Another season has come and gone, sigh! And if Boston Rob doesn’t cinch the title this time, he will have to pack it in for good, this is it, his final chance, the last hurrah, to win the title because in my book he IS the Ultimate Survivor. Come on, didn’t you feel a little pang of sympathy when Rob was saying that he loved his wife more than anything in the world and how she’s put up with him coming back to Survivor over and over but the elephant in the room is his regret he didn’t win because of her, ya her, big mistake, huge, stop thinking with your wanker! Sure he won the girl but he didn’t win the title and that has haunted him ever since. Only 6 more days. He’s managed to play a cool game, masterminding almost every move. You just gotta hope that innocent girl Natalie doesn’t turn her back on him, that was so totally risky of him to blindside Grant, who in the end, could have sustained the men to the end. Let’s hope that Ashley doesn’t hold too much power over Natalie. And out of the Redemption island survivors, who should come back? Grant. He might be mad at Rob, but I think he would still understand. All the others have had time to stew and build their vendetta to a vengeful pitch which could totally destroy Rob’s chance to win. Matt showed his scorn for Andrea, not very Christian of him, no second chances for her.
This was a good season and every year still manages to keep my attention. I know, I have so little interesting things in my life!