Well, imagine my surprise when last night's episode, I see Suede amongst the designers. I'm like huh? According to my last post on Project Runway, which I have committed to memory, I had him aufted by the lady Heidi. So what happened? Am I exhibiting the signs of early dementia? Heaven forbid! Did I mistake's Blayne's horrible leather bounded, muslin wrapped, blue red post mortem outfit as Suede's? Donna thinks not. Did I enter some kind of twilight zone time warp? Nope not that exciting. Just plain and simple, I was falling asleep. Yes, three seconds here, five minutes there and before you know it, I have written down in my groggy handwriting what I thought was a continual stream of consciousness was in fact only the remnants of the inside of my eye
lids. Here I am frantically searching the web to see who was eliminated last week, yep, Blayne! Somehow I really knew that, because in my unconscious state, I had the thought that the pairing with Stella was the kiss of death for Blayne. Somehow filtering through my sleep induce stupor I heard the words of Michael Kors saying that Suede was not that important to be talking about himself in third person and it was there that I promptly nodded off. Sorry folks!

Well, back on track and needless to say, I am not happy that Kenley is still ever present. It seems with every week, her ego gets more and more inflated. This week Tim is like, we have special guests this week. Out walks an assortment of women (to be polite) or as Leanne said, I hope we don't have to make old lady dresses. Actually no, it's outfits for their newly graduated daughters. I guess the producers really wanted your average garden variety mother daughter team. Not a beauty among them. I cracked up when Jerrell said he was wondering who was going to get the head of lettuce, in other words the mother from H--- and that was Leanne's as her mother made all sorts of complaints at the dress Leanne made. What's special about this dress, blah, blah, blah...Mostly I thought every single outfit was horrible. Obviously they can't design something for the average woman. Weren't they supposed to make them over and take them from plain Jane to super sophicate? I didn't see one make over that made me go wow. Kenley managed to turn her bleach banged daughter into a mini-me replica of Kenley. I hated that outfit, yet week after week, the judges are loving her creations, which inflates that head of hers. Korto outfit would have been better if it were longer, since the young lady had the legs of a football player, well she did! And Leanne had to make another bed jacket to go over her dress, which the judges said the dress looked better without the jacket..hint, hint!
But it was Joe with his safe over done creation of a business suit gone wrong that the judges hated and was aufed and much to my irritation, Kenley laughing like one of the mean girls at the judges scathing comments to Joe. Now was that nice? Kenley, once cool and offbeat needs to be taken down. Will someone stuff that feather barrette down her throat! Oh, snaps to Jerrell for making the only outfit that looked wearable and winning a spot in Elle mag. Hey what was that on his head, a dead crow?-Single D