Renney nominates Jerry and April leaving the house, well at least Keesha, Memphis and Dan to question why? We all knew she was the loose cannon as evident by her kooky thinking. My daughter says I hope the old guy wins, you know why? I say why? Because he doesn't have long to live....ugh! Typical kid thinking. I wonder how long she thinks I have!
Everyone on Keesha's side is hoping that they will win the POV or it's either Dan or Memphis going up knowing Renny likes Ollie. This was guess the amount which is always hard. Dan finally decides to do something to defend himself and wins the POV. It is here when my modem decides to go down for two days! Unfortunately I had written out this entire post and it didn't save, and for the sake of not having to do this all over, I am going to say that glad that April was evicted, the only s
weet thing about her departure was Ollie asking her to be his first girlfriend. Did Julie Chen coin that word "frienemenies"? I'm wishing , someone other than Jerry and Michelle will win HOH!-Single D

Ollie's name gets pulled to play POV and, of course, promises April he will save her if he wins. How romantic! The knight swooping in to save his princess. OK, you can stop gagging now. Did anyone else hear Ollie propose to April? My husband and I just looked at each other and couldn't believe what we had heard. Then April just laughed. I can't fault her too much on that because I thought my husband was joking when he proposed and we are still together, for better or worse. Look out Ollie, I think April will chew you up and spit you out. If you read the live feed blogs, she has already done that! EEWW did I just type that?

April offers Dan money for the POV by saying she's sure he could use some extra money for his school and also tells him that her and Ollie won't put him up next week. These people seem awfully sure of themselves. Dan doesn't use the POV.
Michelle gets wind of the money offer to Dan and wants to know who it was because she is in complete denial that it could be April. Dan is wisely keeping his mouth shut. Ollie, in the diary room says he has a few reasons to keep April in the house. That deserves a big DUH! You think the sex has anything to do with it?

The HOH competition is to hang on to a vine with water raining down and getting slammed into a padded wall. It looked like fun until the slamming started. Dan had on a heavy, hooded jacket and gloves. Did he get some inside info on the challenge? We are left "hanging" to see who wins HOH. And yes, Julie did start a new word, frienemies! Now go and use it in a sentence at least five times today! Double D