Finally the other side is in charge, but is it? Adam wins HOH and Natalie and Sheila are ecstatic! Sheila says that if Adam takes revenge on the other side she might have to give him a kiss, she says he would be her hero. Gee, let's see how long that feeling last! Adam on the other hand is disappointed in himself for winning, what? Adam no one forced your hand on the buzzer, why did you ring in? He just wanted to lay low and not ruffle any feathers. Come on ya big pansy! You got the right answer so obviously you do have some brains up there. Now do the right thing and nominate the power couple, James and Chelsia!
Adam calls everyone to his room to see his HOH setup. He spies a basket with all baby food in it and in the fridge. He blames his mother, "why would she send all this baby food?" Now we know why he didn't want to be HOH because then
his secret passion for baby food would be revealed. OK Adam, it's not like you wear diapers, or do you? Natalie says baby food is delicious and nutritious, gee go figure she would like it. Most adults probably cringe at the thought of eating that pureed stuff, that in itself is a food challenge! Maybe Adam and Natalie should hook up, if only she could get over Matt. Natalie is still weepy over Matt's departure and says that nice Natty is gone and naughty Natty is coming out. When Natalie was reading the Bible and looked up at those pink curtains in her room, I thought she was thinking of James and his pink hair, but she was really counting. The number 8 kept coming up, 8 curtains, 8 wall plaques, 8 this
and 8 that. She even said that maybe Evel Dick was coming back since his name had 8 letters and he was on Big Brother, Season 8. Who knew she had that power of observation? I guess when you're stuck in the house for that long, what else do you have to do?

Joshuah is trying to get under Sheila's skin by telling her that Adam wants to put up Sheila and himself. I don
't know why anyone listens to Joshuah, haven't they seen through him yet? Apparently Sheila takes everything he says as gospel and gets really upset that Adam would do that. Hey Sheila, what happened to that sensible mom talk that made you so persuasive to other people in the house? Why didn't you try that with Adam or maybe give him that kiss you said you would, what happened to all that warm and fuzzy? Gee, have you ever scene such a love-hate relationship? They should just do it and get it over with!

The movie reward challenge was fun, Vegas Baby! I knew Ryan would be good at this, guys are better card players, especially playing BlackJack. I felt like a dum dum, counting on my fingers and when they announced he could risk it and win a $21,000 trip to Vegas he would go for it. Let's see, watch the movie 21 or win a trip to Vegas and $5,000 in cash? Take the trip, see the movie when it comes out in DVD. He lost the bet and the other side got to see the movie. Well it was a semi-win win.
I was ready to throw my slippers at the TV if Adam was going to nominate someone other than James and Chelsia, but I didn't have to since he received telepathically my nominees! James and Chelsia vowed vengeance on Adam. Pleeze! James is so sanctimonious it's pitiful! Thank you Adam, you did the right thing, now you can eat your baby food!-Single D
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