Meatloaf has a break with reality. He thinks Busey who calmly asks him (Meatloaf) in Michael's if he is buying stuff for him (Busey) to use. Odd question, yes, why would I be buying your stuff? But ok, that's Gary for ya. Once back at the studio, where everyone has to create some art to sell, Meatloaf can't find his bag of paints. Basketball yes, paints no. He toddles over to Busey's table where Busey has his stuff all nicely arranged and starts screaming at Busey that he stole his stuff. Screaming every MF word this and MF word that and MF you come near me and I'll MF you up. It was like pre school for adults. He stole my paints! I expected all of them to start throwing paint at each other. Gary during all of this remains unnaturally calm. Weird, since he's the one that is so erratic and unpredictable. Richard Hatch is smirking and John Rich is trying to get them to focus only not on each other. Later Meatloaf is apologizing to Busey and Busey remains like David Carradine in Kung Fu, grasshopper it is ok because to forgive is to F forgive, O others, R rage, G given, I in, V vulnerable, E exceptions. Or something like that. The man speaketh in riddles I tell ya.
Both sides open their gallery, the girls had much better art to sell, with LaToya donating a tee shirt from Michael Jackson and designing a baseball cap with his signature sparkle glove. This challenge was about raising as much money for the celebrity art work. Everyone is pulling out their roledex, except for Richard Hatch, as he tells the Donald, he spent 4 years in prison, guess he doesn't have a lot of friends with money, only with criminal records.
John Rich calls in his posse of friends, in the pack a little guy named 2 foot Fred, ok, cute, cute. John was like, his posse is going to drop at least 1/2 mil. Must be nice to have friends with money. The girls on the other hand look like they are off to a slow start. In the boardroom, the Donald's states that more money was raised in this one episode than during any entire season, ever, so that has to be a lot of money. I was sure the guys were going to win with John Rich selling his painted guitar and boots. The guys come up with 600+ thousands which is an enormous sum. So then, George says the girls total was 986,000! Holy Cow! I was glad the women finally won one. Then Donald says to the women, it's your call, but maybe the guys shouldn't get eliminated because they did great as well. Well, that's a nice howyado. Marlee was taken aback, but pause only for 30 seconds to confer with her team to say, they worked hard for this and yes the guys lost and yes one of them needs to go home! Good for you! And with that Richard Hatch was the only choice for the guys since he raised the least amount of money. Richard you're fired!