For this episode once again the animals stole the show, camels this time. I think the producers finally realized that animals can be more challenging than map reading and acrobatic stunts and a whole lot funnier. Remember, the camels do not like loud noises or sudden movements-to quote one of the blondes "Gentle, you're handling nipples!"-much to Lorena's fury! At first I was not sympatic for her inability to milk a darn camel, but it seemed every time the bowl was filled the camel gave her a knee jab and knock the darn milk out of it's bowl. Waa-I would have been screaming too-send in the camel whisperer! Jason (a slight Mark Walberg look alike-yummy!) deserves the award for the most patience ever during the roadblock-he's a keeper!
Kudos to those that drank the milk, I think that would have been my undoing-yuck!
And are Kynt and Vyxsin running the race in full makeup? The next team to go, Mr. Miagi and daugher-how far can you race on a hernia? Three backpack episode for milking camels.
-Single D

Due t0 circumstances beyond my control (I fell asleep on the sofa!) I was unable to view the Amazing Race this week. I concur with Single D above!
Double D
1 comment:
You are awesome writers keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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