Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Bachelor Finale
A collective gasp could be heard throughout the land, when Bachelor Brad, did not choose either of the last two ladies standing. His pool of ladies, I thought, this time were very limited and neither of the two left standing seemed compatible with him. So when Brad asked DeAnna, what would she do if he left the toilet seat up, she said that she would put up with it a few times, but then they would need to talk, cause she rules the house. Maybe that disclosure should come later in the relationship (hello), no guy wants to hear that SHE's ruling the house! And as for Jenni, maybe it was her starring on the SUNS that put the kabash on the relationship, Brad's thinking, he's playing second fiddle to her dancing, NOT! Or maybe Brad, just doesn't want a relationship, we all know the success rate of the Bachelor!
When he told DeAnna, he sent Jenni packing, you could see her face light up even though it was only for a fleeting second. What was Brad doing, stomping around the grounds, tugging at his collar, searching the grounds, did he lose the ring? did he step in poop? was his shirt too tight (hubba hubba)? What were his thoughts then.... should I, or shouldn't I-hey, what is this... Shakespeare? In the end, I think we Bachelor watchers were left wanting and wailing, crying out in anguish-why, why, why!!!!
Single D
Amazing Race-Milking Camels
For this episode once again the animals stole the show, camels this time. I think the producers finally realized that animals can be more challenging than map reading and acrobatic stunts and a whole lot funnier. Remember, the camels do not like loud noises or sudden movements-to quote one of the blondes "Gentle, you're handling nipples!"-much to Lorena's fury! At first I was not sympatic for her inability to milk a darn camel, but it seemed every time the bowl was filled the camel gave her a knee jab and knock the darn milk out of it's bowl. Waa-I would have been screaming too-send in the camel whisperer! Jason (a slight Mark Walberg look alike-yummy!) deserves the award for the most patience ever during the roadblock-he's a keeper!
Kudos to those that drank the milk, I think that would have been my undoing-yuck!
And are Kynt and Vyxsin running the race in full makeup? The next team to go, Mr. Miagi and daugher-how far can you race on a hernia? Three backpack episode for milking camels.
-Single D

Due t0 circumstances beyond my control (I fell asleep on the sofa!) I was unable to view the Amazing Race this week. I concur with Single D above!
Double D

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