Big Brother must not had any good dish this episode since the HOH competition lasted 59 out of the 60 minutes air time. About half way into it, I was like, enough already! How much longer must I see Jesse's veins pop out of his arms? I really wanted Renny to win and show the house she's a force to be reckoned with, then again, we know her mouth is! Did ya noticed she didn't even break a sweat! The HOH competition lasted so long, I was able to clean my house, do the laundry and clip my dog's toenails before a winner was declared, did I mention dye and highlight my hair too? April makes a promise to Michell
e that she won't put up Michelle and when Michelle counters with Jesse too? I think at this time both girls were so delirious with fatigue that they would have promised anything and not remember. In April's HOH room, we see that April is a twin, gawd, there's two of them?! Have you noticed how Keesha has morphed into a Renny right before our eyes? The speculation this time was who in addition to Memphis was April going to put up. Luckily our Catholic Boy got the easy task of trying to get Jesse nominated. I didn't think it so odd that Dan would go to April and lobby for Jesse to get eliminated. But I guess Dan has laid so low and quiet and for him to make a choice was like a herd of stampeding buffalo, was that why April was so perplexed? Looked like April had no conflicting dilemmas this time and nominated Memphis and much to Michelle's ire, her muscle head boyfriend, Jesse. -Single D

Did the editors take an episode off? How long can we watch people standing on a ledge. I was in disbelief when Jesse was actually crying before he dropped out. I guess those big muscles are only for show. I too was hoping Renny would hang in there but it wasn't to be and it came down to Michelle, who also was crying, and April. I was cracking up as Dan gave his motivational speeches. After some deal making, Michelle drops out leaving April HOH. I thought geeze they must have been up there all night or something with all the crying they were doing. Wrong! They were up there for 2 hours and some odd minutes. Weak as water!
April notices Keesha and Memphis talking in the sauna room and says she will put up Keesha if she thinks she's "in" with Memphis. All this in front of Renny who goes straight to Keesha with the news. Dan gets his first assignment, get Jesse on the block. He didn't fight too hard but it didn't take much and April puts up Memphis and Jesse. Double D
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