Saturday, November 1, 2008

Survivor Gabon-Can't Cry Over Spilled Rice

Tensions are running high on the Fang tribe after losing once again! Crystal spills the rice and Matty and Ace give her the looks of death. Ok, maybe Matty and Ace didn't say anything, but I know they wanted to say, you stupid idiot! So Crystal tries to pick up every grain of rice and even refrains from eating her portion. Come on, are they really starving? Yes, I guess they are since they all look like skin and bones. I think dieters should sign up, what a great weight loss program, surviving on rice and fruits. That must wreck havoc on one's constitution if you get my drift.
The reward challenge is a game of keep away and who by the way let Sugar play? She is so totally useless in any challenge. She looked like a school girl saying to the boys, aw come on. Fang once again loses the fruits and letters from home. Everyone gets a letter but did Randy get one? He wasn't crying crocodile tears like everyone else was. He was just sitting there like he didn't have anyone back home who loves hims, gee I wonder why?
The immunity challenge features a log roll, where professor Bob says he was the log rolling champ back home,yeah, but how many years ago was that? Jeff Probst says that this time both tribes will be going to tribal council and that this challenge is for individual immunity. We know who will reign over individual immunities and that would be first time winner, Marcus. After winning the immunity, Jeff announces that Marcus can now give an immunity to the other tribe, which Crystal is like pick me, pick me! Of course he totally over looks her to give the immunity to Sugar. Now she has two immunities. Back at camp, Kenny tells Sugar that Ace needs to be voted out as he's the snake of the tribe as the cameras pan to the snakes slithering in the jungle. Ace asks Sugar for the idol and I thought she might give in to his request, but that only served to confirm to her that Ace is a snake. At tribal Fang is still going on about the spilt rice and Crystal gets her defenses up. Ace is blindsided by the tribe and is voted out.
Back at Kota, Susie opens her big mouth to Corine by saying that she almost voted Corine out so now Corine has a vendetta against her. Is Susie that dumb? In the end, the tribe succumbed to the fear that Dan had the idol and voted him out. Dan's game playing was just awful. Hasn't he ever watched Survivor before, probably not, he's probably just another mactor. Let's hope next episode, the tribes merge, how much longer can Fang survive?-Single D

Friday, October 31, 2008

Top Design Sends Martha's Eddie Home

It must have been a sad day at the Martha household, when Eddie was sent home. I never thought Miss fancy name, plain Jane, Ondine would have out lasted Eddie, the stylist from Martha Stewart. I thought for sure he would have made it into the final two opposite stalker eye Nathan. Unfortunately, for the last two challenges, Eddie just totally flopped. In the previous challenge designing a room around a chandelier, I think Margaret Russell said that he took a stunning crystal chandelier and made it look like a dime store purchase. He drabbed it up with all that heavy Martha Stewart furniture, sorry Martha! The light fixture totally disappeared among the gold leaf leaves wall treatment. Where was the sparkle, where was the drama? Looking back at the pictures of the light rooms I really think Andrea's room was really great, better than Eddie's and Ondine's. The green room with the swanky glam furniture really did have an elegant feel. Too bad she dismissed herself and her talent.
In the semi finals, Eddie chose to do the master suite that was another ode to the drab. In the words of Eddie himself, why should I do stunning when I can just do drab? (ok something to that effect!). Where was the master in the master bedroom? It spoke Grandma slept here. I hated, hated those white lattice garden trellis. Isn't that something they would do in design 101? Both Eddie and Nathan's room lacked the pizazz, style and drama. And I hated Eddie's white lattice garden trellis, did I say that already? Nathan's room was mix of bland white bread with the quirky plain stupid mixed in, like the jar of nails. What was up with that? He said that was supposed to be sexy, yeah maybe in the world of a dominatrix or leather face from Texas Chainsaw.
I hate to admit it, but Ondine's small office room was really nice. I have always been partial to black and white, so dramatic.
In the end, I think the judges knew that they could expect the unexpected from Nathan and that was the only thing that saved him against Eddie. For Eddie, it would have been more Martha. In Eddie's defense, Margaret Russell really came to his rescue. I was thinking maybe she has some personal ties to Martha Stewart not to diss Eddie like guest judge Jeff Lewis of Flipping Out. He more like flipped out on Eddie, on what he was wearing and on what he did. He said he could so totally match who did what room by how the designers were dressed. Ok, so Eddie looked like something of a 1920's throw back, but hey, look at Jonathan Adler's sense of clothing style, it's the same as Eddie's. Well, sorry to see ya go Eddie but it's back to Martha's house with ya.-Single D

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reality Check-Yipee, I Finally Know My Neighbor's Name!

Why does that make me happy? Well, I've had this habit over the years and you'd think by now I would know how to rectify it quickly. As a cafe owner in San Francisco, La Dolce Vita, back in the 80's and 90's we had our group of regulars that would come in to eat every weekend. As owners we would come to know our groupies on a first name basis. I remember one couple in particular, they were your typical Haight Ashbury gamer geeks. He had longish brown hair and horn rimmed glasses, his wife, a rather stout woman of ample proportions would come in almost every weekend to have breakfast. They would always order the same thing, french toast with the fresh fruit and whipped creme and read the Sunday newspaper or books. I remember I would wait on them, "hi Susan and so and so" (funny, I don't remember his name). I would see Susan on the street and say, "Hi Susan", or at the neighborhood Korean produce market, "Hi Susan", or at the local video store, "Hi Susan". One weekend they came in and ate and then left. She left her books on the seat. When her husband came back to retrieve them, I said, tell Susan Hi for me. He then said, "Her name is Cheryl, not Susan!" Now why would someone who came in every weekend keep letting me call her Susan? And so it began, a succession of wrong name calling. Like my neighbor in Denver, a nice man named Peter, or so I thought. It turned out it was the name of his German Shepard dog. This I found out one day when I was backing my car out of the garage. I could hear this muffled choking sound, but I couldn't determine where it was coming from. I turned my car stereo down to listen. When I looked to right where the sound was coming from I saw the German Shepard hanging by his collar over the wooden fence strangling himself. Peter had jumped the fence but his leash had hold of him over the gate. As I ran to the front of the house, I knocked desperately on the front door. The neighbor next door said they weren't home. I told them that Peter was hanging from the back fence strangling himself. I screamed he's almost dead but I was afraid to get him off the gate. Alarmed the neighbor ran with me to the back alley. When we got there, the neighbor paused but for a split second then jumped into action pulling the strangling dog off the fence. Of course he saved the dog, but in between gasping for breath and laughing, he told me that the dog's name was Jack, not Peter, Peter was the dog's owner. Ok, slight mistake! And so the tradition continues here in Las Vegas. Our neighbor, a lovely Italian lady with a penchant for yorkies whose name I always thought was Melana, until one day my daughter corrected me and said, Mom that's the dog's name. I was like what? I then told her to ask the neighbor what her name was, since she being a kid and all can get away with stuff like that. The next day she excitedly told me she asked the lady next door what her name was. She said she couldn't remember what it was, but that it started with an M. I'm like great! So the other day, when we were getting into our car and she was outside with her two yorkies, Melena and Mia, I said to her that maybe we should exchange numbers just in case of an emergency (what a light bulb idea!). Ah ha, she'd have to give me her name when she wrote her number down, ya think! No, it was just her number, home phone and cell! I was exasperated! Finally, my husband pipes up and says, how exactly do you spell your name and gives her back pen and paper to which she writes Marilia! Gee why can't owners call their dogs something like Fluffy or Fido? Single D

Monday, October 27, 2008

Amazing Race-Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple

Ok, another place to add to my bucket list of places to see is Angkor Wat, Cambodia. What a wonder. That is the next destination for the racers to get to with Tina and Ken leaving Summerhill New Zealand first at 6: 00 am, while Aja and Ty were the last to leave at 3:00 pm. How did they get so far behind and how were they supposed to catch up? All other teams depart on two separate flights and catch up in Singapore while Aja and Ty are the last ones to leave and arrive in Cambodia. I have to admit they did manage to keep a positive attitude during the entire time they were in last place. Once in Siem Reap Cambodia, Nick and Starr get the jump over everyone and get to the clue station first where they have to hand pump 25 liters of gas into a truck. Soon the rest of the teams arrive with the Frat boys, Andrew and Dan, scratching their heads like Laurel and Hardy, not having any idea on how to pump the gas into the canister. Gee Olly I think you do it this way. Uh dud? Just pump it for goodness sake and put some muscle in it! These guys do not have a mechanical bone in their boneheads. Gee, even Kelly and Christy were able to pump it quickly and they are the femme equivalent of Laurel and Hardy. Teen wolf and wolf mom as dubbed by Kelly and Christy make quick work of it as well. Ok, so Dallas has a full head of hair. I think those girls would make fun of anyone, hair or no hair. From there the teams take the truck they filled with gas onto their next location, which once on their way, Starr is questioning if the driver knows where they are going. She makes him stop to ask for directions while all the other teams start to pass them.
Sometimes, it's better not to second guess yourself. The next stop is jumping into traditional Cambodian boats into an Asian water society. Kelly and Christy are stunned by the poverty, however, those people looked happy to me. It is another world but hey, they have a floating basketball court, how nice is that? The next task is village life or village work. Both task looked pretty easy, either gathering items, like a doll, toy teeth and a basketball or collecting baskets of fish traps and delivering fish, although for that one the water looked muddy and murky. And I would also be wondering if it was infested with disease. How is it that Kelly and Christy always get so screwed up when it comes to following directions? Oh right, they are the boneheads too. They forgot that they need to get the clue before starting their challenges. A typical Kelly and Christy comment when they went to the dentist to collect the teeth, "Do we get the teeth from that patient?" Hello, it says toy teeth! Sarah and Terence's boat break down, I think in defiance of Sarah yelling faster, faster. I'm wondering if Amazing Race compensates that poor boat owner for getting the most annoying vocal racer of the group? Speaking of Sarah over zealous urging for faster, faster, Terence and Sarah were stopped by the po-po in New Zealand, clocked at going 117 kilometers, 17 kilometers over the limit. For that infraction, Sarah and Terence will incur a 30 minute penalty on the outbound leg of the race.
For the road block, it's a trip to Angkor Wat to look for the echo chamber. This looked daunting as there were so many different rooms. Tina passes right through the chamber without knowing it. First to the mat at the pit stop at the Bayon Temple were Nick and Starr with Tina commenting to Ken that we should have been first. Come on Tina, you can't always be first. Teen wolf, Dallas and mom placed a good second as Aja and Ty were eliminated. And once again, I thought this has got to be a non elimination round, but it wasn't and Aja and Ty were sent home. This leg of the race brought the two of them closer together, so that Ty says maybe he's ready to make the big move to LA to be with Aja. Well good for them, they do make a cute couple.-Single D