David Cook (not pictured here) sang "Happy Together" which is one of my favorite songs, maybe it was just my love for that song, but I loved it. Paula kept tripping over herself and running words together that just didn't make any sense. Oh groan, I think she's drunk. Either that or she had her hair pressed to close to her head. David Y and his "Moon River" rendition reminded me of the next Michael Buble. Love HIM! Love the song. I get so whistful when I hear that song, the vision of Audrey Hepburn in a trench coat in the pouring rain, calling "Cat, Cat!" Ah they just don't make movies like that anymore.
And now for the most horrid selection of the
group, Danny doing Elvis, it was so awful I can't even remember which Elvis song he butchered, it was, Jailhouse Rock? Come on, that song was just too masculine for you. Sorry kid, but you're alittle effiminate I think you should get together with Colton, you'd make a cute pair.

Luke looked very cute, but his singing was terrible. I told my husband that he can always go back to being a carpenter, which is a noble job but he said he was a carpet cleaner? Carpenter-carpet cleaner, I can see where I got confused.
And what was up with that Leif Garrett character-singing Neil Sedeka? It was such an odd pairing! What a bad song choice. He has the look of a skateboarder dude and then chooses such a bubble gum song. Weird! Another odd choice of song was Dreadlock Jason and his strumming guitar. "What a Day for A DayDream", I can't believe the judges loved him! First of all, I hate the hair,
no offense, but it just looks so dirty and heavy, how do you wash something like that? As my mother would say, too bad, he has such pretty eyes. He tries to be hip with those dreads, but comes off too vanilla. He better wake up from his daydream and cut those dreads loose.

I think the best guy of the evening was my favorite front runner to win Idol, David Archuleta. What a voice, so large for such a young kid. He looks so innocent and fresh and like Ryan said can I adopt him?

The girls on the second night did not fare any better. Almost all of them had a sever case of the nerves. First up, Kristie Lee Cook, can we drop the middle name, so country bumpkin and she sold her prize horse to audition. Let's hope she never has kids or something! Her "Rescue Me" rendition reminded me of Kathy Lee Gifford, well they both have the Lee in common.
The judges loved the rock and roll nurse Amanda. I can't stand her singing. Mostly shouting and were there any words to that song she sang, it only had one line "Please Don't Go" -one word-NOISE.
Brooke the nanny sang "Happy Together". She's very odd, shouldn't she be protesting somewhere carrying a peta sign and eating something vegan? Kady looked cross eyed, Alaina is young, Amy was flat (singing tone!) and AlexAndrea, yes emphasis on Andrea was good, emphasis on good.
But my favorite girl of the evening was Ramiele, no, not because she's Asian (Filpino) but because she has an awesome voice! The only thing is loose the Flipino style comb over, I think it's the latest look for Flipinos. When my daughter came in sporting that hair style with that ridiculous part, her best friend is Flipino, I had to put my foot down. Today the hair, tomorrow the skirt lenght, heavens! All in all, the talent is pretty even amongst the guys and girls this season, but I think a guy is going to win it.
Elimination night-the group as a whole singing together sounded fantastic, unfortunately, four are to be axed from the show. Right off the bat, our "Leif" Garrett is singled out and chopped, surprising everyone. He needed to go, don't think he has enough star power to keep them coming back. Ryan then singles out Amy, who even in her farewell song, sounded awful. Amy I don't think singing is for you. Hope you have college lined up. When it was down to Joanna and Amanda, the rock n roll nurse, I was so hoping the rocker would go home, how many ways can she sing Janis Joplin? But it was Joanna that left, unfortunately I think a vote casted on appearance. The single most surprising cut of the evening was Colton. He looked fantastic, quite a change in appearance with his hair combed back and wearing a suit, and he sounded amazing, so I am disappointed to see him leave. Simon said he shouldn't pursue a career in singing, but I think he would be perfect in "Jersey Boys". Colton, you do have a stage presence, think Broadway, you might get somewhere after all.-Single D
I was SO loving the 60's songs. Riding my bike with my little AM radio hanging off the handle bars and, later, the 8 track tape player, sorry got carried away there for a minute. All I saw this week was the guys and most of them sounded like lounge singers. I did like the spin on Midnight Hour. David C did pretty good on So Happy Together, like Randy said, he rocked it out. Another would be lounge singer Jason, didn't do bad on Moon River but I would love to hear him do a rock song. Robbie did 3 Dog Night proud singing One. David A, what can I say? So young, so talented and a looker to boot. I'm sure we will see a lot of him. Danny and Elvis should not be mentioned anywhere together in anything. He looks too much like a girl, good thing he got rid of that ring in his lip. And what was Paula rambling on about how his voice has colors. Colors?! Maybe she took 60's night a little too seriously and was smoking a little something before the show. They saved the best for last Aussie cutie Michael. He can light my fire anytime! He is my pick to win. I just want to keep around to look at! Looks like the front runners for the guys will be Robbie, David A and Michael. Due to a VHS malfunction, I didn't get to see girls this week hopefully everything will work better this week. Until next time! Double D
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