I feel sorry for Eliza, how is it that she ended up a women with no island friends? She pairs up with Jason, another on the fringe survivor with no ties. Jason spills that he found the idol and that if he wins immunity, he would give it to her. How generous is that, he hardly knows her. Both camps get tree mail telling them to pack their stuff, it's time to merge. James looked like he was taking everything, bamboo, trees and all. Alexis, Natalie and Parvati are making an alliance while they are scrubbing their faces. It looks like Alexis is exfoliating her skin with beach sand. Hey whatever works! At the merge feast there is a bowl of cooked bats. Everyone is like, I'm not eating that except for James, who says, when are you ever going to have the chance to eat bat? So he digs in, bat juice running down his face and says it taste like a juicy rabbit, what not chicken? It taste so good he might have another. Gross! The tribe then has to come up with a new tribe name to which Erik pipes up "How about Dabu, which means good in Micronesia". Someone says sabu (no this is not India)? No Dabu. Everyone agrees that they like the name, so Dabu it is, even though Erik admits that he made all that stuff up. He said he could have said sha nay nay and they would have believed him. I thought that was so funny. And I know Jeff Probst wanted to laugh when he heard the name and Erik's explanation of it, but he didn't let on.
As the new Dabu tribe get use to each other, Alexis is moving in on Amanda's man, Ozzy, which gets Amanda a wee bit jealous, and prompts her to tell Cirie that she needs to go. Jason is another Ozzy groupie and poor Eliza still feels alone on the island.
The immunity challenge is a repeat of what I called the Water Jail torture. Survivors are under a grate in a pool of water that is rising, each one will have to stay under the grate until it is totally covering their heads and faces. Of course the girls are the first ones eliminated. Down to the final three, James, Oz and Jason. I was surprised that James was able to hold on as long as he did, but in the end it was a battle between Oz and Jason. Oz lost his control and finally had to surface, sputtering and looking dejected and a new jungle king was crowned. Oz has been dethrone by the young upstart Jason who was so happy to be crowned victor and anxious to send Oz packing.

Back at camp, talk is to send Eliza home so she asks Jason for the idol. When he gives it to her, she looks at it and immediately knows that it is a fake. But Jason in his innocent way says but it has a face. Eliza tells Jason that Ozzy did that. Jason says oh well, what could it hurt if you played it anyway and did she really have a choice?
The tribal council was a memorable one as Jeff always manages to get to the meat of the matter really quickly by asking Alexis about Eliza. Alexis makes the mistake of talking about Eliza in past tense, when she said that Eliza played a good game. Jeff quickly chimed in "played" which pretty much sealed Eliza's fate.
After the votes were casted, Jeff asked that question, "If anyone has the hidden immunity idol, they can play it now". Of course, poor Eliza took her chance that it might be real and gave it over to Jeff. Ozzy was smirking in the background. I don't know how Jeff was able to keep in the laughter as he recited the rules about the hidden immunity idol and then said, this isn't it and threw it in the fire. Poor Eliza, her torch snuffed and sent packing. Now that everyone knows that Ozzy has the hidden immunity idol, he has the biggest target on his back. Hey Oz, wake up and smell the coconuts! Single D
As we join our survivors, Erik can't believe he didn't get voted out and more amazing still, that a favorite was voted out over him! He was so excited, it sounded like his voice was changing. Our little Ozzy pup is growing up!
Eliza and Jason are planning an alliance which will include Ami. Little do they know that Ami was sent packing. Poor Ami, if she could have held on a little longer she would have been part of something, a sinking ship, but a part of something.

The newly joined tribe picks Malakals beach as home and Cirie isn't real happy about the new house guests. Can't we get rid of her? Parvati commits Amanda to an alliance she doesn't want and Eliza gets all jealous when Parvati doesn't include her in the game. I guess Eliza was another one picked last for kickball.
Eliza thinks she has it made when Jason tells her about the immunity idol and offers to give it to her if he wins immunity. So it's off to the immunity challenge where the survivors have to get into a cage of sorts and keep breathing while the tide comes in. James, Ozzy & Jason are the last three and they all sounded like a pod of whales spouting as they gasped for air. Jason outlasts the others and gets immunity.
Back at camp, Eliza hears the others plotting to vote her out and runs to Jason to get the idol. He gives it to her and she thinks it's a joke telling Jason, it's a stick! When she asks him about it all he says is, "that's a bummer".