Friday, April 11, 2008

Survivor-Fans vs Favorites-Faux Play Faux Idol

I feel sorry for Eliza, how is it that she ended up a women with no island friends? She pairs up with Jason, another on the fringe survivor with no ties. Jason spills that he found the idol and that if he wins immunity, he would give it to her. How generous is that, he hardly knows her. Both camps get tree mail telling them to pack their stuff, it's time to merge. James looked like he was taking everything, bamboo, trees and all. Alexis, Natalie and Parvati are making an alliance while they are scrubbing their faces. It looks like Alexis is exfoliating her skin with beach sand. Hey whatever works! At the merge feast there is a bowl of cooked bats. Everyone is like, I'm not eating that except for James, who says, when are you ever going to have the chance to eat bat? So he digs in, bat juice running down his face and says it taste like a juicy rabbit, what not chicken? It taste so good he might have another. Gross! The tribe then has to come up with a new tribe name to which Erik pipes up "How about Dabu, which means good in Micronesia". Someone says sabu (no this is not India)? No Dabu. Everyone agrees that they like the name, so Dabu it is, even though Erik admits that he made all that stuff up. He said he could have said sha nay nay and they would have believed him. I thought that was so funny. And I know Jeff Probst wanted to laugh when he heard the name and Erik's explanation of it, but he didn't let on.
As the new Dabu tribe get use to each other, Alexis is moving in on Amanda's man, Ozzy, which gets Amanda a wee bit jealous, and prompts her to tell Cirie that she needs to go. Jason is another Ozzy groupie and poor Eliza still feels alone on the island.
The immunity challenge is a repeat of what I called the Water Jail torture. Survivors are under a grate in a pool of water that is rising, each one will have to stay under the grate until it is totally covering their heads and faces. Of course the girls are the first ones eliminated. Down to the final three, James, Oz and Jason. I was surprised that James was able to hold on as long as he did, but in the end it was a battle between Oz and Jason. Oz lost his control and finally had to surface, sputtering and looking dejected and a new jungle king was crowned. Oz has been dethrone by the young upstart Jason who was so happy to be crowned victor and anxious to send Oz packing.
Back at camp, talk is to send Eliza home so she asks Jason for the idol. When he gives it to her, she looks at it and immediately knows that it is a fake. But Jason in his innocent way says but it has a face. Eliza tells Jason that Ozzy did that. Jason says oh well, what could it hurt if you played it anyway and did she really have a choice?
The tribal council was a memorable one as Jeff always manages to get to the meat of the matter really quickly by asking Alexis about Eliza. Alexis makes the mistake of talking about Eliza in past tense, when she said that Eliza played a good game. Jeff quickly chimed in "played" which pretty much sealed Eliza's fate.
After the votes were casted, Jeff asked that question, "If anyone has the hidden immunity idol, they can play it now". Of course, poor Eliza took her chance that it might be real and gave it over to Jeff. Ozzy was smirking in the background. I don't know how Jeff was able to keep in the laughter as he recited the rules about the hidden immunity idol and then said, this isn't it and threw it in the fire. Poor Eliza, her torch snuffed and sent packing. Now that everyone knows that Ozzy has the hidden immunity idol, he has the biggest target on his back. Hey Oz, wake up and smell the coconuts! Single D
As we join our survivors, Erik can't believe he didn't get voted out and more amazing still, that a favorite was voted out over him! He was so excited, it sounded like his voice was changing. Our little Ozzy pup is growing up!
Eliza and Jason are planning an alliance which will include Ami. Little do they know that Ami was sent packing. Poor Ami, if she could have held on a little longer she would have been part of something, a sinking ship, but a part of something.
Tree mail announces the merge and everyone immediately thinks merge feast! I thought James was going push the boat to the merge he couldn't wait to get away from that beach fast enough. With all of the food available at the feast, there is one lone bowl of bats, YUCK! James is the only one crazy, or hungry enough to try one. The camera shows a close up of the bowl and one bat head, teeth and all, YUCK! And James was going to eat another one, YUCK! Pass the coconuts please. Erik makes up a name for the new tribe and tells everyone it's Micronesian for good. They all believe him and they have a new name, Dabu. Amanda starts getting mad when Alexis starts putting the moves on Ozzy and Ozzy looks like he is enjoying it a little too much for Amanda's comfort zone prompting Amanda to tell Cirie, "Alexis has to go".
The newly joined tribe picks Malakals beach as home and Cirie isn't real happy about the new house guests. Can't we get rid of her? Parvati commits Amanda to an alliance she doesn't want and Eliza gets all jealous when Parvati doesn't include her in the game. I guess Eliza was another one picked last for kickball.
Eliza thinks she has it made when Jason tells her about the immunity idol and offers to give it to her if he wins immunity. So it's off to the immunity challenge where the survivors have to get into a cage of sorts and keep breathing while the tide comes in. James, Ozzy & Jason are the last three and they all sounded like a pod of whales spouting as they gasped for air. Jason outlasts the others and gets immunity.
Back at camp, Eliza hears the others plotting to vote her out and runs to Jason to get the idol. He gives it to her and she thinks it's a joke telling Jason, it's a stick! When she asks him about it all he says is, "that's a bummer".
At tribal, Eliza plays the stick only to have Jeff confirm that it is indeed a stick and not the coveted immunity idol which everyone knows now Ozzy has. Watch out Oz man your days are numbered. Double D

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Top Chef - Movie Food

As we join the chefs at the house, everyone talking about how they miss their families and Spike brings up how Zoi & Jen are a couple so they don't have to miss each other. I'm thinking, if the others don't watch it, Zoi & Jen will carry each other to the end. We'll see if there is any sabotage in the weeks to come!
The quickfire challenge was to make a veggie plate using 3 different techniques. Now, I'm no chef so I said roast, saute and steam. My husband, who was a cook for many years and whose father was a black hat chef, had to tell me that technique also referred to knife work. Ok, so now I know. Zoi decides to use a poached egg in her dish, I thought it was supposed to be all veggies! Spike pulls out another gadget, a scallion curler of all things. Doesn't everyone need a scallion curler? Dell wins the quickfire and immunity with his knife skills by slicing an avocado and using it as a maki wrapper. Now that takes some skill!
The elimination challenge is to make a dinner for 12 inspired by the chef's favorite movie. The chefs are paired up and assigned courses. Ryan has been 2 movies in 3 years and gets paired with Mark who only knows movies they have shown in Australia. Just decide what you want to cook and pick a movie that goes with, who cares if you have seen the movie!
Jen & Nikki team up and both want to cook Italian dishes so they chose the movie IL Postino. Spike wants to show off his Vietnamese cooking so chooses Good Morning Vietnam. Poor Miguel who is teamed with him, doesn't know a darn thing about Vietnamese cooking so has to do whatever Spike tells him. Meanwhile, Ryan has decided to use the movie A Christmas Story and to utilize the scene where the family ends up at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas day.
Richard's team, they have three on their team because of the odd number, went with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They wanted to combine things that would not ordinarily go together. Richard also has a gadget up his chef's coat, a mini portable smoker. He wanted to do a smoked salmon but the smoker stopped working after three plates. The team has to resort to burning a piece of wood and holding the salmon over it.
At the dinner service, Ryan & Mark seem to be a hit with their Christmas Story quail. Guest diner, movie critic Jim Roper seemed to be enjoying the food more than the judges when the judges were trashing some of the dishes and Jim spoke up saying "I think it's good".
Richard's team wins. Who would have thought chocolate and salmon together would be good?
Zoi's team said they were going off of their Spanish movie's theme by having vibrant colors in their dish, NOT! All they had was a thin slice of lamb with a washed out looking sauce. What color? Brown and pale yellow, what's so vibrant about that?
Spike's team didn't fare so well either. The judges told him that they could go to any Asian restaurant and order the spring rolls he made. Spike immediately copped an attitude saying he stands behind what he made. Good for you Spike, but the judges didn't like it. Maybe your hat is on too tight, make what they want, it's a competition! Poor Miguel was told to pack his knives and go for the reason that he let Spike dictate what he did instead of trying to contribute to the menu. Double D

Big Brother-Until Death Do Us Part-So Long James-Finally!

I knew it when Adam did not put up James that they must have had some pact that if James won the Veto he would not use it and that was one of the first things James said. I knew it, I knew it. Meanwhile, Sheila is on a rampage and the house is in chaos now that Adam didn't put up the house favorite James. Adam begins to doubt himself and begs for forgiveness from Sheila. Finally Sheila calms down and says she's alright with it. I'm thinking all this while, that it was probably a good thing that Adam did not put up James, maybe there is a grand plan after all somewhere in the cosmos. Anyway, in this episode, we see a chink in Natalie's good girl, bible hugging armor as she makes a pact with pinkie James. She says to James, if you win the veto, you don't use it and if I win HOH, I won't put you up. Well, we'll see how long that last. The backyard is transformed into Big Brother Easter Island for the veto competition. Natalie is all excited as this game involves what else-numbers! The question are on which day did such and such happen. I'm like oh boy, our side has this one sewn up. The first question is on which day did Chelsia get evicted. Natalie finds the numbers 42. The correct number was 47, so Natalie is the first one eliminated from the game. Ok Natalie where's your number prowess? I was so nervous about James winning the veto, I don't need a suspense movie to get me to the edge of my couch. I was on the edge screaming, don't let James win! I was really amazed that Ryan had such good recall. Ok, I take every bad comment about him being a dunder head back. Ryan managed to get almost all the questions right and won the POV. James looked pathetic with his mohawk all wet like a whipped puppy. Take that! Of course the usual scheming takes place before the veto ceremony, James giving Ryan ideas about taking Natalie out and he would be the one to do it. Yeah right, take Natalie out and everyone else if he stayed. Ryan remained true to form and took Sheila off the block. Sheila was so grateful, now go cry your eyes out in the diary room. Adam put up James and I was so happy, can you see me doing my happy dance?
The next time we see Natalie, she is to my surprise trying to play all sides. What? As my friend Jeff said, "Natalie is turning into the Judas of Team Christ". Well, ok, I might have to agree with that. Props to Jeffie for that quote!
Natalie is making a deal with Sharon and Sheila for an all girls team to the final and then she turns around and tells Adam and Ryan that Sheila wants them out. Hey did you notice Sharon and Sheila have on the same blue bathing suits? With all of Natalie's scheming, James is throwing the heat toward Natalie, pointing out her sneaky side. He really knows how to play the psychological game, twist people's thinking and that's why he needs to go!
It is always fun to see the jury house, as Matt waits for the next house guest to arrive, Chelsia and then Joshuah. He's hoping Natalie wins, because then she'll buy him something nice. His luck, she'd probably give him all the money if he were to date her!
Well, at last, James is voted out of the house. The pinkie is sent packing and a collective sigh washed over the Big Brother house, well maybe that was my house!-Single D
Shiela can't keep her mouth shut, it's all about her! So now Adam thinks he did the wrong thing not putting up James. Adam apologizes to everyone and brings out Warrior Princess Natty. How many more names can this girl give herself. I want to call her annoying Natty, stalker Natty (for Matt) and, sometimes, just plain strange Natty.
Sharon & James have a heart to heart talking about how they miss Joshuah & Chelsea and the tears start flowing. What a touching moment, gag me!
Shiela goes into maid/mother mode and complains how no one else cleans. It's true, I haven't seen anyone else do dishes except Shiela.
POV challenge - answer the questions of what day did an event happen. I don't think Shiela could win a challenge even if they let her write the questions. Numbers Natty fails the first round and Adam puts up a wrong answer to let Ryan win POV. Natalie, still obsessed with Matt is saying how Matt is getting his birthday present in the form of James may be evicted.
Meanwhile, everyone is starting to see how Natalie is playing both sides and James trys talking Ryan into voting out Shiela. If Shiela leaves, who will do the cleaning? Ryan keeps with the alliance and saves Shiela which lets Adam put up James.
I still say that Adam's plan not to put up James worked like a charm. Natalie is getting paranoid and is lying to everone. So much for Team Christ when someone can lie with a Bible in their hand.
James is getting Ryan, Shiela and Adam thinking twice about voting him out by saying keep him and he will help them get rid of Natalie. It doesn't work and James is HISTORY!!!! Double D

Ghost Hunters - Underground Railroad

The first investigation takes place in Norton, Mass. with a family who has been hearing footsteps, seeing fully body apparitions and their 5 year old daughter has been seen, on nanny cam, interacting with someone in her room although she is alone.
Jason and Grant start in the living room and right away, hear someone running up the front steps and the front door knob jiggle. When Grant goes to the door to see who it is, there is no one around.
Kris and Chris are in the son's room when they hear footsteps from above. Jason and Grant recreate the sounds on the stairs. While debunking Chris's footsteps on the stairs, Grant hears a man say "hello".
Jason & Grant go to the van to monitor the cameras while Steve & Tango go into the house to investigate. Now it's 5 degrees outside and Jason & Grant see Steve sitting next to the nice warm fire place and decide to pull rank and send Steve & Tango back to the van to monitor the cameras.
Jason goes to the daughter's room, finds a crawl space, goes in and sees a shadow. Later, in the basement, they hear more footsteps upstairs and verify that no one else is in the house.
Audio catches a lot of the sounds including the front door latch jiggling. Jason & Grant assure the owner that it doesn't appear anything bad is bothering them, but try not to encourage it. Spirit, sit, stay, don't scare!
The second case is in Trinway, OH at the Prospect Mansion which was built in 1856 to hide runaway slaves and thus becoming part of the underground railroad. The mansion is currently being restored as a historical site. Sounds and sightings have been reported in the mansion and in the barn which is nearby. After the team describes to Steve that the underground railroad had nothing to do with trains, they got down to business. After hearing the story of a bounty hunter who was hanged in the barn, Jason & Grant go there to investigate. As they are walking toward the barn with the thermal camera, a black shape appears on the camera in the second story window. They go directly to the second floor and find no one there.
Jason & Grant go to the mansion's attic where reports say a child is seen and heard. They find a ball and ask the child to move the ball. They hear footsteps right in front of them but the ball does not move. I guess the kid doesn't want to play!
Kris & Tango also go to the attic and get surprised by a rather large bat that keeps swooping down on them. So that should explain why everyone keeps thinking there is something watching them.
Aside from the image on the thermal cam, which was pretty eerie, nothing else was caught on audio or video. J & G feel they didn't find enough evidence to call the mansion haunted but did agree that there may be some paranormal activity. Now, let's go get that engineer's hat for Steve! Double D

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hell's Kitchen-Goodbye Sharon

Nothing like being woken up at 5:45 am to go garbage hunting. Ramsay has the chefs hunt through the previous evening's garbage to see how much they wasted from the dinner service, enough to feed a small nation. The reward challenge was to fillet a halibut. I have never seen such a big halibut. Ramsay shows the crew how simple it is to fillet it into 56 equal 6 oz pieces. Yeah easy for him! The guys make quick work of it and finish before the 30 minutes are up. The girls on the other hand methodically slice through their fish with precision. Ramsay inspects the girls portion and comes up with 41 slices and lo and behold, the guys also come up with 41 perfect slices. Ramsay then decides to break the tie by picking one guy, Ben and one girl, Corey to pick the fillet closest to 6oz. Ben's pick is 5.9 oz, can you get any closer? Corey thinks her slice is perfect, wrong! Not even close, 4.8. So for their loss, the girls have to fillet fish and make fish stock, stinky, while the guys enjoy a lobster lunch cruise with Chef Ramsay, how cozy, all guys.
For the dinner service, Ramsay chooses Craig and Roseann for the wait person duties. Ramsay quizzes Petrozza on the menu items, to which Petrozza fails miserably. Ramsay calls out Petrozza, Petrozza, Petrozza! I think he just likes to say his name. Petrozza is ready to throw in the towel because he's had it with Ramsay when Bobby comes to Petrozza's rescue. I must say for all of Bobby's arrogance, he did support Petrozza and coaxed him back on the floor. Once again the dinner service is another miserable failure, with Sharon messing up with her tongue hanging out, to which Ramsay says put that tongue back in your mouth you look like Hannibal Lecter, and that, ladies and gentlemen, was a prelude to the girls losing the dinner service. Ramsay asks Corey to nominate two for firing. In the apartment, Corey is wondering why none of the girls are pleading their cause, all the girls scurry like frighten mice. Back in the restaurant, Ramsay ask Corey what decision has she come to. She truthfully tells him that the two choices she has made are for selfish reason as she nominates Christina and Jen for no apparent reason other than she wants them gone, because they are her biggest competition. Obviously, Ramsay knows this and instead does a total 180 and takes the girls by surprise and fires Sharon. Hey, it's my show and I'll fire who I damn well please, so there! The look on Sharon's face priceless as she heads to the coat room and removes her chef's coat and hangs it on the hall of shame. For some reason, Ramsay has it out for her, maybe it was her jutting tongue, maybe it was her girlie, girlie persona. Oh well Sharon, it's back to cooking for room service.-Single D

American Idol-Inspirational Songs

I didn't think alot of the songs were that inspirational. Michael John's song "Dream On" was mostly a screaming rant. Hated it. I thought however, that Syesha's song was very inspirational and yet the judges still manage to give her criticisms for her lack of emotion. Hey Randy, can't you at least tell the poor girl that she does have an amazing voice. Randy was really in a mood, grouchy. He didn't like anyone except for Dreadlock Jason Castro. What are the judges on? I knew when he finished strumming that tiny ukulele which looked so absurdly silly that they would sing his praises. I do love the Israel's verision of "Over the Rainbow" , but I just think Castro's voice is so weak. Ok, maybe I just hate the hair so much I can't see the singing. Kristie Lee Cook's Martina McBride song was a perfect choice for her. She is so suited for country. And what was Paula wearing that her muffin tops were squeezed so much they looked like the third rising of bread dough? I absolutely hated David Cook's song and Simon was right in his comment that he looks so pompous in that white jacket. Carly was still sleeveless and her song "The Show Must Go On", I just didn't get it? What's so inspirational about that? Brooke White sang one of my favorite Carole King songs "You've Got a Friend." It was as Randy says, "just awright". The best of the evening was David Archuleta's song "Loving Angels". If he doesn't parlay a career in pop, he will make a great Christian singer. I had heard on the radio that David has a phlegmy breath between words and I could hear it last night, but I forgive him for that, at least he has learned to keep his tongue in his mouth.-Single D

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Bachelor-London Calling-Tea and Tennis

This episode features a group date, tea and tennis, a single date, and a two on one. Matt chooses Chelsea, Kelly, Robyn, Shayne, Ashley and Noelle for the tennis date. Shayne shows off her gymnastic talents by doing cartwheels and flips. Who knew she had gymnastic talents? Ashley still tries to impress Matt with her singing and songwriting abilities. She keeps saying that she wants to be known for more than her songwriting abilities. I didn't know she was known for that in the first place. She is way too immature for Matt. All she can do is sing badly written songs and giggle when she's with him. It's like watching a terrible B movie. Chelsea displays her tennis abilities on the court, but it is Robyn who takes center court at the tea table explaining how her family is all into drinking tea. Whoop dee do! This was a roll your eyes moment when she explained how her mother searched all over for an actual teapot maker to brew her tea like coffee. Robyn even takes on a British accent while explaining this. I think all the girls had their fingers down their throats during this monologue. Matt says to her during their 10 minute one on one, that she almost has a British accent to her speech. Hey Matt don't you want real American and not bad fake British? The girls, mainly Shayne, once again get on Robyn for her selfish behavior and it's all about me speeches. Robyn starts crying. I have to give props to Shayne for speaking up and telling Robyn that she has to play fair. Shayne really surprises me in her mature attitude. Snaps for Shayne! Looks like Matt is smitten with Chelsea's physical prowess on the court and gives her the rose.
The single date goes to Amanda, the hiccupping chipmunk. Matt takes her to a fifties diner, where they dine on diner food and dance a little dance. I was surprised that she didn't display her hiccupping talents to him. Amanda actually seems like a really nice sweet girl and that must have come across because Matt gave her a rose.
The two on one date went to Marshana and Holly. Both seemed so nervous, especially Marshana as the stakes were really high, one would get the rose, one would get the boot. Going into this Marshana knows she's the underdog, Holly having the movie premiere date with Matt.
It's dinner at Matt's house, where Marshana shows up wearing a chef's hat, very cute. Matt takes each one aside. Matt asks Holly that he needs not only laughs but also someone who can make him think. Holly comes up with a blank. Hey Holly, where are your creativity skills now? Marshana tells Matt, no risk no gain and they kiss, her lips like two big cushions again his skinny British pucker. He must have liked it, because in the end he gives Marshana the rose and Holly is crushed. I was totally surprised and pleased by this. Good for her. Finally a woman of color gets a chance in the game. When the driver goes to the house to pick up the suitcases, the girls are dying to see which ones go out of the house. Gasps could be hear throughout LA as Holly's suitcases are whisked away.
The night of the elimination Matt talks to Kelly and asks her why she's remained in the background as she sits with her arms folded around herself. She immediately corrects her body language, maybe alittle too much, by baring her breast to him. I don't know what made her shove her breast in his face, it must have been the stress to please, but he was totally shocked. Kelly seems nice enough, if you didn't think she was drunk all the time.
Matt sends home, Kelly and songbird, or songchick Ashely. Thank goodness, because if I have to listen to another lame song, I might have to stop watching as she was still singing as she made her exit!-Single D

Monday, April 7, 2008

Big Brother-Until Death Do Us Part-Adam In Charge Again?

Adam you're killing me! I was so happy that the "Big Baller" (what exactly does that mean?) won HOH. That took James down a notch or two after weaseling out of the chopping block, again!
Adam starts kidding Sheila that she might go up on the block this week, which she does not like one bit. Adam says something very smart and philosophical. "Most truth is spoken through jest". Spoken like a true Confucian. That deserves a great big WOW. Adam is generous and sensitive! Will you marry my sister-in-law? Ok I'm trying to pawn her off on someone, anyone!
Sheila is dispensable. What has she done all season, but cry and whine and tell us how she's playing the game for her and her 16 year old son. Isn't it more about her, since he will be leaving the nest in a year or two anyway?
It is a consensus between the Donna's that James is one scary person! Not only scary, but just downright icky! Icky pale white flaccid body, icky taste in clothes, and icky tattoos. The house is going stir crazy so it's of course time to light a fire under Sheila, by toilet papering her room and pouring flour in her face. Now come on, that was a little bit too much. I'd be pissed if that would have happened to me, I'd might have to shave off that pink Mohawk while he slept.
In the world according to Single D, this is way I would want the rest of the season of Big Brother to pan out, Adam nominates James and Sharon for eviction, James gets eliminated, Natalie wins HOH, nominates Sharon and Sheila for eviction, Sharon gets eliminated followed by Sheila, then Ryan and the epic battle for winner to be between, Adam and Natalie.
I definitely don't want Ryan around as he tries to set himself up with a Sharon alliance, final two. He needs to go!
I loved the food challenge, cry me a river of beef gravy, via mash potato highway. Very funny stuff. At least the house will be eating this week.
Again we had to witness James in his never ending quest to get sympathy by balling his eyes out to Baller. How is it that James does the ugly fierce cry one minute and then the next second he's like fine. When I do the ugly fierce cry, I'm ugly for three days after. Just goes to show you that those are crocodile tears!
In the end, I think Adam must have made a pact with the pink devil himself because he nominated Sharon and Sheila for the eviction this week. Adam what are you thinking! I can decide if you're a moron or a good strategist. Please, please don't let James win the Veto is all I can say. It would play out perfectly if James doesn't win it, then maybe finally, we can send the pinkie packing!-Single D
Adam wins HOH and gets his letter from home saying he has a list of babes waiting for him in Philly. I guess they all think he's some kind of stud muffin. We'll see how long that lasts after all the nose picking.
Shiela gets on the receiving end of the guys practical jokes including getting a face full of flour and her room TP'd. The flour thing was pretty funny! Fun and games are over too soon when Shiela starts complaining to Adam, again, about being away from her son and how she is doing all this for him. He must be one spoiled kid!
Next up we have Adam and the dudes discussing who Adam will put up for eviction and all the while you here music from the God Father playing in the background.
The mashed potato trails were quite messy but at least everyone worked together to earn real food and outdoor toys. I can't wait to see what kind of toys they get.
James starts working over Adam breaking out in tears saying he can't stand how everyone is against him. I guess he should have thought about that when he was busy screwing over everyone.
I thought Adam was brilliant to put up Shiela and Sharon and not James. One of the other's can get POV, save one of the girls and put up James and he's gone! No one sees the beauty of his plan. Unless, of course that's not his plan. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Double D

Top Chef - Block party

The quick fire challenge was to reinvent the taco. There was everything from Chorizo tacos to squash tacos. The top 3 faves were the duck tacos, jicama tacos and pomegranite tacos. Richard wins with his jicama tacos and they will be featured on the menu at Chef Rick Bayless' restaurant Topolobanpo (don't ask me how to say it).
For the main challenge, everyone splits into two teams to cook for a block party. I love Chicago and it was fun watching the teams drive through the city to their destination while I said I've been there or I've seen that. OK back to the show. The teams find out to get their ingredients, they have to go door to door in the neighborhood where they will be cooking for the block party. How would you react to a bunch of people in white coats asking to look in your fridge? One woman had a pantry so big that Spike wondered if she was stocking up in case of war.
Both teams get good supplies and start on their menus. One of the girls (I'm still learning the names so I can't remember who) gets stuck making pasta salad and is complaining about it saying it won't win Top Chef. I say make the best darn pasta salad you ever made! At least you won't lose.
The block party looked like fun with pinatas, dunk tanks and games, plus food. What more could you want? Ribs, sliders, corndogs, mac & cheese (are you hungry yet?) about the only things you wouldn't normally see at a block party was the paella and chicken waldorf salad. One team did smores on a stick, marshmellows heated and rolled in graham cracker crumbs then chocolate shavings, pretty clever!
Spike thinks his red team did so well that they chilled out by drinking beer and playing some of the games with the kids and sitting on the dunk tank. The blue team sees this and thinks they are sunk since the red team is so relaxed.
The judges had a hard time since both teams had problems with their food. The smores on a stick didn't stick real well with the judges and the mac & cheese turned into a brick. The paella was not so much paella as it was rice pilaf and Erik had the sog factor going on with his corndogs. The pasta salad was terrible and the waldorf salad apparently wasn't very appetizing either. With the judges ripping on the food, I wondered if the party goers left hungry and went to McDonalds. They all seemed pretty happy with the food, maybe they are used to hard mac & cheese and soggy corndogs.
Trying to save themselves, an obviously tipsy Andrew stands up to the judges saying he isn't going home and Spike starts trash talking the blue team by saying his team was the hit of the block party and nobody liked the blue team. Well the judges liked the blue team and declared them the winner with Stephanie's "sexy drink" and dessert and Erik has to pack his knives because of his soggy corndogs. Let's hope the talent starts to show next week. Double D