As Piers said when he heard that Omarosa was to be switched to the other side and Marilu was to go over to Piers team, "there is a God, it was like switching the devil with Nelson Mandela". Trumps challenge was a QVC product showcase, didn't Apprentice do this one before? Come on producers, let's get some original ideas, because this is quickly becoming boring and stale. The PM's for this task were Marilu and Stephen. At the QVC network, they have to choose from a variety of products for sale. It was slim pickings for product choice, a sweeper, a ladder/dolly, a casserole dish, a divider tray, and a mirror.
Immediately, both Marilu and Stephen wanted the ladder/dolly. Before the coin toss, we see Stephen sending an sos to God to win the coin toss, but loses to Marilu. He then says it wasn't meant to be, so he choses the sweeper. It seems Marilu is doing all the right things for this challenge from rehearsing to demostrating the ladder. It was extremely funny when Marilu told the host of QVC, Rick to get on the dolly so she could pull him on it. Instead, he falls flat on his rear! Ouch! Marilu quickly replies, maybe we won't do that. Back at the other camp, while Stephen is talking to one of the QVC people, he asked about payment plans and was told of the EZ pay option. Stephen then acted like the idea of EZ pay was his concept, no Stephen, you just had the smarts to ask about payment plans, don't get a big head.
The "talent" for Stephen's camp was Trace. I thought for sure Trace doesn't have that grab you by the seat personality, so he might wash out. But as it turned out he was very endearing to the audience, especially when he demo the sweeper with the nuts and bolts, can that be endearing? He was actually very good, although the edits made him look like he was so nervous. Speaking of nervous, Marilu as frazzled. Once again in manic mode her mouth runeth over. The poor host could barely get a word in edge wise. When Rick tried to ask an audience viewer what she thought of the ladder, Marilu kept answering for her. Marilu take a deep breath and count to ten.
Once in the boardroom, we find again that Stephen's team wins by a large margin. Trump ask why no one thought of the EZ pay for their product. When he asked Carol Alt, who apprently has worked for QVC for five years, she said that she never heard of it. What! I barely watch QVC and know that feature on many of their products. I think she must have been lying or maybe she had amnesia or something. When Trump asked for blame, finally, Carol and Lennox said the PM should be responsible as this was Marilu's baby. Marilu tried to blame a sleepy Lennox, come on Marilu, she should have blamed Carol for that pricing oversight, but she didn't and in the end, it was send in the TAXI, Marilu, we'll miss you!-Single D

Pier's charity is Fallen Heros, how can you be mad at a guy who has that charity, Omarosa? When The Donald asks Piers if it's good without Omarosa, he responds "that is yesterday". Good answer! The teams have to make a product pitch on QVC. Both teams want the same thing. I was sure Marilu was going to throw herself on top of the ladder, she loved it that much. After a coin toss, she got it and didn't shut up from then on.
The guys go with the sweeper and Trace the pitch man. Omarosa's only contribution to this whole thing is that she wanted a rehearsal. Stephen says no, go with it, that the man sings in front of millions of people he might not need a rehearsal. I don't know, I think singers rehearse. Trace is worried about his black jacket and how it will show up on TV and generally seems nervous. He comes across nice & calm like the guy next door even mentioning that he has 5 daughters. Let's see how calm he is when they get to be teenagers!
The Donald Jr. pays a visit to Marilu's team where he finds Marilu in full swing and full talking. Does this woman wake up in the morning and insert an IV of caffine? Like Donald Jr. said, "she likes to talk, a lot". Marilu is also the pitch person for the team and talks so much and so fast that even a viewer or the salesman can't get a word in. All she can say about the ladder is "I love it, I love it". I wonder if she is sleeping with one.

Stephen's team wins and Omarosa dodges a bullet again. Marilu and company go to the boardroom where The Donald doesn't take much time to tell Marilu that she talks too much therefore losing the challenge and fires her. Double D
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