In the beginning there was Gene. Everything Gene touched turned to gold. He called himself the Benevolent Dictator. He was revered by men and worshipped by women. The world turned on it's axis because Gen
e hath spoken, and when he spoketh, the powerful, the mighty bowed down and acquiesced to him, he they calleth Gene. Hey wait a minute, was I dreaming? Someone wake me up because this wasn't how it played out on Celebrity Apprentice. In the beginning there was the Donald, and he said to Gene, how about you going over to the women's side and become their project manager, because the women can't win for S--T! Gene, whose usually stoic face did make a slight grimace, reluctantly said ok, but called the Donald the devil in the process. The guys as usual did the right thing and met with the Kodak executives and surprise, surprise understood what Kodak wanted, gee, now if I could only get my husband to catch on that quickly! On the other hand, Gene being Gene, this time sent two of his troops to meet with the executives. Unfortunately, he sent Nely and Carol, blabber mouth and the mute model. Because of Nely's incessant talking, they were unable to grasp what it was that the Kodak execs wanted. Kodak was unveiling it's 5300 printer with it's incredible ink, so cheap that it hopes to blow away the competition. B
elieve me, it's working. I went online to see the price of this printer and the cost of ink and because ink is so expensive, I'm in the market to buy one. Where do I sign up? Hey Kodak how about a free printer for the free plug- anybody listening out there? I'm so miserly with my ink that if my daughter ask to print something it better be for some school assignment.
Back at the guys camp, Stephen is all about crawling around on the table. After getting Lennox and Tito on the table for a photo shoot, they all upset the table sending coffee into the laptop which contains all of their art work. Way to go guys! Don't you ever see those signs about not having drinks next to your computer? Everyone is all upset then you hear Trace in the background with that country drawl saying, "Ya all calm down". I have yet to see any emotion from this man. Aren't country singers supposed to be all down in the mouth missing their dog's or something? They managed to get their presentation
going, messy but going. It did look like a trash heap with all of the printer boxes stacked outside and the banners falling off the trailer. Ever hear of duct tape? It would have fit right in with the decor. After getting their trailer set up, the guys get a big boost when Alec Baldwin stops by and buys two printers for $1000 each. Did I ever tell you that Single D saw Alec having lunch in LA?
Gene decides to use the ladies looks and celebrity to sell printers saying he is doing "God's work" by doing so. Why not, he already thinks he is the Almighty's right hand man. I keep hearing this phrase, "It's a Kodak World, Welcome" every couple of minutes. The trailer set up was fantastic but they didn't really put a lot of effort in the promoting of the ink or the printer. In the end the Benevolent Dictator couldn't pull it off and ended up the boardroom. What I couldn't understand is that the Donald practically told Gene to bring Nely in with him so she could be fired. Personally, I think Gene just didn't want to be there anymore and got himself fired. Nely has a strong presence but she is just not a real leader. Gene stuck by his guns even as he was being driven away in the limo, he kept saying how wrong everyone was. So Adios Gene and we didn't even get to see that tongue! ;) Double D

, the guys elect Tito to be their project manager. I loved it when Piers said that Stephen was acting like a demented Rhino with a spear in his back. Stephen always takes the bull by the horns so to speak.

With most of their art work done, Stephen was taking pictures of the two burliest guys, Tito and Lennox, posing with the Kodak printer, shirts off, hey guys can a printer be sexy? Stephen jumps off the table and splat went the coffee right into the laptop that had all their art designs. Oopise! Guys, you have to stop rough housing. The guys start scrambling and blaming, scrambling and blaming when the voice of God, Trace tried to calm them down. When Jim Cramer made his visit to both camps, I thought he looked perplexed when he made his visit to the girls Winnebago, but was even more surprised by the guys camp, their disorganization, their garbage dump, their mess. The guys explained their mishap but once inside Jim was able to see that the guys were on track with the right promotional idea, plus it didn't hurt that Alec Baldwin made a surprise visit to the guys camp-did I mention I saw him eating lunch in LA?
In the boardroom, points were scored for each side, the women's for their organization and product labeling but really missed the point on what Kodak was trying to achieve. The guys messy setup was over looked because they hit it the main idea Kodak was projecting-cheap ink!
It was a tense boardroom scene, the guys won again, hi five, down lo. Trump asked Gene why he didn't go to meet with the Kodak people and with a wave of his hand Gene said he didn't need to as he knew all that was needed to know. Trump went on to say that Nely pissed off the execs because she couldn't keep her trap shut. When he asked Carol if that was true, Carol refused to lay blame-aw come on, throw Nely under the bus-what is wrong with the women? They are all so polite not to offend each other with the exception of Omorosa, she'd throw her cat under the bus. The Donald kept throwing out Nely n
ame as the one that messed up, Nely this, and Nely that, but when he asked Gene to bring back two with him, who does Gene chose? Jenny and Omorosa! Another aw come on moment! Gene was so steadfast in his choice however miscalculated, that it was his ultimate demise. Trump wanted to fire Nely (we all wanted her gone), but Gene in his superior, stubborn way brought back the wrong people. Everyone in the boardroom was totally perplexed! I was perplexed, America was perplexed! What are you thinking. Are you so full of your own self, you can't see beyond those black shaded glasses? No need to wonder why he brought back who he did, in the end he got fired and that in itself was a Kodak moment! -Single D

When I saw the challenge was for Kodak I was excited because I love taking pictures and experimenting with printing. So I was very curious about this new affordable ink. The self proclaimed Benevolent Dictator, Gene, went to the women's team and became the "King of All Women". How many titles can a guy have? Let's not forget Gene, that we all knew you as "the tongue" from your Kiss days! Well he lived up to his ego-maniacal image and sent only two reps from the women's team to meet with the Kodak executives. Now Carol seems to be a pretty smart cookie so why she didn't kick Nely under the table to get her to shut up is beyond me. If nothing else, I thought sure Carol would pick up on the ink thing. As it was, Nely told the team Kodak was promoting their new printer and said nothing of the ink. I have a feeling after this show, anyone in a meeting with her will think twice about letting her promote anything!