It's out of the outhouse and into the penthouse for Paul, Graham, and again, Jeremy! Jeremy is getting on my last nerve! It's funny how different men and women act in this situation. The girls are just raving mad lunatics but when the guys get together, it's more like a fraternity of men, cavemen around the fire, a truly bonding experience. If Jeremy wasn't there, there would be no drama among the guys. I loved it how when the three guys went up to the house, everyone was letting their imaginations run wild...Jesse-"she'll be in the pool or hot tub, looking good in her bikini" as all the guys wistfully sigh! The date card arrives and it's Richard that is chosen, yikes! Could be good, could be bad, more bad I'm thinking. Richard's date is a romantic dinner atop of one of LA's tallest buildings. During dinner, Richard is more into science teacher mode than romantic bachelor mode. Poor guy! After dinner it's a Cinderella carriage ride, yes DeAnna, it's Cinderella that you are trying to say. I think she was really distracted on how to dump poor Richard, that the conversation totally took a nose dive, yet Richard kept talking to the camera on how this was the most wonderful date. Hello? Could he not tell by the body language? The whole carriage ride was awkward and stiff, so much so, that it looked like DeAnna just spontaneously told the driver, STOP! Get him outta here! Poor guy, he was told to go roseless and just let off on some LA street. Good thing there was a cab nearby. Boy what a way to get dumped! And he seemed like such a nice guy. Meanwhile back at the outhouse all the other guys except Jason get to go on the group date to a dude ranch. Love a guy in a cowboy hat! The guys learn to line dance and Graham might look hot at the beach, but it looks like he has two left boots when line dancing. What would be a dude ranch be without the customary mechanical bull ride? DeAnna tricks the guys by falling off and pretending to hurt herself to see who would rush to her rescue. Everyone rushes in but Ron, left standing on the sidelines. He's all like thinking how much could you hurt yourself on a padded, inflatable cushion? Jesse was the best at the bull and won alone time with DeAnna revealing some of his serious side, didn't know he had one, can a guy be truely serious sporting a page boy haircut? Back at the campfire, the guys start ramming their horns, with Ron going after Jeremy. Hey, I don't blame him, Jeremy is really getting slimy with all his monopolizing of DeAnna's time. Robert is getting frustrated and tells DeAnna what he feels. She in return gives him the rose for his honesty. In the end, the guys being guys, start singing "Home on the Range"-hey guys, keep your day job.
For Jason's single d
ate, DeAnna has them picked up by helicopter much to the jealousy of the others as they go off to Griffith Park Observatory to see the stars. What a great date. Jason wants to tell DeAnna he has a son, Ty, but wants it to come up naturally in conversation, so at dinner Jason says, I have a kid, could you pass me the bread? DeAnna takes it very well and Jason quickly turns the conversation to her mother, good diversion. We get to hear all about the passing of her mother which was very heart wrenching. For his honesty, Jason gets the date rose. I'm just wondering if DeAnna rewards for honesty or for her feelings? At the elimination, DeAnna tells Jason that she had a star named after Ty which was very sweet. Next day DeAnna and the guys head for Hollywood where they are guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Ellen makes the guys drop their pants for a look see at the Ellen shorts. Ellen got to pick (with the help of DeAnna) the guy for the rose and their choice was Fred. Up until this point, I was like Fred who?
The night of the elimination, DeAnna ask Ron for some one on one and Ron begins by saying that in the morning he felt like she was not the girl for him, but that after he heard her talk about wanting the guys to be honest, he suddenly got the "DeAnnas", does that translate into the warm and fuzzies? You could tell DeAnna was not impressed and that she pretty much made up her mind to get rid of him. I think there was no love loss on both their parts and it was goodbye Ron and Paul. Poor Paul, she just ate him up and the spit him out, his heart broken and all!-Single D
Again we are subjected to the whole DeAnna/Brad thing, I guess ABC doesn't think their audiences remember why the bachelorette is or maybe they have a deal with Brad to pay him every time they show it. Anyway, Richard gets the first one on one date. Roof top dining with a stunning view of LA. When talk turned to shooting stars, it looked like the romance would start but then Richard the science teacher came out. DeAnna is saying how neat the shooting stars are and Richard tells her it's just space junk. Way to kill the moment Rich! DeAnna looked like she wanted to be anywhere but on that date. I guess that is what it would be like to be on a date with your brother. She finally had enough and during the carriage ride, gives Richard the boot.

The group date, everyone except Jason gets to play cowboy on a dude ranch. Brian says he will have to impress DeAnna somehow maybe by roping a chicken. Let's see, Brian in a cowboy hat and some rope, um.....nevermind. The guys learn to line dance, not bad, not good but not bad. After the dancing came the mechanical bull. Now that looks like fun. Jesse earns a little alone time with DeAnna after he was the first to come to her rescue after she fakes a fall. Jesse takes the opportunity to show her his serious side. How do you take a pro-snowboarder serious? And, like Single D said, with a page boy hair cut, it's hard to see the serious side.

Back at the camp fire, it is evident that Ron & Jeremy are not the best of friends. They get into a head butt moment with Ron telling Jeremy there is something off about him. Yea there is, he's a slime ball! The others agree with Ron but not in front of Jeremy. Jeremy ends up with even more alone time with DeAnna but Fred and Graham put a stop to it by busting in on them sending Jeremy back to the camp fire. Fred finally gets a little face time with DeAnna while Graham stands by cracking jokes. Robert decides he has to jump in and tell DeAnna that he wants to see if there is something there since he told the guys he doesn't want to take up a spot if there isn't a chance for him. What a guy! You know none of the women on the bachelor would EVER do that! Robert's initiative earns him a rose from DeAnna and the other guys seemed genuinely happy for him.
DeAnna takes Jason on a helicopter ride to an observatory where they watch the sunset and have a candle light dinner. Over dinner, Jason finally tells DeAnna about his son. She didn't freak out so he brought out the pictures and talked about Ty for awhile before asking DeAnna about her family. They had quite the bonding moment talking about their families with DeAnna telling him about her mother's death. DeAnna gives Jason the rose and they head up to the telescope to scope out the stars. I would have never thought of an observatory as romantic but those two made me a believer. Maybe it was the music.
DeAnna takes the guys to meet Ellen DeGeneres. I love Ellen, she cracks me up! I would love to go and see her show. Maybe someday, meanwhile, it's on at 3pm! Ellen gives DeAnna advise on the guys, asks them a few questions and, in true Ellen fashion, has them drop their pants to reveal their Ellen boxers. After a dance off, Ellen gives Fred a rose for his adorable dancing.
Before the rose ceremony Ron tries to save himself but falls flat and Jeremy, once again, moves in and steals DeAnna. Graham got in there and opened up a little making DeAnna want to keep him around a little longer. Send him home girl, the only way he is going to open up is with a can opener! It's probably in the editing, but Sean, Brian and Paul didn't even try to get any alone time with DeAnna. What's wrong with them, do they think they will get by on their looks (as good as they may be)?
In the end, Paul and Ron are sent home. No surprise about Ron but I really thought she would send home Sean before Paul. Paul looked heart broken while Ron was giving himself a pep talk on the way out saying he didn't fail, she just picked someone else. Keep telling yourself that Ron! Double D