? They have on display some of her art work and I'm wondering why she doesn't pursue that, because obviously she has talent of the creative kind.
Of course as expected, Allison and Ryan were the ones evicted. The viewers were let in on the secret before the eviction by Julie Chen and I was riveted to the TV. No earthquake, flood or fire could have peeled me away. Right when Allison reached for the door and it didn't open, the siren was waiting for Ryan to turn the handle and then the alarm sounded. Everyone was screaming, especially Allison. She thought she had escaped the public hanging and was so excited.
New bikini for Natalie $25.00, new suitcase for Allison $125.00, the look on Joshuah face during the alarm, priceless! He had that shock lost look when everyone was told to go to the living. There Julie informed them that they will no longer be couples, thank goodness or Big Brother would be over in 2 weeks and that they will be voting for only one person to be evicted, either Ryan or Allison. Allison's look of elation then turned worry as she had to go up against Ryan. Go ahead Allison, we all know you want to throw Ryan under the bus! In the end, sanity prevailed and the house voted Allison to leave.
Another turn of sanity was Ryan winning the HOH, good for him! It's about time something goes his way now that the two shrews are gone. America please don't send Jen back in! Send in Amanda. I want to see what kind of new storms she could brew and oh by the way, Natalie never did get her massage.-Single D