Friday, May 23, 2008
Top Chef - Restaurant Wars!
Chef Tom wakes up the chefs to work the egg station at a Chicago landmark, Lou Mitchell's as their quickfire challenge. The chefs all have the final four in their sites. I say one challenge at a time guys because you all know that Richard has a spot, most likely Stephanie and Antonia. 4th place is up for grabs at this point. Antonia is finally starting to show her culinary stuff, it's about time!
The owner of Lou Mitchell's looks very rough, the kind of person you don't want mad at you. The chefs take turns at the egg station cooking, eggs of course along with the breakfast meats. It was fast and furious with eggs flying all over. Antonia was first at the station and held her own to the satisfaction of the owner. Spike, who said he used to be a line cook, fell behind quickly and Stephanie couldn't fry her way out of the kitchen. I know I couldn't cook like that, I have a new appreciation for the cooks at my favorite breakfast spot! Antonia wins the challenge and is told she will get an advantage in the elimination challenge.
The elimination challenge is restaurant wars! This is my favorite challenge. I was afraid since they had wedding wars that they wouldn't have it. Antonia's advantage? She gets to chose her team. She wisely picks Richard and Stephanie, the same team they won wedding wars. Dale wastes no time alienating his team mates and putting them on edge by trying to take over. I say let him. The guy is talented, he might pull if off, he might not. If not, it's all on him. The teams get $1500 to spend on food and $5000 for decor.
Dale's team decides to go Asian. Spike takes the front of the house and ends up decorating all by himself as Lisa and Dale (who appoints himself head chef) do all the cooking. Their menu will consist of short ribs, coconut laksa with grilled prawns and butterscotch scallops with Dale's Halo Halo and sticky rice with coconut for dessert. Butterscotch scallops? Maybe it will be good, who knows.
Antonia's team decides to go with a modern American gastro pub theme. What the heck is that, gourmet chicken wings and upscale nachos? Stephanie will run the front of the house with Richard as the head chef. Instead of chicken wings and nachos, they come up with linguine & clams, trout & cauliflower and broiled loin of lamb and braised lamb shank.
Now we find out Chef Tom's replacement for this challenge is my fave Anthony Bourdain! Chef Anthony comes bearing good news, the teams get to chose a helper from the chefs that were sent packing. Dale, who gets to chose first, picks Jen which makes Lisa happy and Antonia is ecstatic since she needs someone to make pasta so she naturally picks Nikki.
Dale wants to make his signature Halo Halo for dessert but ends up putting in a rotten avocado only noticing when the mixture comes out brown. Ok, Dale is a chef, how does a chef not know he is cutting a rotten avocado? Dale gets in a bad mood which puts everyone else in a bad mood (boy do I know how that feels when someone you work with is in a bad mood). Dale pulls Lisa's rice off the burner so it didn't get "sticky". Dale tries to give suggestions to fix the rice but pretty much leaves it up to Lisa to do it.
After making the pasta, Nikki finds the clams really gritty. Antonia says she already washed the clams but Nikki insists they are gritty forcing Antonia to rewash them all.
Everyone gets ready and it's show time! Spike comes right out and tells his first guests that his team will win the competition. Now that's confidence. I guess he didn't see, or notice, what was going on behind the scenes.
The judges were loving Antonia's team. Even the dishes they didn't like they at least liked the presentation. They also liked the fact they were thinking outside the box.
Dale thought everyone was making mistakes except him. Anthony Bourdain described the sticky rice as baby vomit with wood chips. Spike was doing a pretty good job keeping everything together out front while the rest of the team were duking it out in the kitchen. At least Jen can leave.
At judge's table, Antonia's team wins with Stephanie being the individual winner. Her prize - a trip to Spain. Sweet! This means, of course, that Dale's team wasn't so lucky. Chef Anthony comes out with guns blazing asking who chose the table cloths and who's idea was it to make the scallops in butterscotch. Dale is so busy throwing everyone under the bus that he can't, or won't, remember what he did or didn't do. Lisa told the judges that Dale told her what rice to use and he naturally denies it. He SO told her what rice to use and went as far as to tell her to follow the directions on the package! This team has way too many I's in it. As the judges tell Lisa her shortcomings her expression got more and more sour. If looks could kill. Spike starts to jump in a few times and wisely shuts up after one of the judges tells him that he is not safe just because he was in the front of the house.
Dale is told to pack his knives and go. While Dale is saying his goodbyes, Lisa just sits in her corner looking as if she wanted to take the head off someone. As long as Spike doesn't screw up royally next week I think Lisa is the next to go. Double D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hell's Kitchen-Goodbye Roseann

Why is it that I always miss the first ten minutes? I come in to see Jen being transferred to the blue men's team much to the glee of Corey. Finally peace has come to the red team, or so they think. The food challenge involves 20 ingredients, 4 dishes and all ingredients must be used but not more than once. Sounds easy enough. The girls are methodical and portion out the items quickly while the blue team is trying to sort it out and takes up most of the 45 minutes to decide who will cook what. Jen's big mouth is not winning any points with the guy's team of course. She really is like a bull in a china shop. Well into the cooking we see Matt gasp as he claims that he sliced off the tip of his finger. Ouch that's gotta hurt. They call for the medic and whisk him out of the kitchen. Yikes is there blood on the cutting board? Chef Ramsay ask does anyone know where the finger is as the girls peer into a pan of cooking pancetta. Ick! Guess I know where I won't be eating tonight! I don't know if they ever found the tip, however, I'm wondering if that counted as one of the 20 items? Down to the final few seconds and Louross is debating whether he should put the veal with his fish as he doesn't want to wreck the taste. Hey buddy, you don't have a choice, do ya? You have to use all the ingredients! That narcisstic decision cost the blue team a win and so they are stuck with hand washing all the linens, while the red team gets the In Style photo shoot. You knew the girls would win. Chef Ramsay always makes the girls win for that photo shoot. I think he thinks he looks better with women draped all over him rather than sweaty guys. I was surprised how well the girls cleaned up. I could barely recognize them. Meanwhile Jen is cursing at Louross for not putting the veal on his dish, how could you be so stupid! Louross is getting mad at Jen's attitude, hey I'd be pissed too! Now go do my laundry!
That evening the surprise guest for this dinner service are two food critics, one from Zagat and the other one I don't remember, all I know is that she was stuffing food in her mouth. Hey, I want that job! The blue team falters when Petrozza cuts the beef too soon. Who cut the beef? But that was their only trip up as the girls quickly fall apart and Chef Ramsay sends the tearful red team out of the kitchen and makes the blue team finish their dinner service. After the service ends, Chef Ramsay tells them that the critics declared the blue team the winners, much to Jen's obvious delight. He tells Corey to chose two from her team for nomination. She picks Matt and Roseann, but Chef also calls out Christina. After an English beating, he sends Roseann back to the line but wait, not so fast cookie, he then decides to fire her. Aw man, that's mean! He's had it in for Roseann from the first NY accented word she spoke in his kitchen. And so with that, Roseann is stripped of her chef coat. Hey, have you noticed when Chef Ramsay says 'Piss off" it's really a term of endearment? Honey I love you, piss off!-Single D
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
American Idol-The Finale-Duel of the Davids
Let me be brief-David Archuleta wins American Idol!!!!
Well, that's the way I had imagined in my mind, but here's what happened:
Finale countdown and it's the duel of the Davids. American Idol played it off like a boxing match between heavy hitter, David Cook and the lightweight contender, David Archuleta. They even had that boxing announcer, what's his name, as ringmaster. This was really a showdown of two different styles of singing. David Cook the rocker wannabe and the soulfully pure voice of David Archuleta. I like them both and they will both be successful I'm sure. Does David Cook have the kind of voice that you will remember in the years ahead or will his fame come from rocking some really great tunes like rock bands before him. Really, no one remembers a rockers voice, they only remem
ber the song. Can you really say that Cook has a memorable voice? Will he be remembered as one of the great singers from American Idol. Can he match the vocal skills of Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson? I think not. He'll make a great lead singer for a band, like Daughtry, but as a solo artist, not hardly. Little David does need some more maturing and experience. He's definitely wet around the edges and you can so totally see the difference in their ages. David Cook is more polish and secure on stage which in a few more years David A, will be there too. I think David A. made a believer out of Simon Cowell, as Simon was on Ellen the other day saying that he was hoping for Cook to win. That night, Simon told little David that it was a knockout declaring David A. the winner! You made a believer out of Simon and if you made a believer out of one of Idol's most caustic judges then you must be it! I didn't have a shadow of doubt that David A would not walk away with the crown, wrong! First of all, let me say that the final night of Idol was way too long, about an hour too long. I started to lose my interest right around the nine o'clock hour when I decided to go on my computer and what is on the internet, but the Idol spoiler! David Cook wins the Idol Crown it screams across my screen! What! So I quickly type in Zabasearch, this website
has been predicting Idol spoilers and there on it's website it declares David Cook as the winner, stats and all. I was so disappointed that David A didn't win, that I didn't watch the rest of the idol finale. I'm sure David A will get signed on to some record deal, but it would have been nice to see this humble kid win. David Cook wasn't even interested in singing, he just auditioned on a whim and now look at him, winner of American Idol. Well, good luck David Cook, hope you're not just a flash in the pan to fade to black and white like some previous idol contestants. Meanwhile, I'm sure we haven't heard the last from David Archuleta, at least while his dad is in charge! -Single D

DeAnna-The Bachelorette

Poor DeAnna, I felt so bad when the bachelor, Brad Womack jilted her at the bachelor alter. I even wrote about his actions leading up to his dismissal of her in our blog about the Bachelor. He was stomping around the grass like he was begging for time. I thought the ring fell out of his pocket or maybe he stepped in some stinky poo, but no, no ring, just stinky poo for DeAnna. She was so relieved when he told her he sent Jenni home, the man is mine she thought! But it was not to be. Brad, scruffy beard and all, was in the end, afraid of committment and wasted the time of 25 ladies and sent DeAnna packing. A collective gasp could be heard thundering through America. Even when she appeared in the After the Rose episode, he made her cry because she was still carrying the tiniest of torches for him. Well, DeAnna managed to get herself up and dust herself off and got a gig on one of Ellen's episode, where Ellen told her that she should be the next Bachelorette and lo and behold, she gets the call. I don't know if Ellen was responsible, but Thanks Ellen!
DeAnna makes a great Bachelorette. Pretty, smart, funny and sincere. Kinda of a Greek Trista, remember her and Ryan fame? This time it's DeAnna's turn and she has her hands full. Her assortment of bachelors range from a science teacher, pro basketball player, snowboarder to oyster farmer. Immediately right off the bat, the little bio on Kirk, single dad, makes you want him to marry DeAnna, kid and all. I loved it when the guys gathered in the room and said that their little hearts were racing upon meeting her. Gee just like a girl! It was funny how so many guys had to twrill DeAnna when meeting her. I guess the macho for "Hi". I loved it when Chris Hansen said that there are 25 guys that will make you forget about Brad and her reply was "Brad who?", go girl! Her garden variety of men, include chef Robert who in the middle of everything decides to cook her crab dip. I was wondering if he gave them his grocery list before the show began. There's the token guy virgin, Ryan, pro football player. I don't like calling a guy a virgin, he should be called something like a guygin. There's the little oyster farmer from South Carolina. I wonder if he knows Bubba Gump? There's Sean, a master martial arts borderline mullet head kicking lemons off the head of odd ball Jesse's (snow boarder) head. To which Jesse's says that if he misses, once he wakes up, he's going to punch his nuts 5 times! What just 5 times? The guys try to get DeAnna's attention, just like the bachelorettes of previous but in reverse. It's a shark infested pool. Jenni makes a surprise visit to help DeAnna give out her three first impression roses. DeAnna gives out the first rose immediately. It seems she likes scruffy dark haired guys. Jenni puts the guy through a barrage of quickfire questions, do you want children, how many, have you been married before..... Who knew Jenni and DeAnna are good friends. I guess being jilted by the same guys gives the girls common ground. DeAnna gets several gifts, one from the oyster farmer, a beautiful pearl necklace. Too bad he doesn't have a chance. Richard gives DeAnna a Herkermer diamond (not a real diamond but a crystal) to which he says he would like to substitute it with the real one eventually, sweet. In the end, she let go 10 guys. Looks like this season going to be fun and maybe, DeAnna will get lucky and meet someone special. -Single D
DeAnna does have her hands full, yes siree! But what a bunch to have your hands full with! There is such a range of guys from geeky to hunky. It still seems strange to see the men getting out of the limo instead of women. Those guys can party! You can see them with the glasses in hand in the limo and then, after greeting DeAnna, go into the house and have more cocktails. That should loosen up some tongues.
I was so not digging the dress DeAnna wore. She looked uncomfortable in it, stepping on it every time she moved and, yes it did make her butt look big! Some of the fare up for sampling by our heroine include Sean a martial arts guy with an ego but cute, Jon who is into his hair, I'm sorry but if a guy takes more time with his hair than I do it's time for him to go! Then we have Ryan the virgin pro football player, now I watch football and I have never heard of this guy, he must be something like 5th string and seeing how he is from Minnesota, he must be with the Vikings. He is also a BAD singer, bless his heart! Now Jeremy the real estate attorney $$$ cha-ching! Let's keep him around for the money factor, Brian the hunky high school football coach, I'll take him thank you! Spero the actor is the strangest looking person I have ever seen, Twilly (what kind of name is that?) has no upper lip, how do you kiss someone with no upper lip?
The first impression roses go to Jeremy ($$$), Jesse the snow boarder and his multicolor dream coat and the science teacher. I guess she is in to geeky guys. After the first impression roses are given out, the rest of the guys scramble to get DeAnna's attention. As Chandler is trying to impress her, Brian whips out his abs of steel, grabs DeAnna's hand and has her touch his abs. She didn't seem real impressed with that but touched him all the same. While talking with Graham, DeAnna let go that she worked as a bartender for 9 years. Didn't she say she was 26? So that would mean she was a bartender at the age of 17. Must have been in Canada. Paul in his attempt to get DeAnna's attention, jumps in the pool. He starts taking off his clothes while walking out of the pool and displays his underwear/swim pants that has DeAnna's name embroidered on the back to which she exclaims, "that boy has my name on his booty!" If that doesn't get her attention, nothing will!
As the time nears for the rose ceremony, the guys seem to be having a great time. Out come Chris to announce the ceremony. I guess that is his only job, to come out and state the obvious. He also comes out to say, gentleman, there is one rose left. You think they have to be told that? DeAnna made some good choices. By the last rose, I knew that because Chris said so, I was holding my breath for Brian. DeAnna picks Brian with the last rose and I exhaled, I just want a chance to see his abs again. Let the dating begin! Double D
Sunday, May 18, 2008
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