All of a sudden, Neil needs to make a hasty departure, leaving very mysteriously, which leaves poo
r Joshuah without a partner, so he gets the nasty choice of choosing either Sharon or what's his name to come back. He chooses Sharon, the lesser of two evils. Now that Jen and Ryan's secret is out, they can't keep their hands off each other and use the toilet room for a quickie and are discovered much to the chagrin of Parker. Parker then knocks on the door and Ryan says give me 20 seconds! That's all 20 seconds, that is a quickie!
The HOH winners were Chelseia and James. Hey James, put some pants on, we don't want to see those pink briefs that match your pink mohawk! Now maybe some sense of civility will come into the house with Jen gone. But then again Amanda is still there!-Single D
When Neil has to leave, Joshuah gets to chose a new partner from between Sharon & Jacob. He choses Sharon and everyone welcomes her back with open arms. Did we expect anything else? Amanda comes walking out in her red bikini almost demanding that someone rub her back, yes she is high maintenance alright. When no rushes to take the highly coveted opportunity, Parker decides to help out the damsel in back distress. Alex was not happy about this and, after a while, walks into the sauna room only to discover Amanda returning the favor to Parker.
It must have been Parker day at the house. Jen & Ryan decide to satisfy their "urges" in the toilet when Parker walks in and hears Jen "oo-ooing" and, when he knocks on the door, hears Ryan say "give me 20 seconds". How romantic, 20 seconds in the john!
I missed the first 5 minutes of the next episode so I still don't know what triggered everyone to jump on Amanda. Joshuah was doing a good job stirring things up when someone mentioned giving Amanda a noose and all got real quiet. I'm thinking Joshuah may have just put a rather large target on himself so Sharon may have to do some damage control.
In the diary room, James & Chelsia say the reason they want to evict Parker & Jen is because Parker turns the light on at night. Now there's a reason. I guess the fact that Jen is a huge liar is just a bonus. All of the couples agree on how they are going to vote, except for Adam & Shiela. I think if Adam says the sun is out, Shiela would say it was midnight. So we say adios to Jen & Parker.

Is there a triangle brewing between Amanda, Parker and Alex? Alex treats Amanda like she's his property objecting to her clothes, her butt hanging out and calling her the not so nice word which begins with an S. This pairing of couples has quickly created some psycholo
gical attachments where the partners are already becoming so possessive of each other, thank you Dr. Phil!

I hope Parker didn't believe Matt when he told him that if he won the veto competition he would save Parker and Jen. Since when did they become fast friends? The veto competition was appropriately called "In Sickness or in Health". Large spinning wheels where the women are strapped to while the guys turned the handle to rotate them as quickly as possible until the first one reached 300 or whoever
puked first. The random couple, Matt and Natalie were also chosen. I thought for sure, Natalie would never be able to hold on, I mean, she is top heavy. Parker lost steam so fast even with Jen's aggressive egging on. Come on Parker, your life depends on it!! What a woosie! In the end, Matt and Natalie win the veto and decide not to use it.

One word to describe this seasons house, drama, drama, drama, oh, that's three words. I think Amanda is a compulsive liar. She spread lies about each of the house guest which then comes around to bite her big booty. The girl has real problems, oh Dr. Phil, need you here! When she is called out on her lies, there is much screaming and yelling. Someone said give her a halo, to which Chelseia said give her a noose and then Joshuah said a not so nice comment about her dad which totally lead Amanda to a breakdown. Sitting in a bath of cold water, she asks Parker if she has a horse face. No Amanda you do not have a horse face, you just act like a horse's ass. I'm not understanding what made Joshuah go off like that on Amanda, is he just frustrated that his partner left?
Cut to scene two, where we see Jen tell Sheila that Ryan is a racist in a weak attempt to get him voted off. Did she really think that would work? Of course, Sheila tells Ryan and then Ryan confronts Jen. Jen denies ever having called him racist. Hey Jen, what about when he sees the tapes? Tapes don't lie, what will he think then? Nothing I'm sure, he's so completely whipped! As Double D would say "Weak as Water!"
Unfortunately all the lies could not keep Jen and Parker from being voted off. Parker unfortunately became a causality of the war of words. Good riddance Jen and sorry to see you go Parker, just doesn't seem fair.

Everyone is getting paranoid thinking there are more real couples in the house. Didn't you all swear on the Bible? I see that went a long way. Will someone tell James to stop wandering the house in his BVD's?!
Amanda has some big time attention issues. Last time it was standing on the chest in the bedroom for no apparent reason and now it seems like she is trying to make Alex jeolous and then acts surprised when is he and saying he is being mean to her. He did let her have it about how she dresses with her booty all hanging out and walking around like a sl*t. I guess he really does care! He gets all weird later telling Amanda that if they are not going to be physical with each other, they shouldn't be physical with anyone else in the house. Seems to me that just gave Amanda reason to do just that! As Alex & Amanda were going into the HOH bedroom, I was noticing that the "books" in the library are actually wall paper. I guess they really didn't expect these people to do something constructive like read. With this group, the girls probably read Cosmo and guys look at the pictures in Hot Rod magazine. Except Joshuah, who probably reads Cosmo.
Joshuah is chosen as host, or in his case, cheerleader for the veto challenge. He is all into it with the circus barker costume. It was the wheel of love with the guys spinning the girls. It was making me dizzy. I kept waiting for somebody to puke but the girls held their cookies. Matt & Natalie were the first to reach 300 spins and Matt just walks off leaving Natalie still spinning. Nice guy Matt.

Jen tells Shiela that Ryan is racist, then says she didn't say it, cue flashback showing her talking to Shiela saying exactly that. First she says she will do anything to win including trashing Ryan then turns around and says her relationship with Ryan is more important than the game. Ah, youth!

At the HOH challenge, did anyone hear the instructions. Whatever you vote for WILL happen! So now they will have no hot water, no washing machine and no drinking cups. They did vote for a margarita pary. That will be interesting with no drinking cups! Double D
1 comment:
Good episode!!! The look on Jen's face when the results were announced was priceless!!! It is unfortunate that Parker was tied to her and forced to be evicted because of her. But that is karma. She has no one to blame but herself for being voted out. Especially when she was willing to throw her boyfriend under the bus to stay. Now if Amanda is the next one to go that will be perfect. It seems she is doing everything she can to eliminate herself and her partner.
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