Ok, I missed the beginning when both sides were dishing the dirt and came in when the announcer said that both sides lack harmony-ya think? A trip to my favorite LA 's Farmers Market, at the Grove is such a wonderful food emporium. Next time you find yourself in LA visit that place. A part of old LA with a new mix of restaurants and shops. One of my favorite places to eat was Dupars where you could sometime see movie stars and TV personalities. One time at breakfast, the Maytag repairman was sitting behind me eating his oatmeal and coffeecake. Bless his heart! The food is amazing there so with just $100.00 and 25 minutes leaves very little time to ogle the culinary delights of that place. The reward challenge is to cook three dishes for a sweet sixteen party. Both teams back at Hell's Kitchen need to cook their dishes in 45 minutes before the teen and her mother come to judge the dishes to be served at her Sweet Sixteen party. Matt is criticizing the guys for making something so common as chicken wings which is served up to Melissa with raving reviews. Chalk one up for the guys. Next dish by the girls was halibut with mango salsa which Ben declares as so yesterday. The girls won that round. For the third dish, Melissa was torn between the steak and fries by the girls or the surf and turf by the guys. Initially, Me
lissa looked like she was going for the girls dish until meddling mom piped up and said remember who will be eating your food, then Melissa said, well that changed my mind and gave it to the guys. The guys win the reward challenge and are treated to a day of go carting and special dessert creations while the girls have to decorate for the party that evening. Hey, I would have loved to do that, not bad for losing. They could have had to go through garbage or something! The party planner shows up dressed in a loud orange suit, was that for real? I think the whole gay party planner was put on. He just didn't look genuine. Where's the party planner from "Father of the Bride"?

Looks like Louross has a crush on Corey. Careful Louross, Corey will eat you alive!
During the dinner service, I was wondering if Chef Ramsay would contain his foul mouth in front of a teenager party? The party planner tries to talk over Chef Ramsay explosive outburst. The one dish that needed to be cooked to perfection were that of Melissa and moms. However, both are sent back to the kitchen. Once again, Bobby jumps in to save Matt's station as he is having a break down. It is a rush to complete the dinner service and Chef Ramsay says that this time no one will be eliminated, because it was a 98 to 99% return rate evaluation. At that Matt had to open his big mouth and say that was very nice of you, when Chef Ramsay says go, Piss off, go back and nominate one from each team for elimination. Nice going Matt, next time keep your mouth shut!

The guys chose Matty and the girls chose Shayna which surprises Chef Ramsay again and calls out Roseann as well. He really wants Roseann gone. Shayna however opens her mouth and tells Ramsay that she left a 3 month old baby at home to come do this. Ah ha! Fate seal, you could tell that at that moment, Chef was edging for Roseann, but when Shayna said that about her baby, he decided right there that she needed to be home. Goodbye Shayna, how could you leave your newborn? Chef Ramsay did the right thing. Oh yeah, Matt goes to the girls team, let's see if he can make any friends there.-Single D
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