Was that sweet satisfaction? After Ashley mooning over that no good dog Bentley, dubbed the most hated man in America (presently). Chris tells Ashley that Bentley has come to Hong Kong to settle Ashley's infatuation with him once and for all. Never mind that she is in Hong Kong, one of the world's most exciting cities, never mind that she still has a handful of great guys, never mind that she has JP! She still crying and saying Bentley over and over. When Chris tells Ashley that Bentley is in the hotel right now this very minute, Ashley is like really, no shut up, really, are you serious, is this a joke, seriously? Has Chris Hanson ever lied to you? Don't you think the producers are thinking this is dynamite TV? Chris coaches her that she needs to be firm, don't be vague, in other words get that schmuck to spill! Ashley composes herself, pauses in front of Bentley's room, acting like the foolish school girl that she is and knocks on his door. After she goes in for a welcome kiss, they sit opposite ends of the couch. She says when he left the show, all the other guys thought she was taking it hard because he left, but in reality it was so hard for her because of him, because she fell hard and because of the dot dot dot. Bentley's ego is inflated (more). Is there a dot dot dot? To which he says, I would implore you to see what you have here since I'm there and it doesn't look good. She says so this is a period? Finally she says you came all the way here to tell me that, well you should had called (do I sense a spark of venom?). Why call when you can get a free trip? After she left his room, I was hoping they put him back on a plane post haste.
Ashley finally realizes that he's a player and she's been played, so "Bentley, if you are watching...F----You, I'm done" Strong words considering that their conversation ended pretty mildly. But in the end, we felt vindicated, relieved that the girl came to her senses! When she tells JP the first to know of that whole Bentley scene he's understanding, what's not to love about him, sensitive and good looking! When she decides to tell the other guys during the rose ceremony, talk about cat fight, the man claws came out, Ashley was raked over the coals for her confession that she was smitten to the core for Bentley. Lucas was particularly angry and unforgiving, too bad he already had a rose, because I thought he should have left and might have just like Mickey did. I loved Ashley's quick thinking when Mickey said to get rid of me tonight and Ashley said well you have to make that choice yourself which he did on the next saipan out. Ashley was pretty beat up, did she deserve it, yes, but hey guys, it's TV, she didn't kill your mother, loosen up! She sends Blake home as well, as he too voiced loudly his disdain for her indiscretion.