I don't know why, maybe because I taped the finale to this season's Celebrity Apprentice, but it was anti climatic for me. It was like all the air deflated out of what was a good season. No drama, only drama queens in the form of the BackStreet Boys, no tension, no shocking ending. I tried really hard not to watch any entertainment TV to not spoil the winner, but I caught a glimpse of Entertainment Tonight and saw Piers drinking champagne so I knew going into it who had won.
I don't know why Trump even brought back Marilu, Baldwin, Lennox and Carol. They were just there as room fixtures, ok, maybe Baldwin did serve as Pier's butler after they kissed and made up. Baldwin was pretty useless. It seemed that if this wasn't for his charity, then he wasn't going to work himself. He could only sell 5 tickets. What happened to his 20 brothers? Where were the rest of his Hollywood connections? Poor Carol, after she arranged for the catering, Piers would not let the caterers serve any food. A drunk celebrity equals lots of money spent. So let them drink champagne, not cake!
I'm wondering why didn't Trace sic Lennox on the demanding BackStreet Boys? Lennox's could have knocked some sense into them. I think the black nail polish would have send me over the edge! Boy, if I were Trace, I'd say, take your primadonna demands and shove it. He sould have sent them packing and then Trace should have performed. The BSB would have been disgraced in front of millions of people. Now that would have been exciting! This is for a charity, not a concert for you. Poor Trace you did have to sympathize with him for getting the wrong end of the function. The BSB did go on stage and Trace said they sounded really good, "they didn't need any wheat grass after all!"
A touching moment when Trace's wife and two girls came to visit him. You could so tell that he loves his family very much. Why are all the good guys taken? It was nice that his country stars came in to support him to the likes of Ronnie Milsap and Lone Star.
The auction was the best part of the challenge and they should have showed more. Tea with Fergie went for $100,000 bid on by Cantor Fitzgerald investment firm as well as the dinner with the Osbornes for another $100,000. I thought it was very sweet when Ivanka won the auction with a dinner with Trace for $6,000. Gee if he wasn't married.....?
The surprised bidder of the evening was Pier's friend Simon Cowell who won the shopping trip w/Ivanka for $100,000. Trace said that Simon's call was a bit much, I'm thinking he was jealous of all the cash Pier's connections were bringing in.
I think Piers too
k an awful beating in the boardroom for his ruthless playing. This is where I am going to defend Piers. Let's face it, it was a game, a game to raise as much money for charity as possible. This was not a Mr. Congeniality contest. If Pier's stepped on some people's ego in the process so be it. What really rankled me was when Trump asked the visiting military guys what they thought of Piers, Marcus commented "I don't know him, but it's something that needed to be done." It was something that needed to be done? I don't know why Marcus couldn't have said that he did an amazing job raising $350,000 for their organization, and how about a "Thank You" in the process? It showed a callous lack of gratitude. I think Trump went on too long about how Trace was so saintly and the good one and Piers was the evil diabolical one. Please, it was about the game, it was about the money and that's something that ultimately Trump could not overlook when he crowned Piers as this season's winner of the Celebrity Apprentice. Without Piers, this season would have been downright meek. So if no one is going to say it, I will, Good Job Piers, you did an awesome job and any charity should be grateful to have you fighting for them. -Single D
So the end is near and Piers picks Stephen and Carol to help him out. Piers offers an olive branch to Stephen saying he never meant to offend him and Stephen breaks out in a rendition of Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Do you
think he was mocking Piers? Trace meanwhile is checking on the Back Street Boys who are still looking for their wheat grass and added black nail polish and a knee brace to the list. Poor Trace. As he said, "here is the world's biggest heterosexual and a three time world heavy weight boxer going shopping for nail polish and it isn't for my wife!" I say let's leave the BSB's on the back street from where they came.
Back at camp Piers, Stephen is striking out selling tickets and I haven't seen Carol do a whole lot yet, oh yeah the food which Piers said forget because he wants drunk celebrities. Apparently drunk celebrities will buy anything for any amount. Good plan Piers.
Trace's family shows up and pretty much reduces the big guy to tears. His girls are so cute, I didn't think he was going to let go of them. But let go he did to go back to deal with the BSB. He finally lets off some steam about them talking about how he did a show with an upset stomach and it turned out he had to have a large portion of his colon removed that very night. Now there's a trooper! Those BSBs should take a page from Trace's book and quit acting like prima donas. They should be glad they have a job because they won't after this. Once everyone sees they are a bunch of demanding has been divas, no one will touch them. And did we mention this was for charity? Ok, I'm done.
As the mixing and mingling is going on, the music starts, The Donald makes his entrance and the auction gets underway. Sounded like some pretty cool stuff they had to sell. Cantor Fitzgerald seemed to be buying all the cool stuff, Tea with Fergie and a visit with Ozzy Osbourne as well as a private concert. After the sale, the BSB took the stage and actually did pretty good even though they couldn't get their wheat grass. What's up with that stuff anyway, were they constipated?
In the boardroom, all of the contestants are brought back, except one. Cue the music and in storms Omarosa striking a pose in her blindingly shiny suit. I expected to see a big "O" on her chest with a cape billowing out behind her. She got in one pretty lame shot at Piers and her night was over. Thank goodness! The Donald asks for a show of hands as to who should win and most everyone went with Trace. The almighty Gene Simmons chimes in from Tokyo via video. I knew Gene threw his challenge so he would get fired, he is doing a movie in Japan! I just knew it! He gives an all American tribute to Trace Adkins and whole heartedly gives Trace his support. That and a dollar will get you a soda.
Piers gets beat up pretty good in the boardroom. Good thing he has thick skin. I never thought he was evil. Anyone who would dress up as King Arthur from Spamalot can't be all bad. So Piers takes the prize for his charity which was for fallen soldiers. I agree with Single D, he did what he had to do to get the job done. Good job Piers! I just hope this is the last we see of Omarosa!
Double D