Once again we find Maureen trying to wake up Bobby Brown, when she steps in a puddle of pee. Bobby's pee sleepwalking is becoming a real problem. He's just as bad as my dog Henry-see picture. As Mo said, it's like he has to mark his territory. Maureen calls in Carney to help her get Bobby up and show her the puddles when suddenly Bobby shifts in his bed exposing all his glory to Maureen and Carney. They run out of his room like a bunch of screaming school girls, Carney remarking that his thing is like a weapon! Bobby doesn't make an apology for his big hands, big feet and big...! Maureen says she'll never be the same again. Come Mo you want it don't cha? Just get it over with for heaven's sake!
Later that morning we find JR sweeping into the house wearing a fur coat. What's with all that fur JR? I love ya man, but can we give the animals a rest? As JR takes off the fur, we find that he is all decked out country style, his pants has shimmering (probably real) diamond things down the legs. He says in country music image is everything, so he is going to take the cast to the famous clothier to the country stars, Manual, pronounced Man-U-al. Manual is l
ike a country version of "I coulda been a contender!" Brando. Carney is upset, because she is very self conscious of her body image. Inside Manual's, Dee said it looked like Disney exploded in there, so many rhinestones and glitter. Dee has a real problem with the clothes as he usually wears sleeveless t's that has some sort of profanity on them when he's on stage. He doesn't like to feel encumber during his performance, let the sweat all hang out and stuff. Suck it up Dee, wear it once then give it to Goodwill. Diana found a really hot blue dress that
looked really great on her and will garner lots votes I'm sure. And of course Bobby Brown decides on the one outfit that has the most bling on it. Julio's outfit makes him look like a matador, hub ba, hub ba!

Back at the ranch there are interviewers waiting for them from Billboard and Country Weekly mags. Julio meets with his song writers and he's not happy about their song for him. The song they have written for him sounded like ragtime meets country, to which Julio states that he would sound like an idiot singing that. Yep, back to the drawing board fellas. It did sound wretched and corny, something about a kiss tasting like strawberries. Mo tells her crew that she sings the best in the bathroom, which is probably where she has done most of her singing. So she makes them move to the bathroom and much to her surprise, they
say she sounded great, it's probably all those bath tiles.

As if getting their new outfits, meeting with the interviewers and their songwriters wasn't enough for one day, they next have to learn how to line dance. Julio is so uncoordinated that Sisqo says his line dancing looks like he humping something and that most of his dancing is not done vertical but only horizontally (if you get his drift). Hey Julio don't you know how to do the mambo? Dee looked so awkward, he reminded me of Lurch from the Addams Family, you rang? Sisqo rock the house with his dancing, he was totally amazing.
The day comes to a close with most of the contestants complaining of sudden illnesses. JR has a couple of doctors come to the ranch to make house calls on the cast. Somehow they are all complaining of a mysterious dreaded disease, stage fright! Carney goes into great detail about her phlegm, and says that if she sounds like a frog she won't sing, maybe she should make that a chicken.
By the time they ready for bed, Bobby is already fast asleep. Dee enlist the help of Sisqo and Julio to move his bed from it's location so Bobby Brown won't pee in it. In place of his bed, he places a trash can, toilet paper and a chair, let's see if Brown makes his usual pilgrimage to Dee's bed. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast is all snug in their beds while visions country music wafted through their heads-Single D