Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Amazing Race-Unfinished Business-Bye Bye Goths

Here's what you missed-
A Swiss Alp rescue with Zev and Justin coming in last-
The making of a chocolate Travelocity Gnome mold-with the Globetrotters trotting into first place on the mat-
and the Goths critical mistake of not reading their clue right-taking a taxi instead of
walking to the pit stop-incurring a 30 minute penalty-
losing the game! and letting Zev and Justin step on the mat before them.
Bum way to get eliminated, but shame on you, having raced before. What did your mother always tell you, take a sweater in case it gets cold, pee before you leave the house and always, always read your clue thoroughly!

Celebrity Apprentice-NeNe Blow Up

Let's face it, you can't win an argument with NeNe. She's taller, bigger, talks louder and uses her body language to get all up in your face. According to NeNe, Star is bossy, manipulative and conniving. NeNe has a total melt down and goes off on Star in front of Trump and et al when they are gather to learn about their next challenge. NeNe apparently didn't take too well when Star hinted that she should be the project manager. So NeNe resentfully concedes to be the PM all the while berating Star for this and that while Star remains like stone, not stooping to her level by even acknowledging that those comments are about her. What, who me? Star knows completely what she is doing, she is cunning and conniving and she wants to be The Celebrity Apprentice. Well, she's gonna have to duct tape NeNe's mouth first. During the challenge, the girls pretend to kiss a make up, but there is subtle tension ready to explode, with just one wrong look or one wrong word. I truly thought the girls presentation was horrid while the guys really came through and they deserved to win.
LaToya makes another appearance to plead her case to the Donald for a second chance to come back and be on the men's team. The Donald knows a rating bonanza when he sees one and lets her come back to be on the men's team, but makes sure to state that this will be the first and last time he does this.
In the boardroom, its mashing over the same arguments again between NeNe and Star but when push came to shove, when the Donald asked each one of them who they would get rid of everyone said, Hope. So bye bye Hope, you just have no drama in you.
I hate to say it, but this season is proving to be very memorable, but then again, ask me in a few months who was on this season......