The team gets the opportunity to investigate Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is so cool since I've been to the base! I love it when reality shows go to places I've been! OK so I'm easily excited. Recent renovations seem to have stirred up activity. Reports include apparitions, eleveators that run on their own, doors that slam and voices.
There is a house on the base that was purchased by the government. The team decides to start there. When Jason & Grant get a high EMF reading, they start doing EVP work. After explaining what they want from the spirits (knock once for yes, 2 for no kind of thing) they get rewarded witih a knock. J & G keep asking questions and they keep getting knocking responses. Grant askes the spirits to get together and close a door. The door behind Jason closes! Jason then askes the spirits to light his flashlight and they oblige! Jason obviously has one cooperative ghost!
Steve & Tango investigate the dining room. They ask the spirits to move a candle or walk by. The EMF detector registers a high reading then goes back to zero.
Next, the team goes to the office and warehouse areas where reports of voices and shadows are seen and heard. J & G are in the warehouse area and hear footsteps and boxes being moved. Jason sees a shadow and tries to debunk it and finds out that something is in the warehouse with him when Grant sees what he thinks is Jason walking when Jason is actually standing still. J & G tell the spirits if they want them to leave they should knock 2 times. They hear 2 taps and keep their word and reluctantly leave.
Steve & Tango are in the cubicle area of the office and find that the heating system is causing the noises. Chris & Kris in the warehouse hear noises but don't have enough time to debunk.
During the review, sounds of laughter are heard on tape as well as the knocking noises J & G hear. Also filmed was the flashlight lighting on its own. The air force base reps are pleased with the outcome and the team declares that the base was built around the Arnold House which is haunted.
After delivering the findings, the team gets Steve into a flight simulator to try and get him over his fear of flying. He does good for a while until he crashes his simulated aircraft which leaves him even more afraid of flying. Poor Steve! Double D
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