For the past two episodes I've had to stop watching it half way through. Last week, during the double elimination when Kalia won HOH and put up Jeff. All that work for naught. I turned it off right there and then. And then last night, when Porsche won HOH, damn was she good at that snake challenge or what? I turned it off again. Looks like the newbies are going to slaughter the veterans and that's not a pretty thing to watch especially with sweet Jordan being on the receiving end. After Porsche won, I said no more. So I took the remote, announced to the house, (they didn't really care) that it would be no more Big Brother for me, ma. At this point, I hate Kalia, Porsche and especially Shelly who turns out to be the biggest faker of all. If anyone, I would root for Adam to win this whole thing, he is the only one that hasn't played all sides, and you gotta love the guy for that. Call me when the finale is over, this girl is hanging up her curiosity and going on a BB diet.