This will absolutely go down in the annuals of Survivor history as one of the funniest, craziest blindsides ever! OMG! Wasn't this the best episode ever! To begin from the beginning, Erik's pissed at Amanda for outing him during tribal council. Amanda gets the notion to work on Erik and sweet talk him into her side. The reward challenge is looming ahead and thoughts are turning to who will get the privilege of going to Exile Island for one last chance at finding another immunity idol. Amanda makes him a promise that if she wins reward that she will take him and for him if he wins to take her and send Parv to Exile to which he innocently agrees. I am saying here, is he crazy or what? The reward challenge is Survivor history questions, to which Erik is pretty knowledgeable at, gee imagine that, since as Jeff Probst pointed out that at the first Survivor, Erik was only 14! Erik wins reward and keeps his promise to Amanda, takes her to reward and sends Parv to Exile. Natalie you can close your mouth now. Plan 1 complete. The spa reward looked absolutely amazing. Of course any reward involving a massage and a pedicure is heaven! Back at camp Cirie is taking great glee at Natalie's distress at Erik backstabbing her. The Black Widow's web is falling apart. A camera shot of Exile island shows Parv sunbathing on the beach like it was some sort of resort. She has no inclination of finding that immunity idol, who cares, she has the numbers. Once back at camp, Erik is flapping around like a fish out of water, switching sides by the minute. Guess that happens to men when they are out numbered by women. Erik has little clue on the workings of women. Doesn't he know that women if forced to commune will probably stick together unless of course he's the desirable male to which he doesn't come close. Sorry Erik. Erik knows it's do or die to win immunity challenge for him. The immunity challenge was a difficult series of d
igging and putting puzzles together. Of course Erik wins, his digging ability is far superior to the ladies. The girls are dismayed that he won again!

Back at camp, the four girls are hatching an absurd plan. Cirie tells Natalie, that if she could work her magic on Erik to give her the immunity necklace as a gesture of goodwill, they wil pretend to vote off Amanda. Natalie says that is crazy, no one would do that! But Natalie gives it her girlish try and gets the wheels spinning in Erik's little brain. Erik's comment it's not all hair on my head, yes it is Erik, it's just hair up there, no brains.
At tribal council, Jeff Probst knows just the perfect questions to ask to stir up the drama and Erik's insecurity. Cirie should become a shrink once she leaves Survivor, because she sure knows how to push peoples buttons and tells Erik that for him to redeem himself a gesture of goodwill needs to be shown. These are the magic words that Erik needs to hear and he gives, yes you heard me right, gives the immunity necklace to Natalie, much to the chagrin of the jury and the women! What a moment! I was laughing my skinny, bony ass off. This guy is probably a virgin. He doesn't know women, is too trusting and has no common sense! Erik you just gave away a million dollars! I bet he still lives at home with his mama. Erik don't you remember that the first rule of Survivor is to remember that it's a game? I guess you can say it's refreshing that someone would be so trusting in others and believe in the goodwill and sincerity of others. Yeah in a perfect world! In the perfect world, my husband is George Clooney and I look like Angelina Jolie. Sorry Erik, it's a hard knock life. Don't get too jaded, we women are not all bad. I loved his parting sentence "You guys drive me crazy" and with that another perfect blindside! -Single D
Amanda didn't win any points with Erik after going off on him which gets Erik thinking, send thee to the jury. Amanda has other plans and starts playing Erik by making up and striking a deal with him to take her on the reward challenge should he win. Natalie is also playing on her friendship with Erik. So where is Cirie and Parvati in this little love fest? It looks like Erik starts to get a little suspicious when he says he can't trust anyone. Keep thinking that Erik after all, you are the Super Fan and have seen what goes on in this game.

Back at camp, Natalie is confused and not real happy that her friend took another woman to reward. Cirie plays on that making Natalie believe that Erik may not be so loyal after all. After Erik and Amanda return, Natalie comes upon Erik & Cirie talking about the final three and she is not part of it.

Rather than except defeat, the girls, with Cirie spearheading this, convince Natalie to get Erik to give her the immunity idol so they can vote him out. With all the girls playing him, Erik looks like he may be on ropes and possibly considering giving up the idol.
At tribal, the girls are still working Erik making him think that he has to do something to redeem himself. What exactly has he done to have to redeem himself you may ask? I'm wondering that too but those girls are SO good that Erik is sure he has done something. OK so he's young, I'll give him that, otherwise he's stupid if he gives up immunity. He's been watching this show for how long?
How do you say STUPID? Let me count the ways! Erik does give Natalie immunity and the whole jury can't believe it. I thought James was going to fall off his seat he was laughing so hard. Parvati declares Erik the dumbest survivor ever. I have to agree with her as a stunned Erik gets his torch snuffed and James says at least he lost the title of dumbest survivor. Never underestimate determined women! Double D