Saturday, March 1, 2008
Celebrity Apprentice-Dial Soap
With Marilu gone, it leaves Piers, Lennox, and Carol on one side, and Omarosa, Baldwin, Tito and Trace on the other. The last win went to Stephen's charity for breast cancer. This week's challenge is a Dial Soap ad campaign in Redbook. When this was announced, Omarosa first volunteers to be PM and then defers it to Tito almost shoving it down his throat and putting him on the spot in front of the Donald so that he had to take it. I think Omarosa planned it out to make Tito look bad in front of the Donald, which only backfires on her in the boardroom. I don't think Tito has a creative bone in his body and had to rely heavily on Baldwin's experience. Carol on the other side volunteered to be PM as she said that she was on the cover of Redbook 5 times. Is there anything that woman hasn't done?
During the photo shoot Omarosa did suggest that Trace should be in the layout with his shirt off posing with his guitar. That in itself was a great idea except why pose with the two other guys with their shirts off? Kinky! When Stephen saw Trace without his shirt, he said he had a tan of a vampire, hahaha. Trace is in pretty good shape, but I think he was alittle self conscious about being naked, because he's so big, there's alot of nakedness about him. The photo of him holding the guitar over the lady in the bathtub was a great picture. I really think they should have expanded the entire ad around him. When Baldwin saw the ad with Trace and the other two guys, he was steadfast that it was to racy and did not use that photo. Big mistake!
Piers was adamant that Carol should pose in the ad, who better than her since she has done it before. Her concept of a woman's day was good, except that last shoot of her and her "husband" biting her cheek in bed was awful. First of all, he was way younger than her and she looked like some kind of cougar seducing a young stud, plus he wasn't all that cute. The Redbook execs looked horrified by that bite on the cheek photo. Come on, I just happened to look at a Redbook while waiting for my daughter's music class today and inside there was a spread about sex in the bedroom. How horrified could they be?
It was a toss up on who was going to win this challenge but Carol's ad was better in execution and content and that eventually won it for them. In the hot seat, Trump quizzed Omarosa why she didn't step up and take the PM job, why did she push it on Tito? She managed to spit and spurt as usual and for a few seconds we all were holding our breath that maybe the vampira would finally see the sunlight. But no, the Donald knew by Tito's presentation skills and PM skills that he should be the one to go. So it was a gentle firing of Tito, no screaming, no tirade of how bad he was, just a gentle Tito you're a great guy and you've raised $50,000 for St. Jude's Children's Hospital, one of my favorite charities, Tito you're fired. Hey dude, you're a nice guy, now go knock someone out!-Single D
The challenge this week was to create a 4 page photo layout for Dial yogurt bodywash in Redbook magazine. Yogurt?! Aren't we supposed to eat yogurt? Omarosa must fancy herself a model judging by the way she was standing like she was on the runway and the tea length, slit to the hip dress she was wearing. Is that considered business wear these days? Once they get the challenge, Omarosa immediately says she will be PM. Once the Donald explains that there is a good chance that the PM of the losing team will be fired, she offers anyone else (Tito) to be PM. Tito says, no that's OK you can do it but Omarosa insists that he can do it and that's all she wrote.
Carol steps up for Hydra and they go meet with the Redbook and Dial execs. Piers askes how racey they can be without crossing a line. Dial's answer was that they don't have a list of things they won't do but keep it tasteful. This is what Piers heard - they want women in their 30's who have had lots of sex. Now, as a women in my --'s who has had lots of sex, unless my husband is reading this, in which case, I was a virgin when I got married, just kidding honey, what does that have to do with a bodywash ad?
Piers talks Carol into being the model (I think he just wants to see her naked) and they come up with a pretty good ad praising yogurt as a bodywash, I'm sure that takes a hard sell, and photo layout. Except the last picture with Carol in bed with the biting model who was young enough to be her son and which the execs were on the fence about as well. The sex picture was Peirs' idea, go figure.
Over at Empressario, Tito and party meet with the execs. Trace mentions that Redbook uses a lot of country music stars in their magazine. The Redbook people really liked Trace which makes Stephen think of using him in the ad. Stephen pretty much takes control of the photo shoot with a 20 something female model, this after hearing the demographic of the magazine is women readers in their mid 30's.
In an offside, Omarosa says that Tito needs guidance, which she does not give, and that she will sit back and let the guys win like they have been doing. Isn't that nice of her? She does come up with an idea of using Trace, sans shirt and two other male models, also shirtless with the product in their back pockets. Nice idea, but what does that have to do with getting clean? I guess looking at the picture would make you feel dirty and have to go take a shower with Dial yogurt. At the presentation, Tito messes up straight away by saying the product is Dial with Aloe Vera, whoops! No matter, they lose to Hydra and end up in the boardroom.
Omarosa is called out as forcing the PM on Tito after saying she wanted to be PM. She kept insisting she wanted to be PM making it look like Tito forced himself into the position. Liar! Trace sticks up for her saying that she had a few ideas and even Tito himself said that she was the hardest working person on the team. I think he has been hit in the head one too many times to make that statement! Even the Donald couldn't believe what he heard. The Donald sends Tito back to the fighting ring and Omarosa lives to fight a another day. At least Trump gives $50 grand to Tito for St. Judes Children's Hospital, so it wasn't a bad day after all. Double D

Survivor - Tribal roulette
After tribal council, James is telling everyone how stupid they were for voting out Yau-Man. They should have all turned on Cirie or at the very least Eliza. How did Eliza get to be a favorite? Her tribe on her show didn't want her and this tribe isn't real thrilled to have her either. I guess the real favorites have real lives and couldn't be on the show. I would have loved to have seen Ruben make a come back. Anyway, back to the show.....
The reward challenge was to dive under water, get coconuts with letters on them from a cage and unscramble the letters to spell a word. Ozzy must have gills because, I swear, he is half fish. He was the man with the plan. He moved the coconuts to the front of the cage so that all the others had to do was pluck them out. The plan paid off and the faves got their coconuts first. When it was time to unscramble, James took one look and said "triumphant, is that a word?" To which Cirie said no that's not it, yes it was Cirie, your attitude is showing again! The faves win the reward which are egg laying chickens.
Ozzy and Kathy end up on exile island. Kathy is got to be asking herself why is it always me? But she is happy just to spend time with her favorites, alone. She never tries to look for the idol anymore. Ozzy is all over it looking for the idol and finds it! He pulls a Yau-Man and makes a fake idol, putting it back where he found the real one. Right on Oz-Man!
At the fans camp, everyone is getting annoyed at Chet for not doing anything around camp. It looks like he just doesn't want to be there. So plans are formulating to vote him out.
Immunity challenge is a repeat of the sliding hub challenge. The fans start having problems right away and the faves gain an early lead. That contraption just does not look like fun to me. Those straps look like they would chafe! And that's why I watch the show and don't try to be on it. The faves, who have lost all of the immunity challenges but one, finally end their losing streak and the fans have go to tribal council.
When the fans get back to camp, Mikey gets Joel to vote with him to send Chet packing. Tracy gets worried thinking the younger set will vote off the older people one by one and starts working on Joel to oust Mikey and save Chet. I thought it would be hard for her to convince Joel because Chet is pretty much useless, but Tracy is a good persuader and gets Joel on her side. Chet has just given up and isn't even trying to do anything around the camp and is horrible at the challenges. Tracy should give up trying to save his sorry behind and concentrate on saving hers. Is it just me or are the fans a strange looking bunch?
At tribal council, Jason actually stops Jeff just as he is announcing it's time to vote and tells everyone to stop and think about who they should vote for. They don't listen and Mikey becomes the next outcast and Tracy's little alliance is safe, for now. Now that Mikey is gone, I'm jumping on Tracy's bandwagon to last it out for the fans, she is a fighter. Double D
I just don't get it, you'd think the faves would learn from experience but nooooo, they all voted out Americ
a's sweetheart, Yau-man who wouldn't hurt a fly. Good for James telling the group that they should have kept Yau-man and got rid of Eliza. Who knew she was sick? I think it would be so miserable to be sick on an island. Just get me to my bed and leave me the h-ll alone! The faves better watch their backs with Cirie as she blatantly tells her alliance that yes, she jumped ship, and she'd do it again in a heartbeat. Back at the fans camp they finally catch an eel. Looks good enough to eat. Cut to the scenes of Chet in the water, it looks to me like he's always peeing. Chet lounging in the ocean, peeing, Chet in the water peeing, Chet in the lagoon peeing. For the reward challenge it's a swim relay and our Ozzy boy has not lost his jungle boy appeal. He hot dogs it underwater and moves the coconuts to the front of the line. Jeez is he a merman as well, looks like he can hold his breath for 10 minutes! Once back on shore with their coconuts, James surprised me by knowing the word scramble. Well maybe he does have some book smarts after all. So it's Oz and Kathy back to exile island. Come on, someone send me to exile island with Oz please!!! Kathy is just so over being there, she has no interest in looking for the immunity idol. Meanwhile, Oz is gathering clues and nonchalantly looking for the idol so as not to pique Kathy's interest in the idol, when Bingo he finds it. He learned his lesson well by sculpting a bogus idol and putting it in its stead, a lesson he learnt from Yau-man. I loved that, now lets see if anyone gets taken in by that. As Confucious say Idol in hand better than fake in the bush. I loved it when Oz hid the idol in his hat. He looked alittle cockeye, but Kathy didn't notice, she was too worried about catching dinner.
For the immunity challenge, a series of keys and locks, negoiating a maze and then the final sentence scramble, I thought for sure the fans were going to win it. Thankfully, the faves were able to pull this one off and won immunity and lived to backstab another day.
At the fans camp, it was pretty set to vote off Chet with Joel and Mickey coming to a truce for the meantime, or at least that's the way it appeared until Tracy went to bat for Chet. Stupid, stupid and more stupid. Now I'm always rooting for the older ones, because why should any game be divided upon age lines. The older ones are always more smarter and have more experience, need I remind you of previous Survivors, Tom and Yau-man? Is Tracy standing up for Chet because he's closer to her age and she feels less threaten by him, or because she really likes him? H
e's good for nothing. Chet says to her, in his hound dog manner, it's me tonight and it should have been. He looks like an old tired leather shoe. At the campfire Jeff Probst knows how to ask the right questions and stir the pot. Right after the q & a when Jeff was about to say time to vote, Jason blurted out an earnest plea to vote for strenght which took Jeff by surprise, you see his mouth form a surprised O. In the end, Joel caved under the pressure of mind bending and voted Mikey B. off. And this is where I say again, stupid, stupid, stupid!-Single D

Friday, February 29, 2008
Gone Country-Demo Previews

For once the episode opens without Mo stepping in urine. Instead it's off for some plain good fun, ATV riding. Saddle up those ATV's and as Maureen said, she loves the horsepower between her legs...... In the end, the group does the group bonding thing by all jumping in the big puddle of mud.
Once back at the house, the cast is told that they will make a demo of their songs and that evening will be joined by a guest judge to give critiques. Carney runs around screaming that she doesn't have a song yet. Not only do they
have to perform the song, they have to write it. Carney says that's two very different things, writing and singing, ya think? She complains where do I fit in this equation as she volunteers writing something about a golden rose, as her songwriters give her that frozen stare.

The guest judge is Randy Owens from the group Alabama, which Bobby Brown says he's so good he beat him out of a Grammy! As they start on the working tapes first up is Julio. I thought his song was stinky, I could barely understand what he was saying, but Randy and JR seems to think it was ok except lose the Latin cha cha ending, isn't that where the ladies start to swoon? Dee wrote a song called "30, Rock out with your Rooster out" whatever that means. JR hated it and said that Dee could do better than that. Dee was not a happy camper, he's a rocker what does he know of meaningful lyrics? Sisqo disappointed JR with a ballad called "The Way That I Love You". It was a ballad and I'm a sucker for those. The surprise of the evening was Maureen's song. JR and Randy really liked it. "You like me, you really really like me!" At least we got a sneak peek of how she
sounds, would be ok if only she could stop crying. JR told Carney she needs more emotion in her song and he just went off on poor Diana. She told the camera that any song can be country, you just need alittle twang to it, wrong! JR could totally see through that and asked her why she wanted to sing country. You could see her squirm under the weight of his question. "I thought it would be a challenge". Wrong answer. JR went ballistic. No you should want to sing country because it is in your entire being blah blah blah. Lighten up JR, you're giving the poor girl a complex, lest we forget that she is only 20 yrs old. That evening it was a sweet moment when Dee tried to console Diana. Diana was really distraught. Diana, wipe the tears, blow your nose and move on, it's not the end of the world. Speaking about end of the world, outside Bobby is communing with the stars in the heavens and praying to God. There is something so real, something so vulnerable about him that one can't help but love him despite all his weakness of character. Hey Bobby, have you found the sleepwalking whisperer yet?-Single D

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Project Runway-On the road to Fashion Week

Can't believe another season of Project Runway is coming to a close. Somehow, I just don't think it's fair that Rami and Chris have to prove their stuff and design a whole collection only to show three outfits, with one getting auf and the other getting to go on. It's like telling a kid that you can make an ice cream cone, but you only get to lick it three tim
es. It was interesting to see where the designers come from. Christian's NY apartment is just like him, tiny. His apartment is so small that his closet doubles as a bedroom and sewing room. How ever does he do it? Oh well, he's young and can suffer like that. A peek at his collection looks like the Matrix meets Tinkerbell. Tim Gunn then goes to Jillian's apartment also in NY, except you can tell she makes way more money than our poodle dog as evident by her fabulous NY views. A peek at her outfits look like a collection of Renaissance suits. You know jackets? Onward to her parent's house in Long Island, so apparently she does come from priviledge, no lean days for her. Next it's off to Rami's in LA. Rami's collection looks interesting and thankfully not all draped. He then takes Tim to his studio or is it a store too? H
e already looks successful, why does he need project runway? Last but not least is our teddy bear, Chris in NY. His collection had a special accessory, human hair, to which Tim said his gage reflex was kicking in! OUCH! Chris then takes Tim to his friend's house, I'm wondering if he's his "life partner"? That house was so suffocating, it was like being in a carved tomb. I would be screaming someone let me outa here!

Once all the designers are back in NY, Chris and Rami have the walkoff for the last place on the runway. As they get their outfits ready with the help of the other designers, Christian asks Chris if he would like him to brush his outfits, you know all that hair and stuff! I was afraid that Chris's outfits were just too Flapper Era, you know Boo Boo Pee Doo! All his outfits had unusual hardware such as safety pins, human hair and tuna cans (just kidding about the tuna cans). As it turned out, I think the judges thought Rami's outfits showed alittle more sophistication than Chris's, so our loveable teddy bear was given his walking papers, hey who said you don't get second chances. It
was quite the sad moment when he left, I'm just wondering what happens to the rest of his collection? Do they go into Parson's wax museum collection for aspiring designers? Sorry to see you go Chris, but stick to wardrobe designing for Broadway musicals, that seems more your genre.-Single D

It's off to fashion week for our designers. Tim pays a visit to each to see how they are coming along. First up is Christian in his NYC studio apartment that could double as a shoe box. He shows Tim that his bed in the closet. It didn't look like the place was big enough for a closet. Chistian then shows off some of his designs including a pair of pants made from feathers, yes feathers! Looks like a little of Chris M rubbed off on you Christian! Tim wasn't real thrilled about the feathers and told Christian to "think about it", but when did Christian ever listen to Tim?

Next stop, LA and Rami. We find out that Rami's mother was a former Miss Jordan, as in beauty queen, and he looks just like her. Joan of Arc is the inspiration for his line. As soon as he said that I thought here we go with the draping but surprisingly he stayed away from the draping which, I'm sure was killing him. He did have some jackets which will probably make Jillian green with envy.

Big Brother-More Sickness than Health
This has got to be the most contentious Big Brother ever. Who knew that pairing the couples up would lead to all this drama. Alex was pissed at Amanda for getting them nominated, Matt was pissed at James for nominating them. Sheila was pissed at Allison for her tossing their friendship out the window. What else? Natalie is about the only one in the house that has yet to lose her cool, maybe because she's from the beaver state, and we know how beavers are, slow and steady. Sheila could take a lesson from Natalie in beaver traits. I think Sheila must have left her hormonal pills at home, she's gives menopausal women everywhere a bad rap. I swear if there were a broom in the house she would be riding it. Sheila get over it! I know you feel rebuffed after all you did for her, but Allison is an air head and wants to hang out with her air head friends and besides, and there is a twenty year age gap (don't be jealous Sheila), what can you expect from so
meone who has little regard for anyone else but herself?
I really was secretly hoping that Alex and Amanda would win the veto competition, because I like Alex, but unfortunately, Sharon and Joshuah win it. And what was up with that bikini Sharon was wearing? It looked like she was totally nude, the bathing suit an odd flesh color. When they flashed the neon news on the screen, leave it to Joshuah to say that he follows the news about Britany Spears-gee go figure.
While running around the backyard like it was a track field, Allison makes haste for the Diary Room, rings the bell and tell the voice that she needs help because she is having an allergic reaction and her throat is closing up. Good maybe she'll stop talking now-just kidding! Apparently it was serious enough for her to be whisked out of there. Almost simultaneously Amanda is collapsing due to a hypoglycemic attack where she falls face first in the rug. What a sight! (Sorry no pictures of any of that-darn!). James took control of the situation until the paramedics arrived, ready to give her mouth to mouth if needed. Everyone else were running
around in circles, like the keystone cops. In the end, both Allison and Amanda make a full recovery and return to the house. Darn it, I really wanted to see Allison's face all puffy and red! When they came back, everyone in the house became friends again, hugging and crying, life's more important, blah, blah, blah.....let's see how long that last, now let's roast marshmellows and sing around the fire pit.
I loved how Alex said he was so concerned about Amanda, but in reality he was afraid he was going to lose his partner, what a guy! In the end, it was Alex and Amanda that were evicted, no surprise there, no bueno! The HOH challenge involved identifing all the love quotes that are posted in the house. You knew that would be one of the challenges eventually and Sharon and Joshuah did their homework. Who knows what is going to happen with Joshuah as HOH. He such a loose cannon, house guests watch your
backs!-Single D

Once again Amanda, bueno, has someone mad at her and she can't stand it. This time Alex is on the receiving end of Amanda's "let's make up" speech. While Amanda tries to smooth Alex's ruffled feathers, speaking of feathers-did you see Christian's feather pants on Project Runway?!, OK, I'm back. Shiela is getting all paranoid because Allison is not spending time with her. Shiela honey, that story about you two being a couple was just a story, you really aren't a couple, get over it!

While Allison is blowing off steam running around the back yard, she ends up having some kind of allergic reaction and runs into the house for an Epi-pen. At the same time Amanda says she needs some sugar and falls face first onto the floor. Natalie, who is with her at the time, bends over and tells her to "hold on" and yells for help (Nat, I don't think Amanda was going anywhere). It's James to the rescue and the medics are called to take the girls away.
The girls recover and return to the house, bueno!, and there are I love you's all around. Even Matt says how proud he is of "his friend" James for stepping up. Gee wasn't Matt planning a revenge plot on "his friend" James about an hour ago? Well, I blame all of this on the slop and drinking out of bowls. Did anyone notice how everyone put their names on the bowls? How cute, they really are drinking like dogs. Bueno!

Double D
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
American Idol-Songs from the 70's
And then
there are 20, ten guys and ten girls. I get alittle squeamish when I watch the Idoltestants singing their heart out. I keep forgetting the fact that they are amatures although some do have experience singing before an audience. Luke for example, sings acapella in a group. I love acapella, you hear only the voice and not all the fluff around it. Luke sang a Queen song which was very much like Mr. Broadway. He would be perfect in Joseph and the Technicolor Coat. This seasons idoltestants are a study in hair designs. The guys and girls are really having problems with their hairstyles. There is the dueling Flipino styles of Danny and Ramiele, both sporting the Flipino side flip, although she definitely has the better voice but I hated her song this week. Then there's Dreadlock Jason, has dreads that look so dead and heavy it would be like pinching all the dead leaves off a house plant. Jason, word of advice, lose the guitar and dreads then maybe you'll sing better without all that weight. Even Paula gave you that advice. The public doesn't even know what you look like hiding behind that guitar, plus his voice is way too soft, reminds me of Cat Stevens and not idol material. Go buy a tie dye tee shirt and put some flowers in your hair. Jason Yaegar (Mr. one streak in the hair) should team up with rocker biker chick Amanda, can you say Bride of Frankenstein? You two would have little skunk haired little children together and live happily ever after. Jason reminds me of what Tom Cruise would look like if he were a singer. He is just too earnest when he sings, I just
want to slap him and Amanda's songs all sound the same. Does she actually sing different songs? It's such a shame that she looks so hard with her streaked hair and that hard rocker chick persona. Her video showed a younger softer side, it's unfortunate her hair and makeup age her by 10 years or more. I think she must have skipped her kitten years for the cougar years. And Robbie, if you take that bandana off at least wash your hair.

The Idoltestant that should be crowned right NOW is David Archuleta. Let's just end the agony right now and sign him up. No one from the guys or girls can give him a run for the title, well maybe Ramiele if she can get that hair away from her face. David's rendition of Imagine made me want to weep, although Paula did that for all of us. Oh by the way did anyone notice that Paula was wearing a shoe horn around her neck on the guy's night? Bueno! It doesn't matter who gets eliminated remember these words-David Archuleta the next American Idol, now where can I buy his CD? -Single D
Monday, February 25, 2008
Big Brother-Till Death Do Us Part-
I think some of Jame's pink
dye is rubbing off on Cheslia as her hair has a pink streak through it, very cute, couples that dye together stay together? After the HOH challenge where the house loses their cup priviledge, they were surprised when they went back in that all the cups were gone. Poor Matt said now we'll have to drink from bowls like dogs, oh boo hoo, suck it up, or in this case lap it up. It's always interesting to see the pictures of the families in the HOH room. Cheslia's had a picture of her cat, a big fat orange tabby whom she shared a striking resemblance too. Well, I guess it's appropriate that she likes orange hair things. James saw a picture of his mom and sister and said that he hadn't seen them for nine months. I'm wondering if they even know he's on Big Brother? Now that James and Chelsia share the honeymoon suite, James is putting the moves on Chelsia. I don't think James was so happy about leaving all that snoring, as he was about getting Chelsia alone at last. He feigned he was tired, what was 3 pm? Chelsia seem to contemplate whether or not she wanted to get more acquainted with him as you saw the question, "should I or shouldn't I". I think she pretty much sealed her fate when she told Amanda that anything you say to James you say to me because we Are One and James is thinking
prove it! Chelsia looks like a nice girl, but I guess the effects of being sequestered in a house and being paired with someone you don't know takes it's toll and makes you do things you otherwise would not do in real life. I just cringe when I see James sans clothes, yuck! He has tats that are either too obscene or crude to show on TV and what's up with the bow tie tat on his neck? Didn't anyone tell him that you might not like that tatoo when you're eighty? Not to mention his icky white torso. Maybe he should get his back tatoo so he could have some color back there!
So James comes up with a plan to get rid of Alex & Amanda and called it "Operation Condor" complete with standing on one leg, arm pose and screech. Maybe he will get camoflage tatoos and try to go undercover. Be my guest and oust Amanda her voice is getting on my nerves anyway. Speaking of undercover, James is putting the moves on Chelsia in a big way. They take advantage of the HOH bedroom for a makeout session. Their matching pink hair streaks are so cute, don't
you think? Then there is Natalie who wants Matt in a big way and trys to lure him into the bathtub with her. I'm thinking Matt probably thinks it would all be a big tease anyway with all the cameras around what could they actually do? So Natalie is left alone with Mr. Bubble and a bar of soap.
There is just something about a food challenge with stinky dead fish. I know I would have lost my appetite. After throwing dead fish into their opposing teams nets, Amanda/Alex, Shiela/Adam and Chelsia/James lose and are resigned to eating slop for a week. Now you know that slop isn't going to taste good, so why would you run into the house just to try it? Let it be a surprise and wait until you are starving before you taste it! What I want to know, is who is going to clean up all the dead fish?
Then there's Amanda. Apparently she can't stand it when someone doesn't like her so she goes after Joshuah to make up. He wasn't having any of it but made it look good to Amanda who insisted on giving him a big wet one going so far as to grab his face and turn his head just so she could plant one on him. He couldn't get away fast enough! Bueno!

Speaking of seduction, Natalie is also trying to seduce Matt as she tries to lure him into her bubble bath, that girl is definitely not shy. Matt is trying to hold back, good for you, but let's see how long that last, as we know men and where their brains are.
As the new HOH couple, James tells Joshuah that operation condo is in effect, meaning that the top row photographs of the house guest will be the first gone, with Amanda and Alex next to go. Me personally, I can't stand Joshuah, such a queen as evident by that crown he wears! For a temporary moment, the drama centers around Allison and Sheila as they try to come clean with their lie about being a couple. When they told Joshuah, he said he was so confused that maybe he wasn't gay. This whole thing was like some convoluted scene out of 'Victor
Victoria". Oh please Joshuah you're not that confused you're just a frustrated drag queen without a love interest in the house.

The food competition had shades of
the Survivor's coconut toss, except it was a stinky fish toss. Amanda, Alex, Sheila, and Adam lost. What is slop anyway, looks like oatmeal. If it was oatmeal, I would like it, ok, maybe for the first two days only. When the losers ran into the house, Amanda ran for the slop and dished some up. I think she was excited to eat it, which would be expected from someone like that, well enjoy, now maybe you'll lose some of that baby fat.

In the end, James should not have promised Matt that he would not put him up for eviction, because in the
end that's exactly what he did by prefacing that since Matt and Natalie are the strongest in the house and will win the veto that is why he put them up against Amanda and Alex. Hey guys the operative sentence is will win, because once you say that the opposite usually happens. Matt was pissed and rightly so, come on Matt have you ever been able to trust anyone's word in the house?-Single D

Jen & Parker weren't out of the house two seconds and Allison is making plans to "develope" her relationship with Ryan. Give it up Allison, Ryan is too far gone on Jen. Too bad because he seems like a nice guy and Jen will just drag him down. And besides, you have your "girlfriend" remember?

Allison & Shiela decide to come clean about them being lovers and they get Joshuah so confused that he is wondering if he is still gay. Now that's confused!

James & Chelsia put Matt & Natalie up for eviction going back on James' word to Matt that he wouldn't. Wrong move there James! Good thing you have defend to the death Chelsia to guard you. Double D
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Ghost Hunters International - Frankenstein's Castle

Darmstadt, Germany and Frankenstein's Castle. Just the sound of that gives me goosebumps. The castle itself is first mentioned in the year 948. In the 1600's, Konrad Dipple von Frankenstein, an alchemist, was performing experiments on corpses he dug up. So, we have a grave robbing mad scientist who is still haunting his castle, sounds like fun! Frankenstein's lab was located in the Ann Marie tower where several ghosts have been reported one of which is a nude Ann Marie. Of course the guys want to start here. They do not get any action and are disappointed when Ann Marie doesn't make an appearance.
Donna & Shannon, apparently they are getting along again, go into the chapel for some EVP work when Donna sees a shadow get up from one of the pews. Robb & Andy go to the chapel and see a shadow in the window. When they go outside to see if anyone could have walked past, they find that the window is actually about 40 feet above the ground! Donna goes back to the chapel two more times and sees another shadow walk behind her and the last time, the door handle jiggles.
Before pouring over the tapes, the team take a tour of the Possman Brewery. It is the only brewery in the world that uses world war II submarines to brew apple wine. Robb claims it is very important to learn about the local culture as part of the investigation. I guess sampling the local brew is pretty important too, huh Robb.
After sorting through the evidence, the team finds two EVPs and they taped where Donna & Andy hear the door knob of the chapel jiggle. The first EVP is old German for "Arbo is here" which must be referring to Arbogast, the first knight to live in the castle. The other EVP is, again, old German for "come here". Robb says the castle has significant paranormal activity which makes local Frankenstein expert, Walter Scheele, very happy. This was the last stop on GHI's tour. It has been an interesting trip. I was never a much of a history buff, but you learn a few things from shows like these. I hope to see more Ghost Hunters International! Double D
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