Is there anyone on this show that isn't dumb as rocks? Everyone there has played this game over and over and yet they still don't get it. The first rule to this game is trust no one, the second rule, trust no one, the third rule, trust no one. How stupid is everyone? Coach was a dummy the first time around, with all that dragon slayer bs, all his grandiose stories that no one believes and all that pseudo psycho babble that he preaches. The crazy thing is he believes all that crap. If his inner strength was so strong ya think he would have some hold over people. He's about as strong as that feather in his hair. And didn't you want to yell at JT over there on the heroes tribe, no it's not a friggin all girl tribe thing going on, it's demonic Russell's mind control games again! Didn't they watch last season? It's like they land on the island and everything they've ever watched on Survivor goes out the window. Everyone on the heroes tribe is so friggin polite that when JT found the idol no one would say out loud, hey we were supposed to find that idol together, ya huh? But no, a whisper here and a raised eyebrow but nary a word to JT.
After the heroes won the immunity challenge, back at the villains camp, Jerri gets all crazy like the going after the two weakest players, Sandra and Courtney. Hey, everyone knew from day 1 that Courney doesn't have the strength to throw a coconut, so when Jerri lashes out that they should have done the bowling challenge and sit out the immunity one, Sandra was not having it. Finally we get a rise out of Sandra. We all know Courtney, pencil girl has a sassy mouth, but Sandra this game and her previous game flew below the radar to win the game and the distinction of never having her name written down, except to win the million, so she must be doing something right. Since Sandra knows Russell's Achilles heel, she tells him that Coach wants him out. Of course that's the knife in Russell's back and sets him on the course to get rid of him, but Danielle, finally coming to her senses, why are we voting out the strong ones, a little too late now, huh?
The voting at tribal was curious, a three three split between Courtney and Coach, with the seventh vote sending Coach to the jury hut. A quick glance showed that Sandra, Courtney, Pavaroti and Russell voting Coach, with Jerri, Danielle, and Coach voting Courtney. Well, Coach should feel some love that Jerri didn't vote him off. Now go back to your lotus position or whatever that thing you do and meditate that the villains are going down in flames!-Single D