Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big Brother-Till Death Do Us Part-Bye-Bye Bible Girl

Sheila says that her real target this week is Natalie. She feels threaten by her and that she wants to back door her. Adam however, is shooting off his mouth again. His mouth gets him in so much trouble, he better be careful, or he'll end up on the block. Adam took the words right out of my friend Jeff's mouth, that Natalie is the Judas. Gee Jeff, maybe you should copyright that phrase?
This time it's a nightime POV. Channel surfing has come to the Big Brother house. There are about twenty different screens & remotes with different pictures. Object is to put together the pictures like a huge puzzle. We all know that Natalie says she's good at puzzles, well, she's also good at numbers, not! It looked like Natalie made quick work of the puzzle, while Sheila and Ryan gazed fondly at their love interest, Evil Dick and Jen. Gosh, Ryan is so puppy whipped! Truth time, Natalie's whiz bang time was 12:09 to Adam's time of 3:20! Looked like Adam's strategy of lining up the remotes worked so Adam wins the POV.
It's Sheila's birthday in the house and of course Adam is wearing, what else a clown nose-how perfect! Sheila is crying buckets over the letters from home again, especially over her mother's letter, whom she hasn't spoken with since Thanksgiving. How close can you be to someone you haven't talked to in months? I know why Mom is suddenly mom, she's smelling something green! Adam calls in everyone for the POV ceremony. You guessed it, he takes himself off the block and watery eyed Sheila nominates Natalie as the replacement.
Natalie is begging for her life now that she is on the block. Looks like Ryan and Adam are the new power couple. Natalie keeps saying that she wants to stay in the house and that she has her boy's back. To Sheila it's a slam dunk, Natalie is outta here, so she thinks. Ryan and Adam decides to call a house meeting to get all of Natalie's scheming out in the open. Natalie doesn't want to play, so she decides now is a good time to dye her hair. What amazed me was that Natalie was wearing a white tank. How did she not spill any dye on that? And she did an amazing job of highlighting her hair. If Natalie won't go to the meeting, the meeting will come to Natalie. Ryan calls her out on the carpet about all her plotting. She tells them, she's always protected them and if she did try to throw them under the bus, oophs she really didn't mean it, she was sorry and starts to cry. Sharon meanwhile is looking frustrated, but learned early on not to say a word, smart girl. Adam and Ryan cave like the big whimps that they are. Sheila's pissed and fuming. She tells the boys that they need to get Natalie out, because next week, she's gunning for Sheila. And she tells them, that she doesn't want it to be a tie, because she doesn't want to break it and have blood on her hands. Oh boo hoo!
At the jury house, we see James make his entrance, much to the dismay of Joshuah and Chelsia. Matt's loving it that James was evicted. James tells Chelsia that the reason he got evicted was because of Chelsia's harsh departing speech. This makes Chelsia breakdown and cry. I was so pleased! At least James told her what a fool she was for saying those things. I wished I had taped that part so I could see it over again, loved it!
The night of the eviction, Julie says it time to cast your votes. Natalie gives her speech and tells the guys that she will always be true to them and for them to keep her. Sharon graciously tells everyone thank you and what happens happens. Let the guineas fall where they may. Sharon is just too sweet, is she for real?
To my amazement-Ryan votes to evict Natalie and guess what....yes Adam votes to evict Sharon. Adam walked out of the diary room with such a smirk. Those guys planned it that Sheila would have to break the tie. When Julie told the room that it was a tie, the look on Natalie's face... Priceless! Sheila then tells Natalie, how can I trust you when you said you would protect the guys and proceeds to vote Natalie out of the house. What a moment, what a shock, such good TV. Natalie kept saying who was it that voted me out?
The HOH competition, a series of fact or fiction questions, I was really hoping that Sharon would win, but Ryan got real lucky and wins HOH. Well, it looks like the girls will be put up on the block next week, no guessing there!-Single D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

American Idol-Mariah Music

I love love love Mariah Carey music, well her music from when she did all those great hits. I'm not too crazy about her newer stuff. First up is David Archuleta singing what else, "Miracles". He sings anything that has the word miracle in it and of course he did an awesome job. Carly sings "Can't Live". I love that song but Carly did wobble on some of the notes. Good try! Brooke again at her piano which I thought was a bad choice. She rushed the song "Hero" and playing the piano took away from the song. I think she was concentrating too much on playing the music rather than singing the music. Kristie put the usual country spin on "You'll Always be the Only One". David Cook once again mesmerized the judges on his unusal spin of one of Mariah's song. For me it was just ok. I want him just to sing. But I do have to sympathize with him and the trauma of having to deal with your brother having brain cancer. So sad.
Mariah looked amazing although I wasn't too crazy about the song she sang "Bye-Bye" from her new E=Mc2. It was sad to see Kristie Lee Cook leave. Hey Kristie, maybe you can parlay this into a country career and whoever brought her horse, give it back, jeez!-Single D

Hell's Kitchen-Goodbye Jason

The morning is alive with the sounds of chickens, real ones. Everyone wakes up to chickens taking over the apartment, each one sporting a name tag. Bobby says he's never caught any chickens. Into the kitchen each chef holding their own chickens. Looks like from the time they caught their feathery friends to the time they assembled in the kitchen, they all had bonded with their claw footed partners. Each one of them were holding on to their chickens possessively especially at the sound of Chef Ramsay saying something about learning how to cut up a chicken into 8 pieces in 5 minutes. Each one of the chefs had the look of terror as Chef Ramsay held a poor unsuspecting chicken's head like Anne Boleyn at her beheading. Yikes! I need a warning! Thankfully, he was only kidding and instead he brought out store bought chickens and demonstrated the art of cutting a chicken. The challenge-perfect chicken cuts in 5 minutes. The girls come up with 44 perfect pieces out of 48, while the guys lose it from early on. For their punishment, the guys get to dress up like farmer John and get a dusty bus ride to a farm to pick peppers in the hot sun. The girls dress up and go to a Sunset Strip restaurant called Saddle Ranch, where they accidentally run into the Asian cry baby of last season Aaron riding a mechanical bull. How odd! Cry baby Aaron bull riding? Hey Aaron are you still cooking?
Lunch must have been uneventful, either that or the producers wanted to get in shots of the girls in the hot tub at the apartment. Probably the latter. The girls try to play mind games with the guys targeting Jason, Ben and Craig as the weak links on the guys team. I think the girls should have left their clothes on, especially Jason, way too much flesh, yuck! He has bigger man boobs than me.
Dinner service will feature actual table side cooking by Bobby and Christina. Chef Ramsay this time picks on Jason for the dessert quiz. Of course Jason can't remember sh!t and he gets sent back to memorize it. Dinner service begins and Louross goes to hunt down Jason. Jason returns to the kitchen and tells Chef Ramsay that he can't do it. Ramsay asks him if he wants to quit, but you could tell Chef didn't want him to leave that way. Hummm, last week Petrozza, this week, Jason, looks like a bunch of quitters this season, bad for ratings I'm sure. Jason manages to sputter out the desserts and is saved from quitting. It's another horrible dinner service as Bobby decides to placate the diners with the chicken he is making table side which is the only food being made and not from the kitchen. I'm wondering how Christina did at this, they never showed her at all.
Vanessa has a breakdown in the meat section and Jason is a failure at making the souffles. He tells Ramsay that he will put sugar up the sides so they will rise. Hey even I know that! After several serious head bangings by Ramsay, he calls for Christina and Petrozza to nominate two people for firing. Christina chooses Vanessa and Petrozza chooses Jason. Obvious choices and Ramsay says to Jason, you're not ready for this, take off that coat.-Single D

Ghost Hunters - Wright Patterson AFB

The team gets the opportunity to investigate Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is so cool since I've been to the base! I love it when reality shows go to places I've been! OK so I'm easily excited. Recent renovations seem to have stirred up activity. Reports include apparitions, eleveators that run on their own, doors that slam and voices.
There is a house on the base that was purchased by the government. The team decides to start there. When Jason & Grant get a high EMF reading, they start doing EVP work. After explaining what they want from the spirits (knock once for yes, 2 for no kind of thing) they get rewarded witih a knock. J & G keep asking questions and they keep getting knocking responses. Grant askes the spirits to get together and close a door. The door behind Jason closes! Jason then askes the spirits to light his flashlight and they oblige! Jason obviously has one cooperative ghost!
Steve & Tango investigate the dining room. They ask the spirits to move a candle or walk by. The EMF detector registers a high reading then goes back to zero.
Next, the team goes to the office and warehouse areas where reports of voices and shadows are seen and heard. J & G are in the warehouse area and hear footsteps and boxes being moved. Jason sees a shadow and tries to debunk it and finds out that something is in the warehouse with him when Grant sees what he thinks is Jason walking when Jason is actually standing still. J & G tell the spirits if they want them to leave they should knock 2 times. They hear 2 taps and keep their word and reluctantly leave.
Steve & Tango are in the cubicle area of the office and find that the heating system is causing the noises. Chris & Kris in the warehouse hear noises but don't have enough time to debunk.
During the review, sounds of laughter are heard on tape as well as the knocking noises J & G hear. Also filmed was the flashlight lighting on its own. The air force base reps are pleased with the outcome and the team declares that the base was built around the Arnold House which is haunted.
After delivering the findings, the team gets Steve into a flight simulator to try and get him over his fear of flying. He does good for a while until he crashes his simulated aircraft which leaves him even more afraid of flying. Poor Steve! Double D

UFO Hunters - Daytona Beach & England

A little after midnight on 3/1/1991 in Daytona Beach Florida a police helicopter catches a UFO on infrared camera. A check with air traffic control turns up nothing. Most of this part of the episode is taken up by the team watching the tape and asking, "is that a UFO?" They go to an Optical Physicist for analysis. He offers the following scientific observation, "it's not a helicopter." Well, that was certainly worth the trip to see him!
On to England where UFO sighting by law enforcement has gone up 67% in one year from 2006 to 2007. 12/12/1901 is the first recorded sighting by 2 Constables in Yorkshire. Yorkshire is England's hot spot for UFOs with over 200 reported sightings. A retired Constable tells when he had a sighting which was witnessed by 3 other law enforcement officers. He drove to within 60 feet of the object which was blocking the road, started sketching the object, saw a white flash and, the next he knew, he was back in his car driving.
Another law enforcement officer was guarding Stonehenge on the summer solstice in 1987 when an object flew over Stonehenge. The object was witnessed by a dozen other officers as it traced geometrical patterns in the sky.
The team's experiment producer made a model of Stonehenge and suggests energy waves deflect from the stones in the same geometric patterns as the UFO was seen flying.
Is Stonehenge a UFO magnet? Hopefully next time someone will have a camera! Double D

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Bachelor London-Final Four Bachelorettes

Only six bachelorettes left, gee where did this season go? Chris Hanson tells the girls that there will be 2 one on one dates and one group date, but pack your bags because it's off to Sun Valley Idaho. The girls get all giddy, like girl scouts on a camping trip. Sun Valley looks absolutely awesome and what better way to snuggle up to bachelor Matt that with all that snow. Chelsea gets the lucky single date, a sleigh ride with cocoa. Marshana was a little bit exuberant that Robyn didn't get the single date, hey me too! Marshana hugging Chelsea like she had won the lottery or something. While Robyn fumes, why didn't he pick me! Come on Robyn, he's probably so sick of you by now, you've weaseled your way into everyone's time with him. Matt wants to see if Chelsea is more than a good friend or will she open up and show her affectionate side. The sleigh is pulled by those beautiful Clydesdale horses through a open meadow of pure white snow. What a perfect setting. Chelsea tells Matt that she's not affectionate and that she doesn't like to to hold hands (well, maybe because she has man hands?). Come on girl, reveal that later when you've got the ring on the finger. Matt tells her he likes to hold hand and to be affectionate. Hey Matt, you want to snuggle with me? Back at his digs, Chelsea really wants to prove her undying love to him, so she writes a note of her own, inviting herself into his fantasy suite. And guess what, he accepts, now what guy would turn down a free booty call? Do they really do it? After the date and back at the condo, the girls are innocently chatting when all of sudden, girls being girls, start to get into it. Of course Cruella di Vil, Robyn, made some snide remark to Marshana, which Marshana just went off, and then Chelsea piped in that it seemed like Marshana didn't really want to be there. Marshana then went into her sweeping hand pounding, head moving gestures and Shayne had to step in as peacemaker. Hey, did they buy all those knit caps the girls were wearing on the slopes? Marshana says she has been nothing but nice, friendly, giving and charitable. Well......not exactly Mother Teresa. For the group date, Shayne, Marshana, Amanda and Robyn hit the slopes. Marshana and Amanda are as Matt puts it, snow virgins as they don't know how to ski. Shayne impresses Matt with her snowboarding abilities and he promptly rewards her with a kiss on the slopes which is rudely interrupted by, you guessed it, Robyn. Robyn weasles her way in, again, and lays in the snow her lips in pursed askance for a kiss from Matt. The kiss looked cold as ice. Matt's date with Noelle is to an ice skating rink. Even though they were engaged in a very physical sport of not falling down on the ice, Matt doing a very nice ice robot imitation, Matt did manage to get a sense of what Noelle is all about. Noelle seems like a very nice girl, like Amanda, they could be sisters! No roses were given out on the dates, so only four roses to six girls. Back in LA, Robyn ask Matt, why she wasn't asked out on the one on one. Matt said that he knew what she was about, I bet, to which she said that was what she needed to hear. No, you only hear what you want to hear! I'm sorry, but I don't know why I can't stand her, oh yeah, because she steals everyone else's time, she tries to steal the show and she's just plain, plain, plain yogurt. Matt gives the roses to Shayne, first pick, Amanda, Noelle and surprise, man hands, Chelsea. I thought for sure he would pick Robyn over Chelsea, but he sent Robyn and Marshana packing. Marshana managed to remain a lady and said that she will take her little self back to Brooklyn, where she belongs. I was kinda of sorry to see Marshana go, would like to see an ethnic woman make it to the final four. Robyn on the other hand, if looks could kill, they would have sent a thousand daggers into our bachelor. Her icy stare and curt "Bon Soir" had all the ring tones of a woman scorned. Can you say fatal attraction! Move over Alex! I can't wait for the hometown dates, sure to be filled with awkward and strange family moments.-Single D

The bachelorettes are turned into snow bunnies because it's off to Sun Valley, Idaho for this edition of the bachelor. Once there and everyone is in their snow gear, Matt gets all playful throwing the girls in the snow. Marshana thinks she is all that in her outfit and didn't want to get all snowy. That didn't stop Matt from chasing her down and tossing her in a snow drift. Too bad he couldn't have left her there.

Chelsea gets the first one on one sleigh ride. I agree, how romantic does that get?! Except that Chelsea seems to be more of a friend than a lover, until she decides to make her own fantasy suite card for Matt. Matt seems to be pretty happy about that. My husband is still trying to figure out a way to get on that show, gee dear does the word BACHELOR mean anything to you? We can arrange that! Just don't forget there is a Bachelorette show too!

Anyway, back on the slopes and Marshana can't stand on skis while Shayne has her whole makeup stash in her ski jacket. Matt & Shayne are sharing a moment when in comes Robyn. Shayne graciously leaves (that girl knows how to make them wanting more) leaving Matt with the barracuda who says all she wants to know is why she hasn't been chosen for a one on one date. Matt reassures her that they had a connection early on and she is satisfied for now.

Noelle gets the next one on one date which is ice skating (Single D's favorite sport). They talk about life changing events and scars and that seems to bring Matt closer to Noelle, but then again what doesn't bring Matt closer to anyone? Can I have a shot?

Marshana goes on a rampage when she is called negative but she sees herself as loving and giving. Raise your hands, who does this remind you of, Omarosa maybe?! She also seems to drink to anything.

In the end Marshana goes home saying she will leave the lady that she came in as. As she leaves she trips over her dress, what does that say? And a big SEE YA to Robyn! Double D

Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Brother-Till Death Do Us Part-Sheila Makes HOH

Well, not really, when last we saw the house guest balancing in a glass box, Ryan, Sheila, Natalie, and Sharon battling it out for HOH. I didn't think Ryan would last too long as he was sweating buckets and of course we all know the weakling in the house is Sheila. Over half the episode was dedicated to watching the glass box endurance challenge. Sharon gives out as she drops to the bottom and says that her back has been giving her trouble. One hour, two hours goes by, Sharon and Adam go inside, snack time? Yeah, I'm getting hungry. Adam and Sharon better make haste as the plot is thickening outside with Ryan, Sheila and Natalie trying to shorten their time in the glass cages by making all kinds of deals. Sheila tells Ryan that she wants to win HOH, needs to win, well duh, it's about time she wins something! Weak as Water as Double D would say! Sheila tells Rye Bread that she will not put him up after he took her off the block last week, so with that Ryan drops. Meanwhile, Natalie is battling good vs. evil. The good Natalie and the bad Natalie. Sheila wants her to drop, telling her that she needs to win, she needs to hear from home, (at this I'm hearing wa, wa, wa) and that she will stay up as long as she can (which is probably not very much longer). Natalie looked like she could have stayed three weeks up there, someone throw her a pillow. Natalie kept saying, what would Jesus do? Should I drop or should I stay? She kept saying the good Natalie would drop and the competitive Natalie would stay. It wasn't about competitiveness, Natalie, it was your instincts telling you to stay, because she knows no one is safe, especially her. She makes a deal with Sheila not be put up and it looked like Sheila half heartedly agreed, so you'd think she drop, nope she stays up, she still argues with herself. It was like watching the movie "Sybil". Natalie's sanctimonious stuff was getting on my last nerve and if she's not careful, I might have to root for Sharon or Adam to win.
Finally to everyone's relief, Natalie drops and Sheila is handed over the HOH keys. And of course in the HOH room we have to watch Sheila cry when she reads the letters from home. I thought the picture of her kid was alright, he looked alittle unkempt. There was a picture of Sheila from a hundred years earlier. OMG, she was gorgeous, what happened? In the words of Chelsia, she really has been rode hard and put away wet! As Adam said, I wished it was that Sheila that was in the house.
The biggest challenge was not hanging on in the glass box, but who to put up on this week's eviction block. The pickings are slim and now I'm at the point where for me, it would be alright if anyone won. In other words, I don't hate anyone like I did last season of Big Brother, Danielle and Evil Dick! Pretty much, it's the good side that did prevail after all, but Natalie better seek redemption, get thee to thy knees girl, because Natalie is giving into the temptations of greed and selling her soul to the dark side. Don't go there Natalie!
Sheila in the end, holds to her promise of not putting Natalie and Ryan on the block and nominates Sharon and Adam, with the hopes of back dooring Natalie if one of the nominees wins the POV. Well, we'll see, Natalie is a fierce competitor and of course, thinks God is on her side.-Single D
Natalie and the numbers thing again. Tonight it was all about the number 9. James was the 9th person evicted, it is the 9th Big Brother, it's the 9th week, yeah whatever. One of these times the numbers will come into play and Natalie will miss it!
Back at the box challenge, Sharon drops out first because she hurt her back. Sheila starts working on Ryan & Natalie by saying she needs to win HOH to go on with the game. Wouldn't you think that would be the last thing you would say to two people who would pounce on that in a heartbeat? It would be like sharks going in for the kill. Just getting Natalie out would keep me going in the game!
When Adam and Sharon go inside, the deals start flying! Sheila promises Ryan she won't put him up and tells Natalie that she is OK, not safe, just OK. Natalie must have picked up on that because she initially agrees and then looks like she might renig. Ryan drops out after saying he has scabs on his hands to which Adam says, don't you mean blisters? I'm thinking Natalie was holding on long enough to see if Sheila would lose it and drop. I looked like Sheila finally found some fight deep down in that winey body of hers and it was finally coming out. As Natalie fights with herself asking what would Jesus do? Sharon responds, he would give it to Sheila! Natalie either doesn't hear her or is ignoring her and keeps flopping. After convincing herself that she is good Natalie, she drops out giving Sheila HOH.
Sheila's letters from home get her all choked up and Adam goes ga ga over her model days photo. Later in the spa room, Adam asks Sheila for a massage. While she massages him, he is busy massaging her ego. Adam is no dummy as we are finding out, I just wish they would quit showing him picking his nose!
There are so many deals going on in that house that I have lost track of where Ryan is standing. Probably on both sides keeping low. Sheila is hoping that Adam will win POV or Ryan and give it to Adam so they can get Natalie out. We'll see if it can work twice! Double D