Three little words for Jerry: Stubborn old goat! I started out rooting for Jerry and Renny being in the generation closer to their age than the twenty somethings, but I have to say, Jerry is just as bad as the screaming shrews in the house. He can yell with the best of them and God help anyone that double crosses him (poor Dan!). Gee, who made him the moral police? Jerry, lighten up, it's just a game. And someone should tell Jerry that three's a crowd. He doesn't get the hint that Ollie and April want to be free of him. Like I said, stubborn old goat. It's curious that Jerry has aligned himself to those two? And Renny, she's really kooky, kooky dresser, kooky thinker, kooky kooky! I was glad Renny won, giving our side a real boost for the morale, but I knew when it came to make some decisions, she was going to be a wild card, you know all that kooky thinking. The first 10 minutes of the episode showed Renny as the jilted jealous lover to Keesha and Memphis, thinking that she should get rid of Memphis so she can have Keesha all to herself. Well, if looks could kill! When Renny entered her HOH room, did you ever see such a display of fake crocodile tears ever? Someone give her an Oscar! She cried for her mama, but where were the tears? I heard a lot of mama! mama! but where were the tears? One minute she's all jelly over her pictures of her mother and the next she's acting like the Godfather telling the likes of Michelle that if she spares her this week, she may need to call on a favor from her later. Michelle better be careful or she'll wake up with a horse's head in her bed!
I thought the crickets, pig ears, slop, food challenge was lame! Ok crickets might be alittle hard to swallow but
slop (which everyone has eaten) and pig ears are not something that would gross you out. Michelle was in pig heaven eating those pig's ears. And what kind of pig's ears were those, baby pigs? Come on, we want gross, we want puke, we want heaving and suffering! Loser's got slop and an added bonus-lollipops! I have never seen such big lollipops! Ollie was in candy heaven and I love it how someone said can I have one and Ollie said no, those are ours! Isn't it weird that Ollie loves lollipops but is irrationally afraid of birds??? Strange and funny.

I was hoping Renny would have a sliver of rational thought for one minute and nominate Ollie and April for elimination. But noooo, instead she has to ask everyone if they would go up to be a pawn. I loved it how everyone she polled said no way, except Dan. Dan can you hear me? Grow a set!! I'm
hoping the house will get rid of April. Who can put up with her and her I'm so in love with myself attitude? I read on the comments on the Big Brother blog that April let her boyfriend torture her cat that he didn't want by locking it in the garage and tying it to the wheel of his car (for 5 months! Will someone call the ASPCA!) That's just plain animal cruelty, if it's true. Apparently April didn't ditch the boyfriend, but the cat! Just goes to show what kind of person she really is. Odd that she cared more about that stuffed dog Holly than she did about her own cat! She needs to go, period! No mercy!-Single D

The food challenge was a disgusting version of rock, paper, scissors. In this case it was slop, crickets, pig ears. Dan & Michelle eat crickets, Jerry almost pukes eating slop (hasn't he been eating that stuff?) and Michelle thoroughly enjoyed the pig ears. April, a vegetarian, eats pig ears for the win. The team that gets the slop also gets, courtesy of America, lollipops. Who votes in these things? Ollie was happy about the lollipops, I'm sure that's all he will eat this week.
We now know that Ollie has a HUGE fear of birds. He seemed to be living the movie "The Birds" when he sees crows in the backyard. Renny asks just about everyone if they would be a pawn for elimination up against April. Who in their right mind would volunteer to be put on the block? And what's up with that one sleeve dress? Renny, leave the one sleeve dress on the rack no one wants to see your under arm dingle dangle. No she didn't listen to reason and puts up Jerry & April. Double D
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