I knew it, they brought life back to James and now they can't kill it. He's like the monster that keeps coming back to life. It's like Sheila said the guy's got nine lives. Chelsia finally realizes that she did the wrong thing bringing James back into the house. Boy I bet she's going to kick herself once she gets out. What is the number one rule of the house, never, ever pair up with someone in the house, at least not for real. It would serve her right to get voted out. The veto challenge brought back Evel Dick. He still looks the same, didn't buy any new clothes with all that money he won. He wakes everyone up in the dead of night to his Club Evel. Drink as many awful concoctions and get the equal number of hits on the croquet mallet to score the most points. Picked for the veto were, James, Chelsia, Adam, Sheila (loser!), Joshuah and Sharon. When Natalie and Ryan weren't picked to play, I knew right then James had it sewn up. I have never seen anyone with such determination to win like James. Need I say more? James won the Veto and was jumping with that in your face, take that attitude, I just wanted to slap him. I
t wouldn't be so bad him winning, but does he have to smear it all around like stinky doo doo? And what's up with those purple stretch pants? He should be evicted out of the house for being a bad dresser!

Now Adam has to find a replacement and ding! Joshuah tells Adam to put up Sharon, because she's like a Saint and no one will vote her out. Joshuah then proceeds to tell Sharon why that's a good strategy and what, are these people hypnotized or what? She agrees. Ok, I'll throw myself to the wolves. She really is a Saint! Do I hear a church choir? Natalie sees what Joshuah is up to and tries to convince Adam to put up Joshuah. Now here I would normally agree with her, but this time I'm thinking that they need to put up Sharon to get Chelsia out, because if they put up Joshuah and he leaves the house, they will not have accomplished anything, the power couple would still be in the house, James and Ch
elsia. They need to vote Chelsia out this week, then someone from the "good" side needs to win and keep James from winning HOH, and then put up James and Joshuah and get one of them gone next week. Let's hope that works as the good side will out number the dark, evil other side. And James, once again what's up with those awful, ugly maroon Ellie May shorts you're wearing?

In the next episode we see Chelsia crack like an egg under pressure, literally! It's Easter in the house and Natalie, being the creative painter that she is, is dyeing Easter eggs. She tells Sharon to mix orange and green to get purple, when Sharon says it green and blue. Chelsia is venting her anger toward Nat
alie telling us that she is fed up with how stupid Natalie is. Natalie is talking about Alzheimer's and calls it All Timers, Sharon corrects her, oh it's not All Timers she says, oh Old Timers? Chelsia starts to throw a fit, smashing the colored eggs, squishing them with her hands and calling out to Natalie (she's in the bedroom now) for her to come out as she smashes, screams and throws the eggs all over the room. It's amazing how many friends one has until they have a meltdown. You see Chelsia alone in the kitchen in a swirling raving lunatic cyclone. She is seething and doesn't care if she hurts anyone's feeling. Sharon meanwhile is loving it because it deflects attention away from her being on the block. Chelsia's rant got so crazy that even James distanced himself from her. Bottom line, I think Chelsia's breakdown stemmed from the fact that James took himself off the block and left her alone. She would not have acted this way had she and James went all the way to the eviction together. She harbors resentment against James, just admit it Chelsia! Too bad, so sad.

On a lighter note, the Big Brother profile of Adam showed him in such a positive light, I almost want to marry the guy. Sheila you better get your hands on him. My view on him has totally changed. At first
I was repulsed by the guy, but now I view him like a giant teddy bear. He's just all around nice, generous to a fault, and deserving of someone nice well, maybe not Sheila.

The eviction was unanimous vote to evict stark raving lunatic Chelsia. Even her speeches at the end were full of venom, hate and immaturity. She needs to grow up because obviously she has no skills on how to handle stress in this big bad world. Chelsia, go home and rant and rave in the comfort of your parents home, you need some growing up to do!

The HOH competition featured a series of questions, thankfully not a strenght challenge. And all that praying paid off because our airhead Natalie won. One thing about Natalie, she might not be a brainac, but she does have common sense and a wonderful power of observation. Go Natalie, go Natalie-kick some booty!-Single D
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