Well, this reunion of the bachelorettes was pretty tame and they really didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. Come on Chris, take some lessons from cutie Jeff Probst and stir the pot alittle. The women were just too polite. We wanted truths, lies and videotapes! Chris Hansen starts out by calling on Stacy and her infamous act of giving Bachelor Matt her lacy g-string upon their first meeting. She says that's not really me and that she felt pressure to make herself stand out from the crowd. Well, she stood out alright, as the skank of the bunch, nice going! Chris didn't pry it out of her that maybe her consumption of alcohol had something to do with that. I'm surprised that she could even remember that after passing out, oh yeah, she would be missing something!
Next in the hot seat was Robyn (does she look 22, more like 32!) who ticked off all the ladies by saying that she wanted to win this competition. What was it a rugby game or something and Matt the trophy? Well, she'll definitely not win any Miss Congeniality sashes in this competition along with Marshana, who was just so uncompromising in her self assessment of her sassy self. I think Marshana has become infamous in her "walk-off" comment. She w
as even on Ellen proclaiming that sassy "walk-off" comment as her own. She nonetheless, looked great in that outfit and I was glad that she made it that far. She did try to make a weak attempt to give kudos to the quality of women that were left in the running.

Chris Hansen said to Amanda that she managed to pull off one of the funniest pranks in Bachelor history by hiring the fake parents. But Amanda said that she initially thought when Matt didn't chose her at the final three rose ceremony that maybe he was pranking her to get back? What convoluted thinking. Now that's desperation. She says that she went into that ceremony pretty confident that she would get a rose and was devastated when she didn't. After all, didn't he try to convince her fake dad that he really liked her? Poor Amanda, America's sweetheart goes home roseless. I noticed not all the bachelorettes were present, like the singing clarinet player, Michelle P and where was the white house aide worker...what's her name?
When Matt made his entrance I was wondering, why the shaved head, and when Chris asked him if he was doing a Beckham, Matt brushed it off. Shaven head and a gruffy beard. I just didn't like it. He didn't look so cute and his new look made his nose look even longer-sorry Matt! Grow your hair back and shave that 5 0'clock shadow. I tried looking for clues on who Matt chose as the last woman standing. Matt did say that the women, Chelsea and pause here.....Shayne are wonderful. Ah, did he say Chelsea's name first for a reason? Was she the one that he picked? Why hadn't he said Shayne's name first? Ah, but I speculate. I'm still hoping that it's Shayne's finger that diamond ring goes on. After all, doesn't he call her by his pet name "monkey". By the way, ABC your website on the Bachelor stinks-no pictures and no recaps. What's up with that?-Single D
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