Or at least that's what Secret Agent man calls himself against Ashley and Natalie who are constantly grooming each other and cutting and picking skin off from under their armpits. Yuck! I don't know what is grosser, Phillip in his pink BVD's or Ashley and Natalie's spa habits that puts grooming monkeys to shame. Stephanie tries to make an alliance with David who is realizing the virtue of having a strong player, Stephanie over the weak Sarita. Sarita who is about inert as a piece of wood now has some sort of tooth ache because she was cleaning her back teeth with a dirty stick. You're in the jungle, last thing you want is a jungle infection.
On Redemption Island, Krista and Matt bond over the God thing and after Matt of course wins the challenge, God's will, Krista gives Matt her luxury item, a Bible. Andrea who witnesses the whole thing, instead of saying, aw how nice instead says he can't be trusted since he befriended her so quickly. Am I'm sensing a little jealousy?
The immunity/reward challenge is something like Beach Squash. Rob's teams wins easily and gets to have a picnic on an amazing hill over looking the ocean. Rob and Grant steal the clue. they could never be spies, hidden under the plates, but not before Phillip comes around to join them. Maybe he does have some secret agent powers of observation?
There was a slim glimmer of hope that Sarita would go home, but Stephanie was sent packing to Redemption Island and I'm thinking she'll be a force to be reckoned with against Matt, as Matt prophetically says maybe his time is up.