My husband was reading a message made up of people who watch the 24/7 live feed and it seems that April and Ollie have been going at it like bunnies! Looks like that road got built after all. OK, that's out of the way. Dan gets his assignment, hug Jesse for at least 10 seconds. Of all people! Dan fakes missing his girlfriend complete with crocodile tears and Jesse falls for it hook, line and sinker. They hug and the clock starts ticking. I was cracking up! Even Dan looks at the camera while they are hugging and smiles. Don't you feel cheap Dan?

Keesha gets Dan to say he will vote with them to oust Jesse then he tells Jerry he will vote with them to oust Memphis. Poor Dan. He appeals to America to hook him up because if he votes for Jesse he will be in trouble and if he votes for Memphis he will be in bigger trouble.
April is crediting herself for "saving" Keesha and Libra so they better vote with her. Or what April? You will talk bad about them? Ooooh watch out!
At the vote, we finally see a house divided. America chooses to evict Jesse and out he goes. While he is talking to Julie he looks like he is ready to cry and he still doesn't see his own arrogance.